Take him back and shut up!


Well-Known Member
My friend has been waiting on her divorced husband to leave his gf for 5 years. She spent over half of those years sleeping with him and playing wifey. All the while he continued to live with his gf. The gf has a pic of him and her in her FB profile.

Okay fast foward and my friend sees he isn't trying to come back. She stops sleeping with him and takes him to child support. He's in the rear 10's of thousands of dollars. He had a court appointment last thursday and has to return with a bunch of paper work. He works on homes so much of his income was unreported.

Anyway she's all smiles telling me how he called her at 2am and she could hear altercation with gf. He is telling her he wants to come home, he made a mistake, he never wanted the girl, calling her the b word. My friend says, she doesn't know if she wants him back now. I'm thinking, she might as well let him come back. She has spent that last 5 years waiting for him to leave her...take him back. I don't want to hear the drama...she needs to take him back. She has proven that her life can't exist without him so, I say take him back and shut up about it!!

It's funny before child support and them talking about him going to jail, he wasn't trying to come back! I say, "Whatever!"
Ummm....is your friend plum crazy? :lachen: Take him back for????? Is he going back cause he don't wanna go to jail? Are they going to marry again? What if he leaves her again?

This is some nutty foolishness. If she calls talkin about it just tell her something suddently came up! :lachen:
Ummm....is your friend plum crazy? :lachen: Take him back for????? Is he going back cause he don't wanna go to jail? Are they going to marry again? What if he leaves her again?

This is some nutty foolishness. If she calls talkin about it just tell her something suddently came up! :lachen:

Yeah...I want him to go back. I'm sick of her acting as if she can't live without him. I say...be careful what you wish for. She has put her life on hold all these years waiting on him. She fianally realized the girl was his gf months ago. She didn't wake up when he left her for the girl. She didn't wake up after she would screw him and he woulg go home to her. Dude has been out and about with her for years. Yet, the girl put him in her fb profile and you realize it's more than what he has been saying. What!

Take him back and live life is what I say! Don't front like now you don't know! You want him and have wanted him! The girl wasn't a ***** before now. Oh....he's pissed at her and now she's a ***** and he made a mistake? Please! I think she will be just like her divorced mom/dad. He married again and was in and out of her mom's bed all those years. He back at home with her mom, still legally married to the other woman.

Mom is raising hell, because dad STILL is seeing the separated wife. He takes care of her AND her kids. She sends him right back home to my friends mom and she is miserable cause she can't trust him. Be careful what you wish for!!!!
There is NO WAY that they should be together without serious counseling first, cause they both sound outta their minds! He doesn't want to pay for the kids and she doesn't want the girlfriend to have him.
I really thought this thread was about something else. :look:

Anyway, she needs to be about her back child support THEN talk about getting back together. See how he responds to that.
No, mom has set the example she will follow...it doesn't matter what anybody else says--that's her standard.
what kind of f*ckery?

ok, but she shouldnt be surprised if he comes back and then he ends up in the gf's bed.
Wow. The stupidity and desperation in people just blows my mind.

Ya know, you should cut this chick off as a friend. She's a fool. I don't allow fools to occupy my time or energy with foolishness. And the people around the fool end up paying a price for the poor judgment and craziness that fools spread.
op, you make a very interesting point. Ideally, she should completely sever any romantic relationship with him, of course, but lately I've been on a "Let people be on whatever plane they're on, and maybe they'll get sick of it one day" kick. She may just have to get tired of it all herself in order to let him go.
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Yeah...I want him to go back. I'm sick of her acting as if she can't live without him. I say...be careful what you wish for. She has put her life on hold all these years waiting on him. She fianally realized the girl was his gf months ago. She didn't wake up when he left her for the girl. She didn't wake up after she would screw him and he woulg go home to her. Dude has been out and about with her for years. Yet, the girl put him in her fb profile and you realize it's more than what he has been saying. What!

Take him back and live life is what I say! Don't front like now you don't know! You want him and have wanted him! The girl wasn't a ***** before now. Oh....he's pissed at her and now she's a ***** and he made a mistake? Please! I think she will be just like her divorced mom/dad. He married again and was in and out of her mom's bed all those years. He back at home with her mom, still legally married to the other woman.

Mom is raising hell, because dad STILL is seeing the separated wife. He takes care of her AND her kids. She sends him right back home to my friends mom and she is miserable cause she can't trust him. Be careful what you wish for!!!!

They're both pathetic. Im with you, take him back. Heck, mind as well let the GF/b word he will continue seeing move in too. :wallbash:
Men have murdered their children to avoid child support. So in other words some men will do anything to avoid paying child support.
*Blank Stare*

That is directed towards your friend and her situation. Sounds like a straight plumfoolery to me. I couldn't even begin to imagine getting caught up in some mess like that.
Yep...When I say get back with him, I mean it! She has no life without him. The have been divorced for years and he never left her life. If it wasn't him,s he was still trying to stay involved with his mom and sisters. She would get mad, when they invited the grandson and not her to dinner and places.

She wouldn't let the boy go most times, talking about what is the little boy to think, with his mom not coming. He is to think mom and dad are divorced but my dad's family still wants to spend time with me. She thinks things are supposed to be as they were when she was married. So she has NEVER moved on from him or his family. She won't be happy until he is back at home with her, then she'll start to live again. Now..what type of living she will have will be up to her.

It's too much, she slept with him all that time but dude spent no time with their son. She struggled fianacially with no help from him. Him and his girl wined and dined. He could have been back years ago. Him and the gf have moved two different locations together in the last years.

It's fine to open your legs but let your son get stood up time and time again. He's 8 years old and has feelings. Now you wake up and stop sleeping with him, NOW you pursue child support? Still wanting him to leave and come back. I truly from the bottom of my heart, want him back with her! Sadly, that is the only time she will be happy!

I think she will wish she had left him where he was, if he does come back!
^^^ I feel sorry for her son. If she was dishing out the poon, (in her house at that) he could at least have seen/spent time with the kid. :ohwell: Neither parent giving a damn about his development, and she's keeping him away from the extended family because she can't have her way, he's screwed all around.