Ten Ways to Tell if He's Mr. Right


New Member
I saw this article today, it seems to be pretty accurate. :) Have you had this kind of love? Is your man Mr. Right?


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Ten Ways to Tell if He's Mr. Right

Posted: 2007-10-04 16:58:29

He makes your heart skip a beat, but is it lust or love? Searching for that one special person can be very confusing, especially with the first flush of falling in love.

Try to step back and rationally look at the relationship you are building. Even in the earliest stages, you can discern important information that will tell you whether this is just a fleeting affair of the heart or rock solid love that will last a lifetime.

Here are 10 ways to tell if he is Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong:

1. You absolutely know he wants you as much as you want him. If it's right, your feelings of love are reciprocal and mutual and not one-sided.

2. He walks into a room, and you just have to smile. You can't help it! And when you look at him, he's smiling at you.

3. You do kind and sweet things for each other just because you want to and not because you feel you have to. Doing them makes you both feel good -- and special.

4. You are very secure in the relationship. There is no need for jealousy or suspicion. This is a drama-free zone. No one plays games or secretly tests the other.

5. He likes you for who you are and doesn't want to change you. Not only does he not make you feel bad about yourself, but also he boosts your self-esteem.

6. Life isn't perfect. You've had your ups and downs, but through it all, you have remained together with the relationship unshaken.

7. He has good friends, and you like who he is when he spends time with them.

8. He does not try to have power over you. There is absolutely no violence in the relationship.

9. He doesn't pressure you to do things you don't want to do.

10. The religious and personal beliefs, life goals and interests that make you different don't push you apart.

(Sources:; iVillage.com and About.com)
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So far ...my mister appears to be Mr. Right for me...

I can honestly say we are on track. I have a few self-doubts here and there, but that's just me and my experience with other men.

My mister isn't perfect, or handsome even (and neither am I), but I love him and we are growing closer every day.
So far ...my mister appears to be Mr. Right for me...

I can honestly say we are on track. I have a few self-doubts here and there, but that's just me and my experience with other men.

My mister isn't perfect, or handsome even (and neither am I), but I love him and we are growing closer every day.

That's great January. Good for you!
I liked this list, I have always been in relationships were I give and don't get as much in return. The first night my SO and I met we talked for 7 hours straight about any and everything you could imagine.

He was telling me that most women have an outdated view of what their ideal man should be. Most women will say "he has a good job so I need to keep him, he's a good provider". He was like "no, he has a job, that means he is doing what adults do, that's nothing special".

I really had to reevaluate what it is I expect in a relationship, and he made me see I deserve more. Money comes and goes, but if you have a strong love and relationship that's what will last.
You're welcome ladies and congratulatons January Noir. Being in love with a guy and feeling things get better and better is a wonderful place to be.

This list made me think about a lot of things, including my personal list of qualities I want in a man, which I reread and modify from time to time. It's fun to see how these qualities show up in the guys (and what I forgot to add. :lol:). I think I'll keep this Mr. Right list around to refer to and keep things in perspective. :)
i love this list. so far, the guy i'm talking to matches everything on this list. i already knew he was Mr. right though.:look:
That was a good list.:yep: It also confirmed that I've only been dating "Mr. Right-nows." I haven't been motivated to do anything special for anyone simply "just because" in a loooooong time.:sad:
2. He walks into a room, and you just have to smile. You can't help it! And when you look at him, he's smiling at you.

5. He likes you for who you are and doesn't want to change you. Not only does he not make you feel bad about yourself, but also he boosts your self-esteem.

#2-His smile lights up the room, I can' help but beam at him:grin:

#5-This one is a deal breaker...if the man I'm with cannot accept me for the person that I am today, then he is wasting his time...been there-done that.:nono:

This is a great list...thanks for sharing!
I like this list. Even though we didn't have all these when we married we do have most now.

I just love hearing how you and your husband grew closer after you got married.

Thanks for that article Isis.
I just love hearing how you and your husband grew closer after you got married.

Thanks for that article Isis.

Not all marriages start off the best. Mine just happen to have gotten better with time. And is at it's best now. I'm hoping it will only get better.:grin:

I'm determined for us to write a great love story that we can tell our g-children.

I hope someone can learn from some of the stupid and good things I've done.

1. You absolutely know he wants you as much as you want him. If it's right, your feelings of love are reciprocal and mutual and not one-sided.

3. You do kind and sweet things for each other just because you want to and not because you feel you have to. Doing them makes you both feel good -- and special.

4. You are very secure in the relationship. There is no need for jealousy or suspicion. This is a drama-free zone. No one plays games or secretly tests the other.

5. He likes you for who you are and doesn't want to change you. Not only does he not make you feel bad about yourself, but also he boosts your self-esteem.

7. He has good friends, and you like who he is when he spends time with them.

8. He does not try to have power over you. There is absolutely no violence in the relationship.

Great post. The above are some of my favorites and things that I noticed right away with my guy and they've stayed the same and/or gotten stronger! :yep: