Tapering ends?


Well-Known Member
What causes the end of hairs to taper particularly on one side and how do you prevent it? Do tapering ends behave like split ends i.e. can they go all the way up to the roots? TIA.
If you mean the tapering of individual strands, I think that mostly comes from manual manipulation. I think it's a result of the cuticle gradually chipping more from the ends, dramatically enough that you can see the strand is thinner on the bottom. It could also be from not using products that strengthen/fortify the strands (like coconut oil).
If you mean "tapering" as a group of hairs, like thinner ends, I think that's mostly from breakage, possibly midshaft. Less likely, it's from groups of hair in lower areas growing faster than sections above (giving a natural, but dramatic, layered or "tapered" effect).
Could you clarify what you mean by tapered?

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If you mean the tapering of individual strands, I think that mostly comes from manual manipulation. I think it's a result of the cuticle gradually chipping more from the ends, dramatically enough that you can see the strand is thinner on the bottom. It could also be from not using products that strengthen/fortify the strands (like coconut oil).
If you mean "tapering" as a group of hairs, like thinner ends, I think that's mostly from breakage, possibly midshaft. Less likely, it's from groups of hair in lower areas growing faster than sections above (giving a natural, but dramatic, layered or "tapered" effect).
Could you clarify what you mean by tapered?

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It's groups of hair in a particular section appearing thinner as you near the bottom, but I think it's because the individual strands are like that. My komaza care analysis also showed I had tapering ends on a few strands I sent in which were probably from that area, the recommendation was trimming and I've been doing so but it's still coming back.
Do you know if that hair is a different texture than the rest? If it were finer or curlier you'd need to handle that section with greater care. Do you use a brush? If not manipulation related, it could be that those hairs respond differently to the products you use.
I have fine hair and coconut oil, castor oil, & henna have been really helpful in fortifying my hair.
If it's not your products or manipulation, I can only imagine maybe it's your diet. I'd say especially that's the case if this issue is a relatively recent one. When I conscientiously increased my omega 3 intake, my hair markedly improved. And if I have a few off weeks in my food choices, my hair suffers.
Update on what you end up doing!
Good luck! :-)

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