Taking care of hair with a fresh tattoo???? HELP


New Member
I want to get a tattoo today but I also wanted to take this nasty glue in out of my hair. I was wondering, is it bad to be in the shower doing my hair, taking regular showers and what not with a fresh tattoo? I've never had one so I'm wondering how getting one and then jumping in the shower to do my hair will affect it?
I have several tats and I would say, for the 1st day or so, no showers. try not to let the water get directly on the area. Just be careful for the next 2-3 weeks(depending on where you get your tat) not to scrub it. You can pat it lightly with a lil soapy water and pat it dry but NO RUBBING!!
I dunno about tattoo care, but I have eczema and I can't be jumping in and out of the shower either.

I do most of my hair stuff in the sink. Just keep your hair going in one direction to minimize tangling.
With my tattoos I took showers but didnt let the water hit it directly. You especially don't want to let any shampoo or conditioner youre using get on it.
I have several tattoos, all small, and plenty of tatted up friends. I have never heard of not showering after them. You need to keep it covered for a few hours afterwards and you need to keep ointment on it. But really you can discuss this with your tattoo artist how should give you a list of do's & don'ts and should be able to answer any other questions you have. If not, find another tattoo artist.
Depending on the location of your tattoo, it may be possible to do your hair without getting too many chemicals and water on it. When you wash it, you want to pat lightly with water, not have water directly from the shower head hitting it and no shampoos, conditioners, etc on it as well. In addition to it being sensitive, it will leave permanent "scabs" (your skin will be raised up) under the ink if it gets really irriated the first few days after getting it.

Maybe you can do your hair today and tattoo tomorrow?
I only have one tat, but I took a shower the same day. Didn't scrub, didn't let the spray hit it, and since it was on my thigh, just let the soap rinsing off of the rest of me 'clean' it. I don't think it's anything to worry about - but check with your artist.

I just got a tattoo behind my ear on Friday and it's time for me to wash my hair. Is it okay to go ahead on and wash or should I wait a couple of more days????
dude... i have plenty o'tats and i've always washed my behind the same day of the tat. all i would do is skip the tat with the bath squishy and rub the soap (ivory, nothing with dye or strong scents) over the tat. i would wash my hair and the poo ran over my back tats with no issues. no fading, infections or issue with ANY of my tats.

shoot, yall crazy... just wait a few hrs. like get the tat done in the afternoon and then wash your butt that nite or the next morning. it wont burn or nothing.

oh!!! if you like super hot showers you might want to lower the temp. it will feel like what i assume a sun burn feels like with hot water (i say assume cause i've never had one)
MAN!!! this thread is old as sin! this girl done been washed her behind... wasting my advise lol

LOL! I bumped it b/c I just got a tattoo behind my ear Friday night and it's time for me to wash my hair. I wash my arse as usual, lol, and with my other 2 tats, I always washed my butt the same day, never thought about it, but just doing the full wash day routine after getting a tat practically on my head, I wanted to know how to care for it.
I've always let the shower water hit my tats, i thought u couldnt submerge it in like bath water and just leave it chillin underwater? i just got a huge one on my right arm (from shoulder to elbow) and i just dont wash it with my loofah obviously, i make sure to keep the hair product run off from hitting it....and i dont dry it with my bath towel, i use paper towels to pat it dry.
Mmm, i dont have any tats in an area close to my hair...buuuut, ask your artist to be completely sure, Google isn't always right :lachen:
i am 98% sure that you can go ahead and wash it...dont let the water hit your tat directly and dry it with a paper towel after...the two percent i left just in case your artist insists this isnt safe