Tables Turned- Do you let your DD do YOUR hair?


SuperDuper Member
I was just sitting here playing in my NG and was thinking. I washed and blowdried my hair last night, (without wrapping it)put my satin cap on it and went to sleep- I didn't feel like doing anything else to it. I woke up this morning, finger combed my now poof of hair (thick relaxed hair) and put an elastic head band on and went to work.

Anyway, my DD is 13. By her age, I had already cut my own hair, put peroxide in my hair calling myself dying it, did my own fancy-looking braids and styles on my hair, did other people's hair for pay, etc. You know what my DD does to her hair? Put it into 1 ponytail. I am the creative hair stylist in the family. She is a girly-girl too. I don't get it... I wish she could do hair so she could do my hair. I would love to let my DD flat iron my hair or blow dry it for me. I could do it by her age... :ohwell:

Do you let your DD do your hair?
DDis 11 and has been braiding and stuff since she was about 2 or 3. It started when she was that age and I'd wash her hair, put it in ponies and to keep her from fidgeting, tell her to twist her ponytails and put the barrrette on the end. She then moved up and has WAY more skills than I'll ever have. I'll let her cornrow my hair for braidouts or put braids or flat twists in the front of my hair but that's all. That chile has a heavy hand and I'm tenderheaded :nono:

When my mom does a sew in, she has Dee braid her hair, extensions and all for the tracks. I let her do a couple heads for money, but not very often @ this age.
DDis 11 and has been braiding and stuff since she was about 2 or 3. It started when she was that age and I'd wash her hair, put it in ponies and to keep her from fidgeting, tell her to twist her ponytails and put the barrrette on the end. She then moved up and has WAY more skills than I'll ever have. I'll let her cornrow my hair for braidouts or put braids or flat twists in the front of my hair but that's all. That chile has a heavy hand and I'm tenderheaded :nono:

When my mom does a sew in, she has Dee braid her hair, extensions and all for the tracks. I let her do a couple heads for money, but not very often @ this age.
You're a lucky lady! I want my DD to do my hair... I'm thinking about teaching her to do hair. I was being lax on actually teaching her, because no one taught me, I just did it. I have to teach her... shoot, I do hers all the time- like I should as her mom, but it would be SUPER nice if we could do each others hair. Sometimes when I do my own, I feel like my arms are gonna fall off. :ohwell:
My dd's are young (2 and 5) But if they knew how to do hair, I sure would let them do mine! I'd love to be able to get my rollersets done by someone else :grin:

Matter of fact, I think Imma start "training" them :scratchch .............
My dd's are young (2 and 5) But if they knew how to do hair, I sure would let them do mine! I'd love to be able to get my rollersets done by someone else :grin:

Matter of fact, I think Imma start "training" them :scratchch .............
I know that's right, I don't blame you! Start 'em young. :yep:

I think I'm seriously about to teach my DD on how to do hair- starting tonight. I think I'm going to put my flat iron on a very low heat and teach her how to flat iron on my hair.
My dd is 14 and she does hair REALLY well. She has always been a creative spirit in many aspects. She does have a love for hair and started very young.

BUT I was a master stylist and instructor for many I trained her. She actually makes some side money (styling, flat ironing, trimming) because she is good! With that said I do NOT let her do chemicals because 1) she is only 14 and 2) I don't want any liability issues. I have taught her how do relaxers using shaving cream and cheap doll heads for doing somebody elses hair. I have taught her to self relax (if she so chooses) using conditioner in place of relaxer.

Oh, and yeah I do let her do my hair sometimes. I don't do it frequently because I am SUPER tender headed.

Hairapy, re teaching her to flat iron that is a good idea that's what I did!
My dd's are young (2 and 5) But if they knew how to do hair, I sure would let them do mine! I'd love to be able to get my rollersets done by someone else :grin:

Matter of fact, I think Imma start "training" them :scratchch .............

LOL! My dd can rollerset other hair but not mine...that mess hurts when she does it!:ohwell: