
Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever been there for a trim? If so how was the experience? Did they trim off a lot of your hair? I know there are a lot of SHS out there so anyone ever been there and had success?
I had a bad experiene. The girl was white and not experience in doing African American natural hair. She cut my hair wet which resulted in me looking like a poodle afterwards due to the shrinkage /images/graemlins/angry2.gif. She also used a very drying shampoo that stripped my hair dry. The conditioner was not moisturizing. My hair was so hard and brittle at the end i almost wanted to cry and to think i paid Supercuts $17. I was so regretful. I say, do your homework first. Call them up and ask them questions about their stylist and if the usually work with your hair type. I live in Seattle, the stylist are probably more diversed in NJ. Good Luck!
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that lyphe. I always wondered how they would handle AA hair. From what I've seen on the commericials they look like they give great cuts, but I've yet to see a AA on the commerical. I don't plan on getting my hair cut but if I did I would really like to see what they could do...
Oh my...Lyphe, I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. I do hope that your hair recovered quickly. I will definitely do my homework and check out these places before I go anywhere to get a trim.
I have a few friends who only go to Supercuts and places like it for dusting trims. What they do is go with a fresh wash and straighten, and just let them cut it dry. At my direction, /images/graemlins/grin.gif they actually ASK for a dusting and by all accounts they get exactly that. One of my friends has unbelievably long hair now by only getting her trims done this way. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Tracy, I think I'll try this after my next rollerset. I'm way overdue for a trim. I only want the bottom layer trimmed so that the shorter layers can catch up.

My salon charges $20 and trims all the layers, so I just say no these days.