Tangled hair - Is the culprit Roux PC or the blow dryer??


Deep Thinker
I noticed the last two washes my hair has been REALLY tangled and I never had this problem at all before.:ohwell: I also noticed my hair lost the little swang it had. I'm letting it air dry right now because my blow dryer is going back to be laid to rest again. The two things I did different in the last month or so was:

1) Stupid me added the blow-dryer back into my regimen the past 4-5 washes. I never dry it fully, I'd let it air dry 80% and then blow dry it for not even 2-3 minutes tops and flat-ironed as normal with my heat protectants. Can a blow dryer really be that damaging?

2) I used Roux porosity control conditioner the last two washes after shampoo and before DC. I'm wondering could this be causing the tangles because both times I used it my hair was so hard to comb out without fear of breaking.

I always DC after every wash and suddenly it's like the conditioner isn't even working because my hair feels like it's not even relaxed. The wash before this one I did my normal bi-weekly clarifying poo and DC and this time did a moisturizing poo with my normal Silk Elements cholesterol.

I already decided to put the blow dryer to rest. But I'm wondering if that porosity control could cause tangled hair like that???

Anybody know what could be the culprit of my suddenly tangled and dead hair?

How do you blow dry your hair? You didn't say. If you let it blow all around while drying, of course it'll tangle. I have a comb attachment that I always use.

I don't think dryers are damaging, tbh....but it depends on how they're used.

I don't use the product so I have no opinion on it. If you dind't have this problem using the dryer w/o the product, I'd say it was the product.
How long did you leave in the Roux? The first time I used it I let it sit on for about 5 minutes. That was a huge mistake! My hair was hard and conditioner didn't help at all. I now use it but leave it on 1 minute MAX!!! Since then I have had no problems and my hair actually now retains more moisture.

Try using the PC after your DC. PC tightens up the cuticles, so it makes sense that your DC wouldn't penetrate your hair fully if you preceded it with PC, especially if you aren't DCing with heat to manually re-open your cuticles.
I've never used PC before a DC, because scientifically, it never made sense to me. But people do it and get good results..maybe you just aren't one of those people? I dunno.
Hth, though...good luck!
I Think People Keep trying to "Make It BE Something" It is Not Intended to Be.:nono:

It is to restore the Ph Balance to Your Hair. It has a ph Balance of 4.5. That's why it's excellent to use particulary "after" a Chemical Service, when your ph levels are (can be) extremely High. It is a "Corrector" like it says on the Bottle.:ohwell:

If Your Hair is overly porous, dry, lifeless and unable to Absorb Moisture, PC restricts/closes the Cuticle/Hair Shaft after it has been raised, to Lock in Moisture that you have put into your hair from Conditioning.

IMHO: People are leaving it on waayy to long and also using it in the wrong way.

If it works for some mixed with their Conditioner, fine.

But alot of the other ways people are trying to use it has me puzzled.:look:
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How do you blow dry your hair? You didn't say. If you let it blow all around while drying, of course it'll tangle. I have a comb attachment that I always use.

I don't think dryers are damaging, tbh....but it depends on how they're used.

I don't use the product so I have no opinion on it. If you dind't have this problem using the dryer w/o the product, I'd say it was the product.

Normally yeah, I let it blow around without the comb. I thought it would be less damage without the comb?? But the tangles started the last two washes and I've been blow drying about the last 4 and thought the damage might just be catching up.

I Think People Keep trying to "Make It BE Something" It is Not Intended to Be.:nono:

It is to restore the Ph Balance to Your Hair. It has a ph Balance of 4.5. That's why it's excellent to use particulary "after" a Chemical Service, when your ph levels are (can be) extremely High. It is a "Corrector" like it says on the Bottle.:ohwell:

If Your Hair is overly porous, dry, lifeless and unable to Absorb Moisture, PC restricts/closes the Cuticle/Hair Shaft after it has been raised, to Lock in Moisture that you have put into your hair from Conditioning.

IMHO: People are leaving it on waayy to long and also using it in the wrong way.

If it works for some mixed with their Conditioner, fine.

But alot of the other ways people are trying to use it has me puzzled.:look:

lol, I know!! I was in Sally's getting a bottle, and this lady ran up on me and told me to drop it because she said it jacked up her hair. (It was looking jacked up, real dry and rough :blush:) So I told her that I use it all the time, and it's good for my hair. And I asked her how she uses it. This lady said that she used it as a daily moisturizer, because she uses other conditioners to moisturize her hair, and thought that PC would be good for that. I couldn't even answer her, I just was like...:perplexed:nono::ohwell:.

I mean..I can understand using it before a shampoo or something else, where at least you're rinsing it out. But as a daily moisturizer? Come on. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
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How long did you leave in the Roux? The first time I used it I let it sit on for about 5 minutes. That was a huge mistake! My hair was hard and conditioner didn't help at all. I now use it but leave it on 1 minute MAX!!! Since then I have had no problems and my hair actually now retains more moisture.

I agree--PC after DC and 1 minute max. works like a charm for me.

I never thought about that! I think I left it on about 2 minutes or so, enough to work it into a lather and massage. I never knew it would work like that if you left it on too long.
Try using the PC after your DC. PC tightens up the cuticles, so it makes sense that your DC wouldn't penetrate your hair fully if you preceded it with PC, especially if you aren't DCing with heat to manually re-open your cuticles.
I've never used PC before a DC, because scientifically, it never made sense to me. But people do it and get good results..maybe you just aren't one of those people? I dunno.
Hth, though...good luck!

That totally makes sens and I was thinking about that before hand but then I read something about it preparing the hair to better accept the DC so it even confused me more. I think I'll leave it alone for a while though.
Normally yeah, I let it blow around without the comb. I thought it would be less damage without the comb?? But the tangles started the last two washes and I've been blow drying about the last 4 and thought the damage might just be catching up.


I find it easier just to do one section of drying at the time w/ the comb attachment, if I want it a bit straight. I pin up the rest as I go.
Try it again as the others suggest w/ the PC and maybe drying your hair in sections w/ the comb. I think you'll have less tangles and it'll dry faster this way too.
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I Think People Keep trying to "Make It BE Something" It is Not Intended to Be.:nono:

It is to restore the Ph Balance to Your Hair. It has a ph Balance of 4.5. That's why it's excellent to use particulary "after" a Chemical Service, when your ph levels are (can be) extremely High. It is a "Corrector" like it says on the Bottle.:ohwell:

If Your Hair is overly porous, dry, lifeless and unable to Absorb Moisture, PC restricts/closes the Cuticle/Hair Shaft after it has been raised, to Lock in Moisture that you have put into your hair from Conditioning.

IMHO: People are leaving it on waayy to long and also using it in the wrong way.

If it works for some mixed with their Conditioner, fine.

But alot of the other ways people are trying to use it has me puzzled.:look:

Thanks for explaining. Unfortunatley, I'm finding this out the hard way. I decided I'm leaving it alone for now.
2) I used Roux porosity control conditioner the last two washes after shampoo and before DC. I'm wondering could this be causing the tangles because both times I used it my hair was so hard to comb out without fear of breaking. But I'm wondering if that porosity control could cause tangled hair like that???

IMHO: If you Put this on After You Shampoo'd and Before You DC, You've already closed up your Cuticle/Hair Shaft with the PC by not allowing anything to absorb further into your Hair. So, Naturally, the DC would not penetrate/absorb.

You Shut everything down after you used the PC, after your Shampoo Treatment. That's why I strongly believe it should be used as a Final Rinse After you've DC. And only left on for the amount of time it says.

Not a Half-Hour etc......(like I've read some people doing in other posts). I believe the bottle says 1 minute.:ohwell: Although, I've probably left it on up to 3 (no more than 3 tho').
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How long did you leave in the Roux? The first time I used it I let it sit on for about 5 minutes. That was a huge mistake! My hair was hard and conditioner didn't help at all. I now use it but leave it on 1 minute MAX!!! Since then I have had no problems and my hair actually now retains more moisture.


I leave my PC in for no more than 1 minute, also. Lesson well learned, let me tell you.
I use mine as a final rinse.
I Think People Keep trying to "Make It BE Something" It is Not Intended to Be.:nono:

It is to restore the Ph Balance to Your Hair. It has a ph Balance of 4.5. That's why it's excellent to use particulary "after" a Chemical Service, when your ph levels are (can be) extremely High. It is a "Corrector" like it says on the Bottle.:ohwell:

If Your Hair is overly porous, dry, lifeless and unable to Absorb Moisture, PC restricts/closes the Cuticle/Hair Shaft after it has been raised, to Lock in Moisture that you have put into your hair from Conditioning.

IMHO: People are leaving it on waayy to long and also using it in the wrong way.

If it works for some mixed with their Conditioner, fine.

But alot of the other ways people are trying to use it has me puzzled.:look:

Is this product for natural hair at all?
I find it easier just to do one section of drying at the time w/o the comb attachment, if I want it a bit straight. I pin up the rest as I go.
Try it again as the others suggest w/ the PC and maybe drying your hair in sections w/ the comb. I think you'll have less tangles and it'll dry faster this way too.

The funny thing is, my hair dries EXTREMELY fast so by the time I do sections it'll be dry. I'm not sure if that's good or bad so that's another reason I wanted to try the Roux. But sometimes I had to re-wet it in order to blow-dry it. I only blow-dried it to see if I could get more swang. I'm sitting here and it's already dry from air drying and it feels like it actually has more swang.

Thanks for all the help!!
IMHO: If you Put this on After You Shampoo'd and Before You DC, You've already closed up your Cuticle/Hair Shaft with the PC by not allowing anything to absorb further into your Hair. So, Naturally, the DC would not penetrate/absorb.

You Shut everything down after you used the PC, after your Shampoo Treatment. That's why I strongly believe it should be used as a Final Rinse After you've DC. And only left on for the amount of time it says.

Not a Half-Hour etc......(like I've read some people doing in other posts). I believe the bottle says 1 minute.:ohwell: Although, I've probably left it on up to 3 (no more than 3 tho').

I agree, since it felt like I didn't even DC and I DC'd for at least an hour. If I do decide to use it again I'll use it as the last step. And the bottles says 30 seconds I think.

I agree, since it felt like I didn't even DC and I DC'd for at least an hour. If I do decide to use it again I'll use it as the last step. And the bottles says 30 seconds I think.


Yes, it says to prevent your hair from chemical shock, color services, etc.....I think it's best to follow the directions.
The funny thing is, my hair dries EXTREMELY fast so by the time I do sections it'll be dry. I'm not sure if that's good or bad so that's another reason I wanted to try the Roux. But sometimes I had to re-wet it in order to blow-dry it. I only blow-dried it to see if I could get more swang. I'm sitting here and it's already dry from air drying and it feels like it actually has more swang.

Thanks for all the help!!

This Roux might be just what you need if it dries that fast. Every so often I use the Aphogee 2 step kinda of like you used this Roux. I think it works in the same way.

Let us know how it worked this time. I'm guessing you took the after DC advice? :grin:
lol, I know!! I was in Sally's getting a bottle, and this lady ran up on me and told me to drop it because she said it jacked up her hair. (It was looking jacked up, real dry and rough :blush:) So I told her that I use it all the time, and it's good for my hair. And I asked her how she uses it. This lady said that she used it as a daily moisturizer, because she uses other conditioners to moisturize her hair, and thought that PC would be good for that. I couldn't even answer her, I just was like...:perplexed:nono::ohwell:.

I mean..I can understand using it before a shampoo or something else, where at least you're rinsing it out. But as a daily moisturizer? Come on. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

:lachen::lachen:Your post has me over here in stitches. I'm picturing her running up to you with the jacked up, dry and rough hair too. And :nono: @ her using it as a daily moisturizer. That product says to leave it on 1 minute for a reason. No wonder she has jacked up hair.
Is this product for natural hair at all?

I use it on my natural hair 1-2 times a month immediately after I condition...and my hair thanks me for it. I can tell a difference in the texture and how it holds onto moisture with each use. I follow the directions closely - 30 seconds to maybe 1 little over a minute. No longer. My cuticle is smooth and strong and nothing about my hair feels dry.

ITA with the other ladies who mentioned that blowing the hair around will cause tangles. It did for me when I was still relaxed. I lost a lot of hair like that.

I hope your hair recovers quickly!!!
