Tender, Sore Scalp


Instagram: adaybyjay
The crown of my head has become extremely tender (sore) within the last couple of weeks and "I think" (although I'm not certain) it's due to scalp massaging which I recently started about a month ago. I will admit, I really knead the scalp, perhaps a little too much. I haven't introduced any new prods in my reg that might cause this issue. And if it was a prod issue, I would think my entire scalp would be sore. *shrug*

I've searched for threads on this matter and it seems that others have complained about tender scalp from scalp massaging. The thread that references this is Scalp Massage Update for Challengers.

The prods used directly on scalp are sulfur 8 on poo days only, bee mine growth serum (non-sulfur) 3 to 4x weekly. I scalp massage both prods in when applied and never use these 2 prods on same day.

I poo (ORS Creamy Aloe or NTM Cream Lather) weekly and cowash mid-week as needed with Ausie Moist or HE HH. I bun a lot but don't wear tight buns that tug.

Any suggestions, other threads I can review, etc that discusses potential causes and treatment for a sore scalp?
I've always had a tender/sore/itchy scalp for as long as I can remember. I recently went to the doctor and he prescribed me a steroid solution for my scalp because it was becoming unbearable. I find that when I wear my hair curly it's less sore. It think this is mainly due to the fact that when my hair is in its natural state I can't get to my scalp when I'm styling it :lol:

Maybe you should avoid your scalp when styling.
I had tender scalp a couple of weeks ago. I used aloe vera gel from the leaf on my scalp and didn't wash my hair for about 7 days. Just leave it alone, no manipulation.
Maybe you should avoid your scalp when styling.
The soreness is felt even when moving the strands of hair in that area to style the hair....so it hurts even when I'm not touching the scalp. The hair isn't thinning, breaking or damaged in that area. Had the dh to look at my scalp and he said it looks healthy and has not buildup so I'm unsure of what's going on.

I had tender scalp a couple of weeks ago. I used aloe vera gel from the leaf on my scalp and didn't wash my hair for about 7 days. Just leave it alone, no manipulation.
Hmmm, I wonder if I can use the Aloe Vera juice instead b/c I don't have an aloe plant at home but could pick one up for cheap if need be.
I've been applying/massaging evco (extra virgin coconut oil) for the past few days to the tender area and it started improving. Last night I applied some evco and decided to add some aloe vera juice directly to the area. I mssaged both prods in very gently and this morning the tender area has significantly improved. Just sharing in case this helps others.

Please share if there are more suggestions.
You could probably be allergic to the sulfur your using. Some people had horrible allergic reaction to sulfur products. Try checking with a local dermatologist to see what the problem is. It maybe something minor.
You could probably be allergic to the sulfur your using. Some people had horrible allergic reaction to sulfur products. Try checking with a local dermatologist to see what the problem is. It maybe something minor.

I used sulfur before but had no particular reaction but that doesn't mean I haven't developed an allergic reaction to it as of late. I will keep an eye on it. The last time I visited my derm they ticked me off b/c they didn't take my acne serious. They said my acne was minimal compared to some. Um, well, it's all relative. To me, my acne is horrible so fix it! Sooo, I'm in between derms right now. Thx for your input.
I've been applying/massaging evco (extra virgin coconut oil) for the past few days to the tender area and it started improving. Last night I applied some evco and decided to add some aloe vera juice directly to the area. I mssaged both prods in very gently and this morning the tender area has significantly improved. Just sharing in case this helps others.

Please share if there are more suggestions.

Thanks for the suggestions, my scalp is and always and have been extremely sore, was becoming unbearable when I took out my extension braids. It took 3 weeks for it to return to normal so now I'm just sporting a wash n go for a while to give my scalp a break. Goodness knows when I'll redo my braids again. Just can't stand that feeling of continual soreness!
I've had this a few times in the past few months. It seems to be recurring for me. I made a thread about it before, and I found that rinsing my hair and scalp helped to soothe the soreness a bit, and it soon goes away.
I'm not sure if it's due to a drier tighter scalp due to the weather change or not. I used a bit of coconut oil on my scalp and it's helped a bit.
I'm not sure if it's due to a drier tighter scalp due to the weather change or not. I used a bit of coconut oil on my scalp and it's helped a bit.
Coconut oil definitely helped me initially but I still had a tad bit of soreness. The aloe vera juice along with the coconut oil knocked it on out. Kinda like both together was what I needed.

I've had this a few times in the past few months. It seems to be recurring for me. I made a thread about it before, and I found that rinsing my hair and scalp helped to soothe the soreness a bit, and it soon goes away.
I tried that at first but the water beating down on my scalp provided discomfort and aggravated the soreness. Amazing how we all respond so differently.
Thanks for the suggestions, my scalp is and always and have been extremely sore, was becoming unbearable when I took out my extension braids. It took 3 weeks for it to return to normal so now I'm just sporting a wash n go for a while to give my scalp a break. Goodness knows when I'll redo my braids again. Just can't stand that feeling of continual soreness!
Soreness is awful! 3 weeks of soreness...oh my! I loved rocking braids but braids didn't like me. I had a bad experience with micros (tangling and hair being pulled too tight) and as if that wasn't enough, I got some big dookie like braids thereafter and my hair was tangled something serious when taking those braids out. My stylist said she'd detangle me and when I got there, she got tired of dealing with the tangles and started yanking my head and pulling out hair. I had to get a lot cut. Never again!
I never had a sore scalp but since I started using JBCO this pass monday to grease and massage my scalp OMG my scalp is so sore and tender..Monday i did the whole head and a half hour later soreness....So to make sure i wasnt going crazy today i just greased the back of my head and YUP soreness in the back of my head...SO i dont know if I'm massaging to rough or am I allergic to the JBCO.... I hope it stops because it's very annoying...
OK I've experienced scalp soreness and silly me thought it was due to my hair growing but lately I've noticed its tender when I or if I comb my hair in the opposite direction from which it grows (when wrapping). I just sort of shrugged it off since it wasn't thinning in the areas and the soreness only lasted a few days at a time. As long as I didn't manipulate my hair I was ok.
My scalp is tender i the crown area. The right side is the most tender. I have been doing scalp massages for the last 2 weeks or so. Maybe I am being too rough
Prettymetty, I finally concluded the soreness was prompted by too much manipulation, especially when new growth is present. I stopped agitating / massaging my scalp and just allowed it to rest for it to feel better. I haven't dealt with soreness or tenderness since figuring that out. Btw, I no longer massage my scalp as frequently or as long just in case that played a role in it all. Again, no issues. Hope your scalp feels better.
OK I've experienced scalp soreness and silly me thought it was due to my hair growing but lately I've noticed its tender when I or if I comb my hair in the opposite direction from which it grows (when wrapping). I just sort of shrugged it off since it wasn't thinning in the areas and the soreness only lasted a few days at a time. As long as I didn't manipulate my hair I was ok.

I've had that happen also so I try to let my hair fall in its natural direction when styling vs. forcing it in the opposite direction.
I know it's an old thread but I had an extremely sore scalp before and learned that some ingredients, even natural ones can be irritating to the scalp. In my case it was silk amino acids. I spot treated with Apple cider vinegar and the soreness disappeared instantly.

So if anybody else is having this problem go check the ingredients is things you last used.