

New Member
i had washed my hair today and when i was combing out my hair with conditioner in it i had alot of tangles in my hair and i normaly don't get tangles in my hair. i have been doing the baggie method for a month and a half and im thinking this may be the cause of it i really don't know what could have caused the tangles. i haven't washed my hair in 14 days. i just wanted to know has anyone else has gotten tangles from doing the baggie method or does anyone else knows what could have caused the tangles. thanks in advance!!!
How often do you remoisturize and/or change baggies? If you were using the same baggie for 2 weeks, its possible that some of the tangles were caused by mold.

I have been using the baggie method for 6 months and I learned early on that mango butter in a warm baggie turns moldy in 3 days. It's important to not only wash your hair more often with this method but also to change the baggie at least every few days.
JCoily said:
How often do you remoisturize and/or change baggies? If you were using the same baggie for 2 weeks, its possible that some of the tangles were caused by mold.

I have been using the baggie method for 6 months and I learned early on that mango butter in a warm baggie turns moldy in 3 days. It's important to not only wash your hair more often with this method but also to change the baggie at least every few days.

thanks for responding!! i think thats what could have caused the tangles because i never changed my baggie or remoisturized. i would keep on the same baggie until i wash my hair again. wow i didn't know that it would cause tangles if not washing your hair alot.

carameldiva, i just trimmed my hair a month and half ago.
naturallyme said:
thanks for responding!! i think thats what could have caused the tangles because i never changed my baggie or remoisturized. i would keep on the same baggie until i wash my hair again. wow i didn't know that it would cause tangles if not washing your hair alot.

This is what lead to my first horrible experience with the baggie method. I was doing exactly what you were doing and it caused breakage too. I eventually stopped doing the baggie method. That was about 6 months ago.

I have restarted doing the baggie but this time I co-wash every day and I am no longer getting the breakge that I saw before. I co-wash at night, add leave in, oil scalp and let it air dry with my hair going straight back with a scarf covering the top of my head to hold down the new growth. I do this because I also believe that leaving your hair in the ponytail/bun/baggie position everyday and all day can also cause breakage. I then redo my baggie (adding oils) the next morning.