Surge Replacement


Active Member
I went in to my local BSS and of course, there was no Surge...HOWEVER, the girl suggested that I try Mane 'n Tail Hair Stregthener, which she is advising people is a substitute for Surge...
I bought it, but haven't tried it. Has anyone used it? Is it worthy to be called a substitute?
I went in to my local BSS and of course, there was no Surge...HOWEVER, the girl suggested that I try Mane 'n Tail Hair Stregthener, which she is advising people is a substitute for Surge...
I bought it, but haven't tried it. Has anyone used it? Is it worthy to be called a substitute?

Compare the ingredients and see. Speaking of Surge14 sellers on ebay are linking to comments posted about surge. Here's the listing: :nono:
My things is with all the counterfeiting go around, how do people know it's the real thing? Imagine someone mixing up a concoction in their kitchen & calling it Surge....
My things is with all the counterfeiting go around, how do people know it's the real thing? Imagine someone mixing up a concoction in their kitchen & calling it Surge....

I so agree with this. I already said that I will be kinda skeptical about buying Surge again now that it's owned by someone else. If I run across it in a BSS, I definitely won't be buying it. It would be nice to contact the original owners of the company to see if the "new and improved" formula is legit. You know, to see if they are going to be using the same formula that we all have grown accustomed to. I stopped using Surge for a while because it made my roots really damp and wavy. I started back using it to see if it would curb my shedding. I hope to find out something soon.
My things is with all the counterfeiting go around, how do people know it's the real thing? Imagine someone mixing up a concoction in their kitchen & calling it Surge....

I agree. There is an Asian store about 15 minutes from where I live and they have plenty of bottles but who knows if its the REAL DEAL:perplexed.