Talk about clarifying...


New Member
...I use IC Tea clafiying shampoo, and i LOVE it, it cleans my hair and makes it seems soft without that "film/coating" that i get with other shampoos. After i shampoo (which is no more than once a week) i usually condition with Lekairs for about 20 minutes, wash it off, towel dry and moisturize with proline sof n sheen. Is that ok? will it harm/damage my hair in anyway? or do i have to follow up with a moisturzing shampoo after i clarify?

ETA: and after doing this routine my hair is always soft, i just would like to know whether ti would have any long term effects?...and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (sp) is also the second ingredient


Crissi, x
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I never use a moisturizing shampoo after I clarify. I figure that my hiar is already clean so there is no need to shampoo again. I do follow it with a moisturizing conditioner though. My hair seems to be doing fine.
I use a clarifying shampoo weekly and always follow with a deep conditioner. I don't ever use a moisturizing shampoo after the clarifying one. I've been doing this for a few months and my hair is getting really healthy.
jjjackie said:
I never use a moisturizing shampoo after I clarify. I figure that my hiar is already clean so there is no need to shampoo again. I do follow it with a moisturizing conditioner though. My hair seems to be doing fine.

same here!! I don't want to over do it with the shampoos. So when I clarify about once a month(suave daily clarifying shampoo) I follow with my deep conditioner or protein treatment(if needed..then procede with deep cond.), I never follow with another shampoo. hth