Switching Relaxers: ORS Lye to Mizani Lye. Yea? Nay?


New Member
Hi ladies. I've been at this hair thing since 2008, and I've always used ORS lye. It works fine. My Aunt offered to give me a huge tub of Mizani lye (she claims it's a better product than the 'regular' relaxer I'm using)-- She's switching to Affirm.

I've always been curious about trying another relaxer but I'm scared I might cause a setback with the switch OR get different texlaxed results. I'm finally reaching one of my goals and the LAST thing I need is a setback at the root level.

Is it advisable to switch relaxers? For those who have tried both what's the difference? Which is a better relaxer?

I'd hate for this to be a case of curiosity killed the cat.

Thanks ladies :)
I've never had a problem switching relaxers except that some relaxers may process differently leaving hair to feel a little different.

I think I've used 5 to 6 different lye relaxers since I started my hair journey.
Is your scalp sensitive? I used Mizani ONCE because it was too strong for my hair and scalp...it was mizani regular.

Your aunt sounds like she thinks mizani and affirm are better because they are "salon" relaxers, but I think the best thing is to stick to what works for you.
Is your scalp sensitive? I used Mizani ONCE because it was too strong for my hair and scalp...it was mizani regular.

Your aunt sounds like she thinks mizani and affirm are better because they are "salon" relaxers, but I think the best thing is to stick to what works for you.
Yeah she did say they are 'more professional.' I'm texlaxed and it's possible that she thinks it's my relaxer's fault that my hair doesn't get bone straight. Most non-hair board people don't see the sense in texlaxing. I've been told to stop straddling the fence :lol:

ETA: I don't think my scalp is sensitive. With texlaxing, I usually don't leave it on long enough to start hurting.
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