Taren Guy needs help...

Nothing to add except:
1. Bless his heart.
2. If my baby was a boy ACE was a top the name list.
3. Maybe she'll do better by this child bc they share a birthday...
If my girl (due 9-24) was a boy, the name we had decided upon was Maxwell smh

I feel bad for this future child whenever he's old enough to "google" his name and his mothers name.
She was in labor yesterday. They induced on her birthday. She claims it was just a coincidence :rolleyes: Anyway, I hope she had a healthy baby and that she's ok.

When they induce it takes time. She may not even have had her baby the same day unless they pumped her full of pitocen really fast and that hurts.
If my girl (due 9-24) was a boy, the name we had decided upon was Maxwell smh

I feel bad for this future child whenever he's old enough to "google" his name and his mothers name.

This I sometimes wonder what the ramifications of posting everything in our lives will have in the next decade or so when the babies with facebook profiles finally become adults and their children and employers can see what they thought in their teens.

I’m going to assume that Melrose Place was snapping the pic of his happy family.


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They finally caught her at her weak moment. Now that she's busy caring for the newborn child, a few people are going in on her about her ways mentioning the other 3 kids and the wife... some of those comments have been up for 18hrs now.

"Welcome to the world -- Maxwell Ace McConnell -- | Born 9/16/14, 9:46pm at 7lbs 2oz 19inches... 10 hours of labor... He's as cool as a cucumber with a beautiful presence that everyone is in love with already. A very sweet and old soul he is.... A BIRTHday I will NEVER forget! Thank you for all of your well wishes! ... Now it's time to rest and enjoy these moments in real time with my family. Love you guys! #916 #Virgo #birthwithoutfear "

he looks like stewie from family guy
He's newborn cute--isn't all scaly and he's alert.

Will probably be quite a handsome fellow when his eyelashes appear.
If he doesn't work and she doesn't work, then, who is picking up the tab for the hospital stay and other medical expenses?
@JulietWhiskey YAS GIRL!!! Lemme see if I can get a screen shot for you. But while we wait on that, let me just leave this here.


Sunday, September 14, 2014
Why you should not donate your money to Areya TV and Taren Guy
Dear Taren Guy followers, please be advised that the Areya TV project is too risky to give your money to. As someone who saw firsthand the shifty dealings of the poorly organized project, I urge you to be careful. There are plans to relaunch the fundraiser on a new platform in a few months with a new team and I feel that people should be warned. A few things to note:

Taren and her boyfriend/co-founder Mike have 0 capital of their own to contribute to the campaign. They were evicted from Taren’s Brooklyn apartment and forced to move to a cheaper neighborhood in NJ. Before moving to NJ, they were staying with a friend of Taren’s in Brooklyn. Their unstable home situation is one of many reasons why the Areya fundraiser never picked up steam and was improperly handled from the get go.
They are struggling financially and can’t even afford basic things like hosting for the website. A website hosting company called Rackspace quoted them almost $500/monthly for hosting Areya. Areya was intended to be an online streaming network which would be resource intensive.
There is no website for Areya because the web design companies they contacted refused to start the project without a deposit, which they were unable to provide
Taren previously tried submitting the campaign to Kickstarter but it was rejected because the objectives and funding/budget breakdown were unclear. Indiegogo was much more lenient.
The original funding goal was $106200. Members of the team advised Taren to scale this down because we felt it was asking for too much. We advised her to start smaller, but she wanted to go big right away.
There was a lot of in-fighting between Taren, Mike, and the other team members where they referred to anyone who raised objections throughout the campaign or tried to give advice as “negative” and “small minded”.
The people who wanted to be involved with things like production and video editing refused to work unless funding was achieved, because no one wanted to contribute their own money to a risky project or to work for free.
Taren and Mike tried to pitch the idea for Areya to a few cable networks, including BET. All networks contacted rejected the idea because they felt it might not be popular and was too big a financial risk.
The videos that were recorded (Raye6, Big Hair Girls, and the Areya promo reel) were made using donated studio time. No one on the production crew was paid for their work. The Big Hair Girls were each paid $200 for their appearance. Raye6 was not paid and chose to appear for free in order to gain attention for her own work.
No business plan was ever created. After people began requesting more info on how the money would be used, Taren started working on a business plan using a template downloaded from online, but it was never completed due to her pregnancy, living situation, and ill health.
Taren contacted a few people she’s worked with in the past at Essence, but they did not want to be involved.
Taren and one social media “expert” she hired control and post on the Areya instagram page, on Facebook and Youtube. There are no other “team” members as of right now. There was a small team of 6, but everyone pulled away when the fundraiser fell through.
Taren was surprised and disappointed when the Indiegogo campaign failed to gain traction. She expected to raise at least $30,000 in the first two weeks and bragged about her “loyal” fanbase. She stated that she felt betrayed and rejected by her peers on Youtube, because no one publicly showed their support or helped to promote her campaign.
Taren claimed that there were stalkers and trolls on various forums who were trying to sabotage the campaign. She even claimed that people online were “racist” and said “if my skin was darker and my hair kinkier all those black girls on youtube would be rushing to my side to support me”. She said that people were jealous of her success and the fact that she was trying to do something different from the typical Youtube grind (which is why she insisted that Areya would not be a youtube channel)
When people started asking for more details about the campaign budget, Taren began deleting comments. She instructed her social media person to delete all negative comments and any comments regarding her private life.
The indiegogo campaign page received dozens of questions from people requesting more info. Most questions were ignored.
The decision to pull the campaign was made very early, after the backlash Taren received and limited donations. There was no info given on how the funds raised so far will be used. There are plans to relaunch the campaign later this year on a different platform.
I do not believe that anyone should donate their money to this campaign or the new campaign after seeing how poorly it was handled.

Screen cap from the pdf of the original Areya TV budget:
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Here's T-dawg in the hospital doing her selfie arm

And a regular selfie to compare the posing


Girl. I am over here like,


I cannot believe this broad. Who takes pictures in between contractions???


And as for her "doctor's orders" about her induction that just "happened" to be on her birthday, I'm giving her a


That poor baby has been born into a swirling, whirling dervish of dysfunction.

All I can do is just leave it at this:

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@JulietWhiskey YAS GIRL!!! Lemme see if I can get a screen shot for you. But while we wait on that, let me just leave this here.


Sunday, September 14, 2014
Why you should not donate your money to Areya TV and Taren Guy
Dear Taren Guy followers, please be advised that the Areya TV project is too risky to give your money to. As someone who saw firsthand the shifty dealings of the poorly organized project, I urge you to be careful. There are plans to relaunch the fundraiser on a new platform in a few months with a new team and I feel that people should be warned. A few things to note:

Taren and her boyfriend/co-founder Mike have 0 capital of their own to contribute to the campaign. They were evicted from Taren’s Brooklyn apartment and forced to move to a cheaper neighborhood in NJ. Before moving to NJ, they were staying with a friend of Taren’s in Brooklyn. Their unstable home situation is one of many reasons why the Areya fundraiser never picked up steam and was improperly handled from the get go.
They are struggling financially and can’t even afford basic things like hosting for the website. A website hosting company called Rackspace quoted them almost $500/monthly for hosting Areya. Areya was intended to be an online streaming network which would be resource intensive.
There is no website for Areya because the web design companies they contacted refused to start the project without a deposit, which they were unable to provide
Taren previously tried submitting the campaign to Kickstarter but it was rejected because the objectives and funding/budget breakdown were unclear. Indiegogo was much more lenient.
The original funding goal was $106200. Members of the team advised Taren to scale this down because we felt it was asking for too much. We advised her to start smaller, but she wanted to go big right away.
There was a lot of in-fighting between Taren, Mike, and the other team members where they referred to anyone who raised objections throughout the campaign or tried to give advice as “negative” and “small minded”.
The people who wanted to be involved with things like production and video editing refused to work unless funding was achieved, because no one wanted to contribute their own money to a risky project or to work for free.
Taren and Mike tried to pitch the idea for Areya to a few cable networks, including BET. All networks contacted rejected the idea because they felt it might not be popular and was too big a financial risk.
The videos that were recorded (Raye6, Big Hair Girls, and the Areya promo reel) were made using donated studio time. No one on the production crew was paid for their work. The Big Hair Girls were each paid $200 for their appearance. Raye6 was not paid and chose to appear for free in order to gain attention for her own work.
No business plan was ever created. After people began requesting more info on how the money would be used, Taren started working on a business plan using a template downloaded from online, but it was never completed due to her pregnancy, living situation, and ill health.
Taren contacted a few people she’s worked with in the past at Essence, but they did not want to be involved.
Taren and one social media “expert” she hired control and post on the Areya instagram page, on Facebook and Youtube. There are no other “team” members as of right now. There was a small team of 6, but everyone pulled away when the fundraiser fell through.
Taren was surprised and disappointed when the Indiegogo campaign failed to gain traction. She expected to raise at least $30,000 in the first two weeks and bragged about her “loyal” fanbase. She stated that she felt betrayed and rejected by her peers on Youtube, because no one publicly showed their support or helped to promote her campaign.
Taren claimed that there were stalkers and trolls on various forums who were trying to sabotage the campaign. She even claimed that people online were “racist” and said “if my skin was darker and my hair kinkier all those black girls on youtube would be rushing to my side to support me”. She said that people were jealous of her success and the fact that she was trying to do something different from the typical Youtube grind (which is why she insisted that Areya would not be a youtube channel)
When people started asking for more details about the campaign budget, Taren began deleting comments. She instructed her social media person to delete all negative comments and any comments regarding her private life.
The indiegogo campaign page received dozens of questions from people requesting more info. Most questions were ignored.
The decision to pull the campaign was made very early, after the backlash Taren received and limited donations. There was no info given on how the funds raised so far will be used. There are plans to relaunch the campaign later this year on a different platform.
I do not believe that anyone should donate their money to this campaign or the new campaign after seeing how poorly it was handled.

Screen cap from the pdf of the original Areya TV budget:


Prince does not approve of these shenanigans.
I have trolled the many pages about Taren and

I have been a fan of hers since starting my natural hair journey in 2010. I met her at her Love Your Hair event and she was really sweet. She's been pretty open about her past, but I didn't know all of this was happening.

I hope that things work out as best they can for all parties involved.

Meanwhile...you all have me :lol::lol::lol::lol:...
How did I miss this thread on Trout mouth Taren???

LMAO @ calling Mike "Melrose Place"

That girls skeletons are falling all out of the closet. I remember I would watch her videos while she was out and about and wonder who was watching her kids. There was one video she filmed with her walking in the snow (I think this was when the east coast had that big snow storm) anyways this hoe was headed to the BSS. Who the h3ll was watching her kids during this???
I also sent Goat mouth a message on FB when we both BC'd due to color damage and she never responded...RUDE.
It makes my heart ache a little to see that sweet baby in the middle of all this. I hope that maybe her having this new little life will inspire her to take this extra chance that she's been granted at being a mother and use it to make this baby's life a good one. Maybe even get her other children back and be a good mama to them.

I know this is a thread to bash her, but I can't help but feel sorry for her. It seems that she's had a rough life and it can be hard to be on top when you've lived so much at the bottom.