Talk to Me Ladies: Can you...?

Can you nurse your hair back to life?

  • NOPE! Severely damaged hair needs to be chopped...

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Yes! But it's going to take some TLC and time...

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Not sure. I would just leave it alone...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
So, I've posted (several times) that when I got sick in February, my hair (the cute one in the siggy) literally fell out. I'm not talking about a few strands here or there, I'm talking CHUNKS! :sick: I was VERY sick. Thank God I'm a lot better now. :amen:

So when I looked at my hair, during and after, I noticed that she was leavin' me. Instead of chopping it all off, I decided to trim it a little bit, and actually nurse it back to life. I've taken pictures from today, and will post them up with my 4-6 month progress. I've taken the time to invest in some quality products that my hair, and scalp, respond to; AND I'm following a regimen that is simple and specific to my type of hair... Not sure what type that is, though... :ohwell:

Tell me what you think... Can you nurse severely damaged hair back to life without a major CHOP :chop:?

I believe it depends on what kind of damage, if were talking breakage ...I fear not ... I just had to get a major chop as a result of breakage. There was no way I could have continued on a "health hair journey " if all I wanted was length I would have just kept it moving. So I think the big deal breaker for me is "health " over "length".

Now if the damage is dry hair, overprocessed, mushy, limp, split ends!
..absaloutely! you can ! :grin:
I think the best way to get on the right path is to cut off the damage & start fresh. I, and I think a lot of ladies here started off by cutting off all the damage first. For my hair, any type of damage is irreversible. It took me a long time to accept that, but all the products that claim to mend split ends, stop breakage, etc. only lessen the visibility or the immediate effects of the damage/ breakage, but it doesn't go away.

The best thing to do is to start fresh and use the right products and techniques to prevent damage & retain length in the future. Good luck! It'll all grow back in no time.
I think it depends on what kind of damage you're talking about. If its split ends - my opinion is that they need to be cut, they cannot be put back together and might even continue to split up the shaft. You've been talking about shedding (yes?) as a result of illness - in that case, my completely nonprofessional advice is don't cut, take care of your hair and scalp and wait for your hair to recover and grow in nice n thick, then decide later on if the thin parts need cutting...
yes, you can nurse hair back to health , I'm sorry that you were are ill:sad:. Hair will regrow if you give it time.
I voted yes because bringing it back to life would mean growing it out. You can grow out damaged hair and then cut that off. Healthy hair will grow back so cut your losses. You say your hair fell out(meaning no heat damage or anything like that to the hair you have now) so nursing it back to health would mean growing more hair. Good luck sweetie.