Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier Ingredient change!!!

I love this stuff, its a staple product for me, and nothing works as well as it does! I've always been suspicious about the ingredients especially because if the smell and no fragrance being listed. I love the smell but it doesn't strike me as natural. I'm really trying to use more natural ingredients so now I can't ignore my suspicions and I'm going to have to begin a new search for a leave in! The Royal Roots Moisture Glaze sounds good but at the same time its ingredient list is questionable too. What's a "softener"? *side eye*
I know this thread is old but I have definitely noticed a difference in the way that my hair has reacted to the old and new formulas. I didn't even realize that there have been a change in ingredients until I someone mentioned it in the Creamed Challenge thread that I was browsing! I had been using the old formula all through winter and was delighted to have found something without glycerine that I could use in cold weather. I was stumped when the product just stopped working! I clarified thinking that was what the problem was, it didn't even occur to me that the prob could be a change in formula.

Oh well...I'm using Jane Carter Revitalizing Leave in for now and will try the Royal Roots Moisture Glaze mentioned above...I'm sad though...
Ok...I just bought a bottle today and the ingredients have changed again. There is no prop. glycol but has dmdm hydantoin certrinium bromide and cetyl achol.

I am so desparate right now as I wait for Qhemets Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee and the heavy amla creme.
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I'm still going to use this...It's the only store bought product that works well on my hair. I don't use it religiously, so I shouldn't have a problem with it. I've already used the 'new' formula and my hair still loves it.
Ok...I just bought a bottle today and the ingredients have changed again. There is no prop. glycol but has dmdm hydantoin certrinium bromide and cetyl achol.

I am so desparate right now as I wait for Quemet ghee and amla ( sp?)

I'm glad you said this because I'm visiting fam in FL and my aunthave a bottle that smelled nothing like the version I last bought in GA a few months ago Just checked the bottle and it does have diff ingredients than the last change.

I'm just glad I found something to replace the old old version of TW.

I love my Qhemets Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee -- see review on my blog :)
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WestNDNbeaty, where do you think I got the idea for using the Qhemets Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee ?? Thanks lady!

What do you think about the artificial ingredients that are still in it?
bumping for today. I used it on my dd'd hair and got a lot of white lint looking balls in her hair. ugh!
WestNDNbeaty, where do you think I got the idea for using the Qhemets Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee ?? Thanks lady!

What do you think about the artificial ingredients that are still in it?

In the Taliah Waajid? I really don't too much mind ingredients when something works for my hair. But the fact that the product is being changed so often...that's a problem.

After she apologized for the formula change on twitter directly to me, I tweeted asking is there an explanation she might want to share as to why companies change formulas so often, not in a confrontational manner, but in a manner of help consumers and myself understand, but that tweet was ignored. Poor job! I really wanted to understand. Maybe if I had an understanding, I wouldn't be so salty. Ahwell. I won't be buying anymore of her products.

I'll stick with Qhemets (@Napata). Atleast she interacts with her consumers and answer questions. Not one e-mail I have sent to Taliah Waajid (before and after the formula change) has ever been answered. Too big for the little people? -- I'm good then.
^^^ i was gonna order the 20 oz size but it was always out of stock on her website. i was reading on another board that some believe that this may be the TRUE formula and just the labels have changed cause they didnt believe she listed the full ingredient list. maybe since the products are being sold at a large retailer she had to list all the ingredients and not just what looks "all natural".
i ve heard this aswell :yep: i doubt a water/oil based product can have a long shelf life without preservatives ,mold would grow within weeks
The original formula ingredients was likely all that was included in the product before. However, once a product goes mainstream it has to have other ingredients/preservatives added to it to increase the shelf life since it is now mass produced and no longer made in small, quickly sold batches.