Taking it Back to the Good Ol' Days...


I was sitting here looking at my product closet (yes, a whole closet!) dedicated to my hair stuff. 90% of it, I don't use, because even with all of the new products I try, I inevitably go right back to what I know and love. Therefore, from this moment on, I am not going to buy any new products, only replenish the regular ones that I use. I'm on the Growth Challenge, so in keeping with that, I'm going back to the 4 things that have ALWAYS worked for me in the past:

MSM water
Sulfur 8
Protein Shakes

The one month I used all of these consistently, I'd wager a guess and say that I got a little over an inch of growth. If I can keep it up till the end of the year, goodness knows how long my hair could potentially be! I'll still use my Mane N Tail to Poo and Condition, but as far as new items being raved about, I'm gonna stay far far away and stick to what I know :) Thanks for listening to me vent!

Hey MsK...it's just MSM powder mixed with water...I usually add a little lemon or lime juice because the MSM tends to have a slightly bitter taste. Not nasty, but I'd rather taste something else, lol. When I took it regularly, I noticed that my hair would grow in faster, and a softer texture than usual. Now that I'm on the water challenge, too, it will be much easier for me to go ahead and drink it every day :)
I'm always going back to the tried-and-true products too. There're always there when i need them.

The green/blue hair grease (i forget the name)

The pink moisterizer (also forget the name)

Kemi oil.
I'm always going back to the tried-and-true products too. There're always there when i need them.

The green/blue hair grease (i forget the name)

The pink moisterizer (also forget the name)

Kemi oil.