Surge Challenge Update Week 4


Hair Coach
Hey Everyone!

This is the last week of the Surge challenge. It seems that the majority are getting great results from using the Surge.

My results/review:

Surge is a very good product and it does make hair stronger as promised. I don't think I can contribute the faster growth to Surge because I was already getting mega growth from using biotin.

With everything being said, I don't think that I will continue to spend $5.99 a bottle on Surge as my hair is extremely healthy without it. I didn't like having to spray my hair twice daily either. I think that I will take the $12 I would spend every month using it and put it toward some vitamins or Carol's Daughter products( which I am completely in love with)

My overall rating: 3 stars (out of five)

How about everyone else?
I have to agree that it is a good product. I actually think that I will keep using it, b/c it has made my hair stronger which i needed since my hair was overprocessed, not only that but it is the only thing that I have actually seen thicken my thin hair. so for me It is a keeper, I don't think twice a day is necessary.
I am loving the Surge a lot. My hair is so much better and thicker and I have so much new growth that I have to Touch-up a week earlier.

I have no way of knowing if Surge did it but it's the only thing new that I'm doing so...

I decided to cut down Surging to once a day since the second week of the challenge.I find this is enough for me.

I will continue to use it. I give it four stars out of five.
I'll stick with it. I'm currently mixing it with ION Straightening Conditioner in an applicator bottle (pointy tip). My new growth is moistened and strengthened. I wouldn't take as much care with the new growth if it weren't for the Surge.
For me it's a keeper. I've been using it for 2 weeks now and spraying in the evening (no time in the morning) and I have loads of new growth!! I have now at 2.5 weeks post relaxer what I would normally get at 5-6 weeks. I don't measure my growth, as I find it discouraging, but from what I can feel it's the same and possibly a good half inch there in some places. I know for a fact that it's the surge as I haven't been on any vits/exercise this month. It doesn't make my hair hair hard at all, infact the area where I spray is quite soft and the new growth wavy, not as tight as usual. I'm looking forward to my touch up on the 13th Decemeber where I'll be able to see the full effect of this product.

Happy Surging ladies.
I think I'll keep using it too. My hair seems thicker and stronger (though it was thick to begin with). I had a little breakage on the perimeter of my right side which is filling in nicely.
I'm definitely loving Surge! I've noticed my edges are growing in so much......when I roller set recently I noticed front of my hair is getting more even. I use to have three different lengths in the front, bangs, my sides reaching chin length, then some shoulder length sides (ahhh!) now my bangs are catching up to my chin length....I'm really happy...... Also, last night I combined the Surge Lotion with the Spray in a "spout bottle" so I can start working on my scalp ( I have been concentrating on my edges)
I'm not sure if I will continue using it. I'm getting a little fatigued with the process. I just read an article on iVillage and they suggest swithing hair products once every 3 weeks. I think it's time for something new.
dontspeakdefeat said:
Am I the only one that is not going to keep using Surge?

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how did that happen???? I hope you reconsider in the future...I think once you put the product in a "spout bottle"/ applicator bottle it's easier to apply ( I started last night)...I bought a few bottles in the 2nd week I found alot of them at National Wholesale Liquidators in NYC...they were 4.99 I think...
Well I give it a 4.5 out of 5
ccd said:
dontspeakdefeat said:
Am I the only one that is not going to keep using Surge?

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how did that happen???? I hope you reconsider in the future...I think once you put the product in a "spout bottle"/ applicator bottle it's easier to apply ( I started last night)...I bought a few bottles in the 2nd week I found alot of them at National Wholesale Liquidators in NYC...they were 4.99 I think...
Well I give it a 4.5 out of 5

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Well I have been using the applicator bottle from the beginning(Check out my Album). I just don't think that the Surge is making things any better than they were before I started using it. It is a good product but right now I feel it is an unnecessary addition to my routine. I am already getting mega growth from vits and my hair was extremely healthy before starting the Surge. There is not enough noticeable difference for me to keep spending the money on it! Sorry guys!
Since I've been in braids I've slacked, which is one week, however b4 I put the braids in, the side that I am surging was definitely stronger and had at least an inch of newgrowth. This is a keeper for me. Maybe this is what I need to strengthen and grow the left side of my hair which is weak and thinnnnnerrr!
I have noticed what appears to be a lot of growth (I have braids), I won't really know how much I have gained until the beginning of the year. That's when I will make my decision whether or not I will continue using the Surge. More than most likely I will.
Ive been praising Surge all month, and I will stick with it, but like some others have said, once a day is good enough. I will especially stick with it through out my bun challenge.
Is anyone getting any itchies with the growth from the Surge. Mine has been fine, I seem to get itchies a lot on the back of my head
LondonDiva said:
Is anyone getting any itchies with the growth from the Surge. Mine has been fine, I seem to get itchies a lot on the back of my head

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I DO TOO! Even after I clarified my nape was itching. That area grows fastest, from what I can tell. I thought it was just me.
I think I will stick w/ Surge too. When I washed my hair, it didn't tear as much as it usually does when I'm braiding my hair for a braid-out. I don't use the Surge the way it's recommended. I use it in a rosemary eo/castor oil/Daily Doctor/water spritz. I also noticed a little fuzz at my temples where I am almost completely bald
Surge is a keeper for me.
I have only used Surge for 3 weeks. I can't say that I had any wild hair growth, but I did notice that my new growth is a lot softer and easier to manage. I'm at six weeks post relaxer and usually by this time my hair is kinda 'puffy'. I think I'm going to try to transition to natural so this is a keeper for me. It might help make the transition a little easier.
Well ladies, I started my surge challenge today. I'm just using it for my edges right now. I'll continue until the end of the month and give updates of how it is going for me.
I do like the product, but as others said, 2 application's a day is a little tiring. I cut back to one, and I definitely have more new growth than usual, but I'm not sure if it's because of my increased vitamins or because of the Surge

I think I'll have to do a little experimentation to figure out which it is before I decide to continue using Surge.
megonw said:
LondonDiva said:
Is anyone getting any itchies with the growth from the Surge. Mine has been fine, I seem to get itchies a lot on the back of my head

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I DO TOO! Even after I clarified my nape was itching. That area grows fastest, from what I can tell. I thought it was just me.

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That area grows fastest for me too, it's the warmest part.
miss_brown said:
I do like the product, but as others said, 2 application's a day is a little tiring.

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Dang, I must be the only one that likes to settle down to a movie, cup of tea, with a blanket wrapped round me ready to Surge
I am with you DSD. I didn't really notice a difference with the Surge. I won't be buying it again. But, look on the bright side ladies that mean more you all.
brittanynic16 said:
I am with you DSD. I didn't really notice a difference with the Surge. I won't be buying it again. But, look on the bright side ladies that mean more you all.

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Not that it is a bad product. It's great. It just didn't add anything extra. Brittany you are right, more for everyone else!
I like it, but I'm not sure at this point whether I will continue. I'm not really measuring my growth, so it's all fro to me, and my hair was already growing fairly fast already. (sigh) I'll make up my mind when I finish the bottle.

I did give some to my cousin to help with her edges (too many flat twists). I'll check on her when I get back for Christmas break in two weeks.
ok, i have surge, but haven't started using it yet. of all you women who are using it that are "relaxed", are you spraying on just washed hair or just daily. your hair doesn't puff up? thanks.
I will keep on using it... at least for another month and see what my hair says about it then!
It definitely thickens!
I'm currently on my 4th bottle and I have never used it twice a day and still got good growth. In the beginning I only used it every other day and the results were still good.
I will continue to use SURGE because of the benefits my hair is receiving less shedding and hair is stronger and softer new growth.