Surge Question--who knows?


New Member
Hi guys, I am a :newbie: here who has been reading and following in the hair care section for years. I must say that my hair has done a complete turn-around since I found this site and started incorporating all the great advice from you ladies into my own regimen. Thank you!

Now that I went ahead and paid the $5 I can finally post .:user:.

Here is my question. I was a faithful user of Surge 14 and since they have now discontinued this product, I am trying to use the Surge Ultra max. Can anyone tell me if this product is also discontinued?. Ever site I have looked at says its out of stock.

I would appreciate if anyone would let me know.

Thanks again u guys!
Hi guys, I am a :newbie: here who has been reading and following in the hair care section for years. I must say that my hair has done a complete turn-around since I found this site and started incorporating all the great advice from you ladies into my own regimen. Thank you!

Now that I went ahead and paid the $5 I can finally post .:user:.

Here is my question. I was a faithful user of Surge 14 and since they have now discontinued this product, I am trying to use the Surge Ultra max. Can anyone tell me if this product is also discontinued?. Ever site I have looked at says its out of stock.

I would appreciate if anyone would let me know.

Thanks again u guys!

Welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I am not sure if the Surge Ultra max has been discontinued along with Surge 14. The last messsage I saw stated something to that fact the company was either looking for a new distributor or needed another company to actually make the product. If that's the case then the should be having the same problem with their other products as well. You may be able to find the Ultra max a local BSS.