Taking PROTECTIVE STYLING to a whole new level..ya'll gotta read this!


New Member
Hi Ladies **wave**! Check out this article from a local Kansas City news website. A woman was shot in her head but somehow escaped with NO injuries :blush: which she attributes to her wig cap..wow

Woman's Wig May Have Saved Her Life

Victim Says She's Got An Angel Watching Out For Her

POSTED: 11:12 am CST February 19, 2009
UPDATED: 6:49 pm CST February 19, 2009

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Other than having a bit of a headache, a Kansas City woman was uninjured after a bullet fired at her ended up tangled in her hair weave.
Police said Briana Bond, 20, was in a convenience store parking lot late Wednesday when a man flagged her down and told her that her ex-boyfriend still loved her. She replied, "Well I don't love him," then heard gunshots.
She said she looked behind the vehicle and saw her ex-boyfriend firing a handgun at her.
"On my way out I saw him walking up the sidewalk, and he just started shooting, four shots, and one of them hit the back of my head, and luckily it didn't go through because my wig cap stopped it," Bond said

She stomped her accelerator and fled, then turned into another parking lot and called police. She told officers she recently had ended an eight-month relationship with the suspect.

Police arrested the ex-boyfriend and his friend in a car.

"I invested a lot of money into this wig, and it saved my life," Bond said. "I've got an angel."

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