What is the real reason black stylist are so scissor happy?

Damn, this thread reminds me to never let anyone touch my hair again. I haven't been to a salon in years and my hair has been doing wonderfully even with lots of self abuse to it lol.
The biggest over "trims" I received were from a Great Clips and done by white stylists (4-6 inches taken off on 2 separate occasions). The best trim I ever got was by a black male stylist.

I think stylists, in general, like to cut hair (rather than just trim) b/c they like to go for the most dramatic change (even if it's not for the best). Reminds me of the white stylist from What Not To Wear who loved to chop everyone's hair off.

I trim my own hair now. :yep:

He used to PISS ME OF!!! He cut everyone's hair off as if that was the answer to anything. *** THAT! lol
Sigh.... This thread breaks my heart. I had to stop going to my favorite stylist because she kept cutting off my hair. Man could she do some hair. We got into an argument the last time I went to her and she said, "Well I guess I'll never see you again" I was Sad but I knew this was true... even though she was a crazy b, she knew how to straigthen and make hair so pretty but she couldn't keep those scissors out her hands.

I went to a male stylist after that and he wasn't scisor happy but he couldn't "lay" my hair like the crazy b.

So know I do my own hair. I'm just really about growth right now so I trim my own. I don't really have a style as I'm protective styling but my ends are healthy.
Anytime scissors come near my hair I instantly start sweating!!!!!!!!! This is from years of dealing with stylists that cut what they "think is sufficient" versus what I told her I wanted, which was a trim. But, l have finally found a stylist I trust to trim the split ends and nothing more.
But, it's sad and unfortunate that we have all had a run in with a scissor happy stylist.
Wouldn't it be radical if we all printed off this thread and posted it to every black salon in each of our home towns (obviously redacting the name, details and address of the forum and any usernames). We could start a revolution!

We could all be Captain Save-A-Scissor-Happy-Customer-Losing-Stylist's!!

WHO'S WITH ME??!?? :)

If only...

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Because they are more interested in style than health. The quickest way to clean up a messy style when hair is not in the best condition is to trim those ends straight.

Black salons focus on the here and now, not what your goals are for growth. They want a finished product once you leave. .

Well *sometimes* clients really do have a lot of splits and breakage. Besides that, I think stylists want to final style to be neat and uniform.

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Its because blunt ends look better than ragged ones.they probably dont want their clients coming out of their salon with some rageddy ann ends.their clients are their advertisement.

I agree wholeheartedly...you cannot leave the salon and say I did your hair with those raggedy end!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:"Gurl, you need a trim BAD!!!"L0L

My stylist used to take 10 minutes to put every hair in the place she wanted it to go before I left only for me to get to the car and run my fingers through it to my liking!!! It's all about the style!
I dont think its just black stylist I think its women period just look at all the threads started by women not sure what to do with there ends, from at least 90% of the women here all the replies reade CUT IT, CUT IT NOW, OR TRIM
It's not as "deep" as some of you may think...beauty schools do a terrible job of properly training hair stylists in general and Black hair stylists are double doomed because the curriculum does not teach us how to do anything but relax "black" hair. As a result, black hair stylists leave beauty school with the exact same knowledge they came in with. The "proper" way to do things is not taught at all, because many of the teachers don't have a clue themselves. So its really just a vicious cycle of bad hair care practices due to general misinformation and the lack of education in beauty school.

How many women on this board used to believe the popular hair myths (wash every 2 weeks, water dries your hair out, relax every 6-8 weeks etc etc) BEFORE doing in-depth research on their own??? Not all women (even hair stylists by trade) are as passionate about learning how to truly care for their hair, most people just want it to look good.

The "Dominican" way of trimming hair does not address 70% of the splits on your head, they basically just comb the hair down and trim the ends creating the illusion of even length. This just makes the hair appear healthier, but it does very little to help the overall health of your hair. If you truly need a trim because you have splits/damage on the ends, you need an experienced stylist who knows the proper cutting angles.
I walked out of the salon yesterday with my hair unfinished since the stylist wanted to cut way too much of my hair (about 1 inch). She did an awful job with my blow out (sat me under the dryer first) and flat iron. I walked in with a twist out on my natural hair and walked out wearing a bun on badly flat ironed hair.

I started to trim my hair this morning but it's taking forever. I'm probably going to buy the Talavera Splitender if I can find it locally today.
YES! The last black hairdresser I had actually argued with me about the amount of hair to cut. She was doing a trim and the front sides of my hair was finally growing past my chin and I told her "Don't cut too much of the sides" And she's like "But I want it.." and brought her hands up to the middle of her face and I said "Well I want to it pass that.." Like chick, I'm paying you to do my hair the way I want it, not the way YOU want it! Ridiculous..so glad I became a DIYer.


Do your cut/trim own hair?

If so, is there a certain techinique (or certain steps/recipe if you will) that you use?
I get into ALL the time with my instructors in my beauty school. Smh They stay trying to tell me bout my hair needing a trim. Annoys the hell out of me! I'm always like nah I just did a search and destroy I KNOW I'm good. They laugh, cause of course I don't know anything to them. What's a search and destroy they ask. I respond, they laugh, that doesn't work they say... YET my hair is easing closer and closer to bra strap, and now they're like oh we'll if it works for youuuu.... WHATEVER! I really do think there obsessed with hair being cut into a style. One of my classmates gets her ends trimmed by my instructor and can't figure out why she only gained almost an inch in the 8 months we've been there... I wonder why?! Smh
LadyBklyn said:
I get into ALL the time with my instructors in my beauty school. Smh They stay trying to tell me bout my hair needing a trim. Annoys the hell out of me! I'm always like nah I just did a search and destroy I KNOW I'm good. They laugh, cause of course I don't know anything to them. What's a search and destroy they ask. I respond, they laugh, that doesn't work they say... YET my hair is easing closer and closer to bra strap, and now they're like oh we'll if it works for youuuu.... WHATEVER! I really do think there obsessed with hair being cut into a style. One of my classmates gets her ends trimmed by my instructor and can't figure out why she only gained almost an inch in the 8 months we've been there... I wonder why?! Smh

Girl I have the opposite problem with my instructor lol she is scared of my hair cause I'm natural but it's cute ... I have a lot of black clients at school that I give advice to and they listen to my every word and come back every time and I try to give my classmate advice but try don't want to hear it so I keep it moving
beautyintheyes said:
Girl I have the opposite problem with my instructor lol she is scared of my hair cause I'm natural but it's cute ... I have a lot of black clients at school that I give advice to and they listen to my every word and come back every time and I try to give my classmate advice but try don't want to hear it so I keep it moving

Lol oh yea we have the total opposite going for real! Lol Most of my classmates stay listening to something new and profound (well to ME anyway) I done discovered about hair, or wanna ask me something. Sheesh wish I had ya problem cause sometimes I just be wanting to go HAM (on the instructors not my classmates) on them! But I DO think that beauty school does nothing but teaches you how to make hair LOOK good. Not actually how to treat, or maintain healthy hair.
Kinkyhairlady said:
I know some say jealousy but it can't be the only reason. I ask this cause today I got a trim at Supercuts by a white stylist and she was awesome. I asked for at least a 2 inch trim and her response was " I'm gonna start with the bare minimum and we'll work from there because I don't want to take off too much".

Whenever I go to a black salon they are always more then willing to give me a haircut instead if a trim. I also notice at super cuts you're facing the mirror and other salons they turn you around why is that?

Now I'm not saying all black stylist are scissor happy but all the ones I've been to were, and I've been to a lot over the years.

The more they cut, the more you'll depend on them to style your hair next time
He used to PISS ME OF!!! He cut everyone's hair off as if that was the answer to anything. *** THAT! lol

That blasted Nick Arrojo! I HATED him! Some of his cuts were cute, but the vast majority of them looked dowdy, and most of them were forced on the clients. And at the end, he would give that smarmy grin and ask, "Can I have a hoog?" :lol:
I live in a white neighborhood, and have white, and asian friends. I have walked by salon windows and seen white stylist put the scissors at a trim, spin the chair and raise it a foot up.

My Asian friend took her knee length hair to a salon for asian folks and came out with a bowl cut. I personally believe the thin haired stylist was jealous, I was so mad because my friend had mythical thick beautiful hair.

I had couple white friends that grew their hair to hip length, went in for a trim and came out with hair so short they started wearing extensions. In fact, my white friends get butchered a lot more than my black ones. We never know what to expect when they have to go in for that dreaded trim. They just pick up some clip on extensions and keep it moving.

Supercuts hires fresh out of beauty school stylist, and trains them in the super cut techniques. They chopped all of my stuff off one time.

I am writing this because I don't want anybody who has beautiful long hair to think the color of a hairstylist determines how much of your hair is cut off. They will all hack your stuff off, and charge you for the privilege.

Best thing to do is get recommendations, then go walk by the salon and watch them.

So true. A lot of stylist waaaay over trim. Black, white, Asian, and Hispanic.

It's weird I find stylists are way more conservative when trimming men's hair but not womens.

Everytime I send my boyfriend to Great Clips for a haircut, it seems like they never take off enough. I bet if I asked for a trim, they'd wack off about 3 or 4 inches in a heart beat.

It depends on the stylists though...I have met a couple great stylists who knew how to trim conservatively. One even knew about "dusting" and was happy to do it for me. Unforuntately she moved :ohwell:
I've been to a couple bad salons and can't go back. I just finished cutting my hair a couple days ago because the minute I hear stuff that I don't agree with, I walked out.

I braid, twist, perm, style whatever on my own hair. My daughter is mixed and I took her for a "trim" since her Caucasian father wouldn't hush. I walked out like "really?!?!" The girl barely used the scissors! I think she was scared of my daughters hair.

I got shears from Wal-Mart for $10 and now I clip her hair myself. She has cut her hair a few times and makes me have to learn in the moment.

When her hair was short it was curlier. Then it reached mbl- and she chopped the top pretty bad and some sides. So I cut about 2.5 inches and as the hair grew back I played it off like bangs (some parts of the top were an inch long). Then about a year later she cut the sides down to about two inches... Sigh.

Sometimes I think I need to become a cosmetologist... Then I remember its a $17,000 degree here. Nvm. I've since locked away the scissors...


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Don't get it twisted... While women get jealous of black women's hair too.

I once went to a "white" salon like a Super Cuts, etc... And she cut like 3 inches... Showed me where she was GOING to cut it, then cut it shorter... She was a hatin' arse stylist because she also recommended I get a BKT. I told her kindly, no thank you, I like my naps the way they are.

I should've cussed her out.