Temporarily Coloring over Highlighters?


New Member
<font color="purple"> I have light brown/dark blonde highlights on relaxed hair and I would like to know if it's possible to temporarily color over them (a darker shade) for the winter? I'm thinking by the spring it would have washed out and I can simply have the new growth redone.
If not does anyone have any suggestions for a rinse or color enhancing product that can help stretch the time between color touchups without drastically changing the color of my highlights. I'm concerned about trying anything before getting some opinions, I'm afraid the temp. color might stick.

Thanks in advance everyone! /images/graemlins/smile.gif </font>
That sounds like a question for Tracy - (resident color expert). You should try PM'ing her! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi EmeraldSky
I had highlights/lighter color done with Textures and Tones lightest blonde and when I got tired of them but I didn't want to cover them up permanently I used Adore Semipermanent Color. It worked very well and covered up my lighter color completely and left a nice shine. It lasted a long time before it washed out (about 2 months...long for me considering I am a daily washer/rinser) It may last longer for you depending on how much you wash your hair and how hard your water is.
I will say when it was finally washed out my highlighted hair was not the same color it was before I applied the Adore. Not drastically different but enough that I could notice it. And also not enough that it bothered me.

Tracy I am sure can give you a more thorough take on this but I just wanted to share my experience of covering up my lighter color with semi-perm color
<font color="purple"> Thanks everyone /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Valleygirl, thanks for the P'M and helpful advice!! If there is a great chance that my highlights might come out considerably darker once the semi permanent has rinsed out I might not do it, I love the color it's at now and would hate to loose that or have to relighten the whole length. </font>

I agree witht he other posters, esp. VG who - quiet as it's kept - is the ORGINAL hair color guru. I got my Adore and my Textures and Tones recs. from HER /images/graemlins/grin.gif so she's the real expert....

That said - I agree with her completely that Adore will cetainly give you the best shot at removable color, but majorly darkening hair that has been previously lightened - especially if they are highlights and not just regular permie color - is tricky.

Your highlighted hair is extra porous. Relaxers make the hair porous themsleves so your porosity has survived a double whammy. What this means generally, is that the hair will grab anything that is put onto it more than it would otherwise -conditioners, moisturizers and especially dark colors. This is not a good thing - this is what makes it hard to stabilize the moisture levels in the hait after a color, but it's liveable as you know - and as ever I digress..../images/graemlins/look.gif

My experience using colors that are several (even as little as two - red hair taken to a light brown, light brown taken to a deep brown) levels darker has not been favorable on the rinse out tip. They almost never come out competely. If you don't choose something REALLY dark (and you go with for ex. like a nice red with golden undertones or a color similar to what you have now with your highlights) you MAY be able to tone done brassiness and still retain the color you have with no problem. But going any darker than a very light golden brown right might be impossible to remove in the Spring depending on how porous your hair is. And even that might be a trial.

I would shine it up with a nice clear rinse or a colored rinse that is the same color as the highlights and let it rock until the summer. I have tried to take my color gradually darker all fall and winter long using only reds and very light browns, and now I am pretty sure that the bright blond base I began with is gone forever - which will mean that I will need to do some thinking about my summer look. I know I'm going to want a sunny look - especially when the weather gets warmer and without re-applying my permie color I'm not sure how I'm going to manage that.

But good luck to you... and I hope this helped.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
VG who quiet as it's kept - is the ORGINAL hair color guru. I got my Adore and my Textures and Tones recs. from HER so she's the real expert....

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh no you are not passing this off on me...I am simply a PJ who referred a good product to you.. I know NOTHING about base colors, developers, the color wheel, porosity and all that stuff that you usually have to call a Clairol representative to find out!!

You deserve the crown so wear it proudly!!!

Also Tracy I may have told you about the Textures and Tones b/c I swear by it (I post about it so much on NC and Nappturality they probably think I work for the company)but it was YOU who told me about the Adore remember? After my Colorshines fiasco that just washed right down the drain...

I am pretty sure it was you..anyway back to the original topic;

EmeraldSky I hope the pics helped give you an idea of what it would look like before and after a color.

Oh and Tracy I have a color question for you that I will post later on a seperate thread. I have a few issues and I know you can help

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
VG who - quiet as it's kept - is the ORGINAL hair color guru.

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Glad to know it! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Valleygirl, I'll be sending some clients your way. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
<font color="purple"> Tracy, thank you for your help! I've decided to pass on using any color over the highlights until I'm prepared to give them up because I don't want to take the chance that they will darken permanently. Again thanks! /images/graemlins/smile.gif </font>