Sore scalp = Growing hair

Ya know I take so much stuff it's hard to know what to attribute my growth to. Y'all are making me wish I hadn't decided to try Country Life. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
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Lecaste said:
I also think that it has to do with growth. The only part that is sore is my crown and it's the fastest growing part of my head. Also, it's only sore when I need a touch-up.

My theory is that my hair is extra curly and needs to work to push through the scalp. Straighter hair would have an easier time of it. The hair on my crown almost shoots out of my head (my mother calls the area my "power cell" and says that I must have baking powder in it because it grows so thick and fast /images/graemlins/grin.gif)and I'd guess that, with that much pushing against me like it does my scalp, I'd be sore too! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Have I mentioned how much I love this site? /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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I don't think you are Too far off with this theory, although I don't think its the curl factor. I think its the fact that your new growth is stronger than your processed hair and if you are doing things to increase growth (vitamins, excercise, scalp massages), your hair is probably hitting a spurt on a regular basis.
The reason I think its the because of how strong your actual strands of hair are is because of a little observation that I made. A couple of months ago, I got something caught under the skin of my big toe. It was tiny and I could barely see it, but it hurt like the dickens, because the area above it was really sore and tender. Normally, I let things that small work their way out, but it was entirely to irritating so, I ended up digging it out. It was just deep enough to cause me problems and be difficult see, but in shallow enough that digging it out did not cause bleading. You know what it turned out to be? A small piece of my own hair. A little piece had broken off and I somehow stepped on it just right to get it lodged in my toe.
The reason I think this relates to the sore scalp is that irritation in my toe is the same type of irritation I have in my scalp a week or two before I notice new growth.

Hope this makes sense
Today I'm getting a touch-up and my scalp is tender (AGAIN) and "itchy" in the crown and sides. I won't dare scratch or massage my scalp for fear of getting burned.

Seems like this happens a lot when it's time for a touch-up. Why oh why does my scalp play these tricks?
Today I'm getting a touch-up and my scalp is tender (AGAIN) and "itchy" in the crown and sides. I won't dare scratch or massage my scalp for fear of getting burned.

Seems like this happens a lot when it's time for a touch-up. Why oh why does my scalp play these tricks?
I am so glad this thread was posted! My hair has been shedding tremendously the past few months - I hear this is common after having a baby. The shedding has occurred mostly around my hairline. Recently, the shedding has slowed but my scalp has been tender! I really hope that this means that I am about to have a growth spurt because I could really use one.
Oh my goodness, now I know I am not a freak. My hair or scalp rather has been doing this for years. Here is how I found out what it was. I used to tug and tug single hairs until I isolated the one that felt like a needle was being pushed in my scalp and then I would pull it out. But I later had my husband look at my scalp and he went and got a pair of tweezers. He told me that it was a bright red area and when he touched it I almost jumped out of my seat it hurt so bad. He told me that there were many hairs coming out of one hole. So he pulled them with the tweezers and the pain and the headache left immediately. Now when I get them I make sure I find that one hair, pluck it out and it's over. I used to pull and pull too many hairs, even to th point of making tiny bald spots. This does happen when it's time for my relaxer.
The crown of my head is always tender too!!! But unfortunately for me this equals extra breakage not extra growth. That hair is that area is a good 5 inches shorter than the rest of my hair. I have been desperately looking for a solution without any luck.
I too, have noticed that the crown of my head would itch like crazy when it was time for a touch-up. I always thought that this was something "bad" happening to my hair. Thanks for all of the answers to questions that I've had for so long.

BTW - I just looovvvee this board!!!!
BUMPING to see if this is happening to anybody else. It shappening to me and I thought there was something wrong. I know its not my hair style cuz I have only been wearing twists for a while. Glad to know it wasnt just me.
Yep, I thought I was gonna lose my freaking mind the other day. In the end I strapped a icepack to my head and took some tylenol. Its not nearly as bad as it was the day I wrote the message on here, but its still kinda tender. The Denman can't even go through it, no matter how gentle I am, so I just comb the top instead of to the scalp right now.

Almost 12 weeks post with nearly 2 inches of growth in the crown, though its less than that in other places. I need to make it to march 19 but I'm wondering if I will.

My scalp has been so sore lately. I haven't had a touch up in about 8 1/2 months. I think constant massaging with oils has helped some what, I really think that because of all the soreness I will be forced to touch up soon.
my scalp has been hurting like mad for the past two weeks or so, but just in the middle, at first i thought it might have been because i was always parting it down the middle to oil my scalp but i haven't touched it in a few days and it hurts really bad still. i guess i just wanted to vent cause no one else will believe me. :(
CiaJcanBabi said:
my scalp has been hurting like mad for the past two weeks or so, but just in the middle, at first i thought it might have been because i was always parting it down the middle to oil my scalp but i haven't touched it in a few days and it hurts really bad still. i guess i just wanted to vent cause no one else will believe me. :(

Oh nooo I believe you. just call me madam icepack:lol: Massages sure wasn't doing me any good and my scalp was on FIRE!

No sores or anything, but I sure could feel my pulse beating up there.:lachen:

Yeah, this happens to me too and it's really uncomfortable. The crown of my head usually gets sore around when it's time to get a relaxer. When I used to relax every 6 to 8 weeks it would happen around then. But I noticed that when I started to stretch it would happen later around week 11 or so. I usually just try and massage it and then after a day or two it goes away. I thought it might mean that my hair was growing but I wasn't sure. Now I don't feel so bad know that it happens to other people too lol :lol:
Does anyone else's scalp get super hot:burn: close to relaxer time? I mean hot to the touch, as if there's soooooo much new growth no air or light can penetrate it?:lol: My body temperature may be 98.6 but my scalp temp can feel more like 101 degrees.
I happened on a few threads on this subject on long hair community when I was reading about scritching (I LOVE scritching- feels goooooood) and a lot of the people there said they thought their sore scalps were from disturbing the way the roots lay; like if you wear the hair in a particular style all the time and then you have roots that are used to laying in a set way and then you part the hair differently or brush it differently and the roots and surrounding scalp area kinda protest and it hurts for a while, and also NOT brushing or combing for a while can cause it as well, because the scalp isn't geting stimulated.
Don't know if it's true, but I know this a much more common complaint than we would think.
I learned from the board that growth spurts are always painful or itchy, for some more so than others. I usually do scalp massages to ease the discomfort and I feel happy at the same time. It usually comes in cycles for me including a couple of months ago after I increased my protein consumption. Hmm... maybe I can chart and graph these spurts. :brainy:
My scalp has been so tender, lately. I hadn't been focused on the new growth, but today, I noticed that I have more than I thought. Faster growth just may be the cause for me. That, I like! :grin:
Isis said:
I learned from the board that growth spurts are always painful or itchy, for some more so than others. I usually do scalp massages to ease the discomfort and I feel happy at the same time. It usually comes in cycles for me including a couple of months ago after I increased my protein consumption. Hmm... maybe I can chart and graph these spurts. :brainy:

Isis, that's a great idea about charting the growth spurts! :yep:

I massage my scalp and it feels so much better, but the tenderness does come back for me! I guess that means that the faster growth is still happening. :drunk:
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