Surge Challengers Update week 2

lunalight7 said:
Am I too late to join the challenge? I just got Surge today...I was dancing in the store because I was so happy to find it....The Korean brother just looked at me like I was crazy...

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Never too late! Come on in we still have a couple of more weeks to go!
lunalight7 said:
Labett,I think Im gonna try the Surge for my thin temples cause the Nioxin Follicle Booster hasnt worked for me.

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Keep me posted on your results.
OK Ladies! I just washed my hair and Im deep conditioning under a plastic cap right now...I'll begin the challenge tonite!!!!
How would you use Surge if you get a press and curl. Can you use it as a leave-in on damp hair and then let it air dry before it is pressed?
My hair seems much stronger and shinier since I started. Since I'm natural, length is hard to gauge, but I've singled out a patch in the front to watch. Last week it looked a little longer, but this week I'm not expecting too much because I've been slacking on the spraying a little bit. Still, I plan on continuing the Surge (especially if I can find it offline!!!) because even though I bought it for extra length, I see other benefits for my hair. I think it is helping my hair acquire extra strength without becoming stiff or hard.
I think that you spraying it on your scalp before doing your hair is a good idea. Also, I've read here of ladies mixing the Surge into their moisturizer so it would not cause reversion.
Well DSD, I couldn't even wait two weeks for my update girl!
I've been using it for just 5 days and my hair is so much thicker. Not puffy though...its like the diameter of the hair is know I'm lovin this!
And to top it off I got a non-LHCF member hooked on it too! Girl, Surge is gonna have to hire me for their marketing campaign..,,,cuz girl ima be sangin' dem praises a long time!!
i/ve been using Surge in a rosemary spritz. It's hard to tell if it's working or not (transitioning since feb 2003). I've read all of your responses and was wondering what are of the head would be the best place to notice results? Also, on a previous post about this product, I asked if there were any adverse effects after you stop using Surge? I never got an answer so I'm hoping someone will respond.
I thought it meant that if your hair was pressed or something the water caused it to "revert" or go back to it's natural state, not neccesary just the roots.
I thought it meant that if your hair was pressed or something the water caused it to "revert" or go back to it's natural state, not neccesary just the roots.

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You are right soslychic.
I was thinking of relaxed hair reversion.

This is my 6th day and it appears my edges in front are thickening up. Because my hair is in a damp bun most of the time, it's hard to tell. But here is a suggestion to see if you have new growth, let your hair completely air dry and then feel the scalp. Doing this I can tell I have a bunch of new growth in the top and back.
ElizaBlue said:
But here is a suggestion to see if you have new growth, let your hair completely air dry and then feel the scalp. Doing this I can tell I have a bunch of new growth in the top and back.

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Yea I do this and I can guess about how much new growth I have without actually measuring.
ElizaBlue said:
This is my 6th day and it appears my edges in front are thickening up. Because my hair is in a damp bun most of the time, it's hard to tell. But here is a suggestion to see if you have new growth, let your hair completely air dry and then feel the scalp. Doing this I can tell I have a bunch of new growth in the top and back.

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Thanks for that suggestion. I think I may try that this weekend when I use shampoo.
If it is a possibility that Surge is causing a relaxer to revert, then how will we know that Surge is actually causing growth or not? I was hoping there was no such thing, but I cant get the possibility out of my mind...feels kind of disappointing.
I think it's causing pressed hair to revert. I think the ladies that believe it is reverting their relaxed hair may have been experiencing growth...I think.

It is all dependent on whether you beleive relaxed hair can revert or not. A way of telling if it is new growth would be to measure periodically with a ruler and see if it gets longer.
candycane said:
I think it's causing pressed hair to revert. I think the ladies that believe it is reverting their relaxed hair may have been experiencing growth...I think.

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Hope so
You can't revert chemical processed hair. Once it is processed it can not be unprocessed. There is nothing to worry about Honeylemondrop. If some ladies' hair are curling up then it is probably new growth that they have dried laying down. So, because it has not been processed, it will curl up when it is wet.
I have to agree with brittany, I use surge not only on my scalp but on the entire lenght of my hair, if it causes relaxed hair to revert, then the entire lenght would curl back up and not only the roots, to me that is proof that what Iam seeing is new growth.
Zgirl said:
I have to agree with brittany, I use surge not only on my scalp but on the entire lenght of my hair, if it causes relaxed hair to revert, then the entire lenght would curl back up and not only the roots, to me that is proof that what Iam seeing is new growth.

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Maybe I used the wrong word when I stated that Surge "reverts" my hair. There is nothing on the market today that can reverse the relaxer process. My hair is not bone straight. So when water hits it, it kinks up a bit. When I spray on the surge "things start raising." I call that reverting but I guess a better word for it would be frizzing up.

Hey, has anyone tried spraying Surge, then following it with Healthier Hair in a Bottle, then pulling your hair back in a scarf to dry overnight. Wow!! If your hair is frizzing up, try doing this. It did an excellent job of straightening my roots.
I wish I could find this Surge Stuff. I can't find it in california anywhere, not even the walgreens!