*TANGLE TEEZER* is the truth....

Yall got me! I went out and got one yesterday! (Pink, Yayyy!) I've been having severe tangle issues and I'm relaxed, Go Figure! Any way, I'll be back with a review! I really hope this works, I truly need some detangling help!
still experimenting. i swear it makes my hair softer and it brushes better on my DRY 4a fragile coils. i definitely notice less shedding when i brush it when its dry. i part with my rattail, and brush the sections with TT. then I twist that section. ive noticed that I get less tangles at the end of the twist, lets shedded/ripped hairs too. hmmm...i may be starting a love affair with a brush, y'all:)

i keep dropping my TT too, but i understand why it doesn't have a handle. depending on the way youre brushing the bristles have to be slanted in the way you are brushing so you are constantly changing the orientation of the brush. what would be nice is if there was a gripper type rubber around the rim to facilitate better control of the TT.
Well I was very skeptical about this brush but I went to go get it anyways. I just took out my weave and I detangled with my denman and of course alot of hair came out because I have been braided up for 7 weeks that is normal. What shocked me was after I washed i decided to test out the Teezer with conditioner in my hair and I was pleasantly surprise, the brush really did glide through. Usually no matter how much I detangle prior to a wash I still loose a lot of hair after when detangling but not this time. See attached photos. Excuse the gunk on the brush that is just conditioner. My hair is natural 4b so needless to say detangling is a nighmare, hair is shoulder length.

ETA: The only thing that was a little annoying is that this thing does not have a handle so with detangling while I have conditioner in my hair it slipped out of my hair once but that I think I can deal with .


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This comb has been popular on the (mostly straight hair) LHC, but I ignored it because I don't expect what works for them to work for my hair type. I know that you now endorse this comb so I'll give it a try. :yep: The denman was a major fail for me, too, despite all its raves. TT may help, but I just refuse to believe it can glide through my hair without ripping it out. My hair knots and the knots are tight. There's no way anything can go through them without ripping them and I usually have to use my fingers and spend a long time manually detangling them or just cut them. To give y'all an idea, my hair has been straightened and it still took me 10 minutes to comb through it with a wide tooth comb. :yep: But I don't need it to glide, I just need it to do better than other tools I've tried. I will put this Tangle Teezer to a real test!

Girl, that's the whole point. The tangle teezer does not detangle your really tight big knots. It gives just the right amount of strenth to get through any normal tangle....But get this, the brush bristles "give" if the tangle is too tight. Any other brush (esp denman) or comb will just rip through the tangle anyway-- ripping it out. The TT's bristles "feel" for the tanlges, decide if they have enough strength to glide or work their way through the tangles without ripping, then it does its thing. The more you work one section, the more the TT works for you.

However, it refuses to ever rip a tangle out. If the tangle just simply cannot be detangled with TT (u know, those tight balls/dreads), you simply sit the TT down, and manually take the somewhat loosened tangle out with your hands.

I thank God that the TT gives me the option of getting the hard tangles out with my hands, instead of tearing them out for me like the denman and any comb I've ever used. Mwezdi, this is a smart comb, girl! I can't tell you how it can be this smart, but it is. I've never encountered anything like it.

I've been following your hair at a distance for a while now , seen many textures shots, and even close up pics of your hair strands next to needles or pen springs (think that was u!). We are very similar in texture and thickness (per sq. mile) and strand thickness (I'm just not tender headed); but this comb was so soft I didn't get any pain or anything; whether I combed from rooot to tip, or tip to root; and whether I held the root or not. Hope this helps!
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Girl, that's the whole point. The tangle teezer does not detangle your really tight big knots. It gives just the right amount of strenth to get through any normal tangle....But get this, the brush bristles "give" if the tangle is too tight. Any other brush (esp denman) or comb will just rip through the tangle anyway-- ripping it out. The TT's bristles "feel" for the tanlges, decide if they have enough strength to glide or work their way through the tangles without ripping, then it does its thing. The more you work one section, the more the TT works for you.

However, it refuses to ever rip a tangle out. If the tangle just simply cannot be detangled with TT (u know, those tight balls/dreads), you simply sit the TT down, and manually take the somewhat loosened tangle out with your hands.

I thank God that the TT gives me the option of getting the hard tangles out with my hands, instead of tearing them out for me like the denman and any comb I've ever used. Mwezdi, this is a smart comb, girl! I can't tell you how it can be this smart, but it is. I've never encountered anything like it.

I've been following your hair for probably the 5 years I've been natural, seen many textures shots, and even close up pics of your hair strands next to needles or pen springs. We are very similar in texture and thickness (per sq. mile) and strand thickness (I'm just not tender headed); but this comb was so soft I didn't get any pain or anything; whether I combed from rooot to tip, or tip to root; and whether I held the root or not. Hope this helps!

You are absolutley right! I went out and got one yesterday and tried it slightley on dry hair, and it seems to be ok, I'm going to try it on conditioner slathered hair and give it a "Real" shot! But your analogy is on point, the bristles are so soft, that if it cannot loosen the tangle it will just bend back and slide over it! I sorta think thats why some bristles are short and some are long, so the tangle won't get caught, whether its untangleable (I know, not a word) or not! I think its a good concept, we'll see!

Be Back with a review!
okay...I just had to go and purchase, not one...but two of these babies. I plan on putting it to the test tomorrow. I'll definitely post my review then.
Girl, that's the whole point. The tangle teezer does not detangle your really tight big knots. It gives just the right amount of strenth to get through any normal tangle....But get this, the brush bristles "give" if the tangle is too tight. Any other brush (esp denman) or comb will just rip through the tangle anyway-- ripping it out. The TT's bristles "feel" for the tanlges, decide if they have enough strength to glide or work their way through the tangles without ripping, then it does its thing. The more you work one section, the more the TT works for you.

However, it refuses to ever rip a tangle out. If the tangle just simply cannot be detangled with TT (u know, those tight balls/dreads), you simply sit the TT down, and manually take the somewhat loosened tangle out with your hands.

I thank God that the TT gives me the option of getting the hard tangles out with my hands, instead of tearing them out for me like the denman and any comb I've ever used. Mwezdi, this is a smart comb, girl! I can't tell you how it can be this smart, but it is. I've never encountered anything like it.

I've been following your hair for probably the 5 years I've been natural, seen many textures shots, and even close up pics of your hair strands next to needles or pen springs. We are very similar in texture and thickness (per sq. mile) and strand thickness (I'm just not tender headed); but this comb was so soft I didn't get any pain or anything; whether I combed from rooot to tip, or tip to root; and whether I held the root or not. Hope this helps!

Thanks for the use instructions. :) Have you ever used the Goody Add Shine brush? I use it instead of Denman because its bristles also have a lot of give and don't break as much hair. It still breaks hair, though. And it does not make detangling super fast, either. It will cut down on the time, though, but I have to balance that with breakage, so I don't use it every time. The reason it can't cut down on the time that much is because the number of knots that are too tight for it to get through is too many. I have too many knots that I have to take out manually, so no matter the utensil, there is always a large amount of time that I have to do with my hands. I'm so sorry if I remain skeptical, but I've been promised "this will work for you, I just know it!" about 128 times :lachen: I will try it, though. :yep:
OMG!!! Where has this thing been hiding all my life???? I used it to detangle my hair in the shower about 4 minutes ago. I dc'd on dry hair for the first time. I rinsed it and used the TT. The ONLY reason it took me 20 minutes to rinse and detangle was because I loved the feeling of the TT on my scalp. At that point I didn't care if it detangled or not! It's a keeper simply because of the nearly orgasmic scalp massaging!


It really cut my detangling time down by more than half.
I feel like it really helped rinse the product out of my hair. With a wide tooth comb, I have to do extra rinsing. I feel like the TT helped get it all out.
I usually have tons of shed hair when I detangle. I easily lose two handfuls of hair. I had one stray shed hair, and about 15 in the brush.


I only have 1 :grin:
i need to stay away from this thread, yall are tempting me to buy it. i haven't had much luck with detangling with a denman so i'm trying to hold out :look:
Ok so I have been using the tangle teezer since I bought it on monday. I used it on dry hair and wet hair with conditioner.

When I first used the tangle teezer it was on dry hair. I had decided to try banding so I applied a little africas best shea butter detangling moisturizing lotion to each section. I worked my way from tip to root. I was impressed by how it worked through the tangles without really pulling on my hair. I lost very little hair. The next time I used it was after a cowash. I basically got the same response from it but I noticed that the bristles were starring to bend. now today after an overnight dc i used the tangle teezer and it was giving me a hard time. It wasn't working ita way through like I expected it to. First off I had a hard time just getting thee bristles to go through my sections because the bristles kept bending. Then it started snagging and it was hurting. Then I noticed broken broken pieces in the sink when I was rinsing it out. Mind you I had just had a protein treatment and I never see more than one or two broken broken pieces when detangling. I quickly grabbed my denman an my shower comb and continued to detangle my hair they way I normally do.

I will be returning my tangle teezer on monday. I don't doubt that it is a good tool got detangling but it was only meh for me. I'll stick to my modified denman.
OMG!!! Where has this thing been hiding all my life???? I used it to detangle my hair in the shower about 4 minutes ago. I dc'd on dry hair for the first time. I rinsed it and used the TT. The ONLY reason it took me 20 minutes to rinse and detangle was because I loved the feeling of the TT on my scalp. At that point I didn't care if it detangled or not! It's a keeper simply because of the nearly orgasmic scalp massaging!


It really cut my detangling time down by more than half.
I feel like it really helped rinse the product out of my hair. With a wide tooth comb, I have to do extra rinsing. I feel like the TT helped get it all out.
I usually have tons of shed hair when I detangle. I easily lose two handfuls of hair. I had one stray shed hair, and about 15 in the brush.


I only have 1 :grin:

I may have to get this!
So is this a natural women's dream or is this for relaxed heads too (I haven't read all posts, so plz forgive me if this was covered).
Those teeth are too short for my bush.

I thought so, too until I tried it

Girl, that's the whole point. The tangle teezer does not detangle your really tight big knots. It gives just the right amount of strenth to get through any normal tangle....But get this, the brush bristles "give" if the tangle is too tight. Any other brush (esp denman) or comb will just rip through the tangle anyway-- ripping it out. The TT's bristles "feel" for the tanlges, decide if they have enough strength to glide or work their way through the tangles without ripping, then it does its thing. The more you work one section, the more the TT works for you.

However, it refuses to ever rip a tangle out. If the tangle just simply cannot be detangled with TT (u know, those tight balls/dreads), you simply sit the TT down, and manually take the somewhat loosened tangle out with your hands.

I thank God that the TT gives me the option of getting the hard tangles out with my hands, instead of tearing them out for me like the denman and any comb I've ever used. Mwezdi, this is a smart comb, girl! I can't tell you how it can be this smart, but it is. I've never encountered anything like it.

I've been following your hair for probably the 5 years I've been natural, seen many textures shots, and even close up pics of your hair strands next to needles or pen springs. We are very similar in texture and thickness (per sq. mile) and strand thickness (I'm just not tender headed); but this comb was so soft I didn't get any pain or anything; whether I combed from rooot to tip, or tip to root; and whether I held the root or not. Hope this helps!

I love how you explained that! It makes a ton of sense :yep:

So is this a natural women's dream or is this for relaxed heads too (I haven't read all posts, so plz forgive me if this was covered).

It's for everyone. They are actually marketing it to caucasian women for long hair, for weaves and to use as a brush to use when washing/conditioning...
I tried it again on my little ones hair. It has been a few days since I undid her braids. I took them down and moistened the hair with a mix of kimmays leave in mixed with marshmellow root. It was more wartery. Started at the bottom and it went thru fine. Worked my way up and found a small knot. 4b hair loves to knot up. So I kept working the section gently pulling it apart with my fingers then using the brush again. It eventually released. Very little hair lost compared to using my seamless comb and a denman. The key with her hair type is to work with smaller sections. I'm so glad I bought this brush. Gonna buy a few more.

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Sheesh. And I just considered joining the use one, buy one challenge...only, I was just gonna use all my stash up, lol.

I'll bite. I will try purple, pink and black for $30, please.

Gosh, I hope it works for me, my dd and ds like it does for some of you guys. (I've been getting more shedding while detangling, lately) We will put some detangling combs to the test, promise!
Ok so I have been using the tangle teezer since I bought it on monday. I used it on dry hair and wet hair with conditioner.

When I first used the tangle teezer it was on dry hair. I had decided to try banding so I applied a little africas best shea butter detangling moisturizing lotion to each section. I worked my way from tip to root. I was impressed by how it worked through the tangles without really pulling on my hair. I lost very little hair. The next time I used it was after a cowash. I basically got the same response from it but I noticed that the bristles were starring to bend. now today after an overnight dc i used the tangle teezer and it was giving me a hard time. It wasn't working ita way through like I expected it to. First off I had a hard time just getting thee bristles to go through my sections because the bristles kept bending. Then it started snagging and it was hurting. Then I noticed broken broken pieces in the sink when I was rinsing it out. Mind you I had just had a protein treatment and I never see more than one or two broken broken pieces when detangling. I quickly grabbed my denman an my shower comb and continued to detangle my hair they way I normally do.

I will be returning my tangle teezer on monday. I don't doubt that it is a good tool got detangling but it was only meh for me. I'll stick to my modified denman.

Wow, sorry that happened to you. I'm still not convinced this is for my 4b hair.:nono:
So I saw the TT in an email I got from Sally and came over to tell y'all about it. Of course there was already a thread!:lol: Now I'm going to have to get it, if not today, then tomorrow.
I've used mine for a week now and the results are magnificent! This is what I've needed ever since my hair grew past shoulder-length and probably why I always cut back to shoulder or chin-length for years. My hair is very tangly when long. And I am so used to whipping a comb through blunt-cut lengths very easily with no problems of breakage and resistance. Since I stopped cutting, I've lost 1/2 of my thickness due to combing breakage. No matter how I tried to be gentle and slather on the conditioner, it resulted in tangles. Horn or true bone combs are probably the best but I don't have any so this TT is the next best thing.

Hopefully, Goody or another company will come out with their version and I can splurge in getting several of these. I have very little hairfall and am looking at growing back my thickness with hiplength by the end of this new year inshallah
I went and got it before Sally closed! I got it to use on DD's natural APL 4x hair. I can't wait. I am so hopeful.:crossfingers:
Has anyone here used it for long enough to be able to say it doesn't cause slow breakage or thinning after months of use? The denman worked very well for detangling my hair, but after many months, I realized it was slowly causing thinning and was taking out hairs that weren't ready to be shed. I have been dubious of brushes ever since.
Thanks for the use instructions. :) Have you ever used the Goody Add Shine brush? I use it instead of Denman because its bristles also have a lot of give and don't break as much hair. It still breaks hair, though. And it does not make detangling super fast, either. It will cut down on the time, though, but I have to balance that with breakage, so I don't use it every time. The reason it can't cut down on the time that much is because the number of knots that are too tight for it to get through is too many. I have too many knots that I have to take out manually, so no matter the utensil, there is always a large amount of time that I have to do with my hands. I'm so sorry if I remain skeptical, but I've been promised "this will work for you, I just know it!" about 128 times :lachen: I will try it, though. :yep:

No, I never tried the Goody Add Shine Brush before. In fact, I never even heard of it until you mentioned it. I wish someone would've referred me to that brush (instead of the denman), as it sounds like it could have cut down on my "whole head of manuals" before the Tangle Teezer (TT) was invented. I would have to finger detangle my whole head b/c using a regular comb or any brush causes more tangles & snags.

It sounds like that is a good brush as well; it may be the Tangle teezer companion. I've never encountered anything like the TT- where I can use a utensil to aid in detangling. But honestly, I never expected any "tool" to get "all" my tangles and knots out (not saying you do). No tightly coiled natural should have that expectation, b/c I think its' unrealistic (depending on your hair type/shrinkage/coil size)...But I understand that you're skeptical, b/c I was also (just check the beginning of this thread).

I'm gonna go check one of those goody brushes out at the store. I'd be interested to hear a comparision review of both side by side. Nonetheless, the TT cut down on my full head manual tangles/shedding tremendously so I am satisfied, finally!
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