Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier


Well-Known Member
Ingredients: Pure Distilled Water, Wheat germ oil, indian hemp, olive oil, balsam, aloe vera, bee pollen, silk protein, bay laurel, fruit biofalvonoids, anicent african herbal formula

I bought this for my cousin who is natural and my mom who is wearing braids to transition. The ingredients look pretty good. I kinda want to use it on myself because of the wheat germ oil and silk protein. Also, I've decided oil is VERY good for my hair. It was 6.99 for 8 oz. I'll let you know how it goes. Any reviews? From relaxed and naturals. Thanks.
I've never tried it before, but I appreciate you posting about it. I'm contemplating going back to braids (I should be ashamed, given my unfortunate history with them :nono:) and if I do, I would much rather use natural products like this. :yep:
You're welcome; thanks for starting the thread. I actually just googled it to see how I can order it online. I remember now that my stylist uses, and highly recommends, these products (I recognize the containers and labels). I don't remember if she's ever used any of the products on my hair, but she uses excellent products and only uses natural ones. I might even be able to buy it from her. In fact, if I get my hair twisted I'll see if I can pick it up. By the way, I am natural with 4B hair. :D
my lil cousin is a mix of 4a and 4b. She has it in cornrows now. I just sprayed some on her hair before she went to sleep. we'll see.
I am relaxed and used this stuff for a while. I used it when I was doing braidouts in the winter. I liked it.... I need to pick up more.
I am relaxed and used this stuff for a while. I used it when I was doing braidouts in the winter. I liked it.... I need to pick up more.

Me too.
I'm relaxed and i used it for my braids.I didnt use it everyday though because it is very thick:yep:

The only reason I'm not using it is because I'm trying to stop ordering things from the net,and i don't have this around here.I'm using something homemade now.
Me too.
I'm relaxed and i used it for my braids.I didnt use it everyday though because it is very thick:yep:

The only reason I'm not using it is because I'm trying to stop ordering things from the net,and i don't have this around here.I'm using something homemade now.

I found it in a beauty supply store.