Super Dry Hair and I Can't Figure Out Why


New Member
Hi Ladies!

I wash and deep condition my hair weekly. Using either a light protein followed with a moisturizing deep conditioner or just a moisturizing deep conditioner.

I use gvp joico kpac or vanilla whiskey by bask or I used the manuca honey bask deep conditioner or curl junkie moisurtizing deep conditioner(can't remember name). I use Giovanni Direct leave-in and use butters to moisturize and then seal with almond or grape seed oil.

I apply my butters to my hair 1x-2x a week and apply grape seed oil maybe every other day.

My hair is usually stretched ( I haven't mastered twist or braids outs).

I have fine natural 4a hair with low porosity and I've stopped doing ayurvedic masks because they're highly acidic and i need moisture to penetrate my hair. I have my hair soaking in vatika and alma oil now before I wash it this morning, but I'm still just mostly confused as to what I should be doing or using to have my hair just feel soft and nice.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I didn't have this problem over the summer so I added the heavy butters but it's still not doing anything.

What do you wash with and what do you use daily? What is your moisturizer and sealant during the week? What is your daily regimen? What products do you use during the week? I see you use butters which are sealants and also oils which are sealants. You are using giovanni direct leave in as a leave in.

Where is your moisture?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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What are you using to wash with? You may also have slight build up from all the Oils & Butters.

Depending on your shampoo, I would even suggest Cowashing or CoCleansing.

So, I would clarify first to remove any possible buildup. Then I would incorporate Baggying (in the evenings) in my Routine.

Winter Air is extremely Harsh & Dry.

And coming in & out of Heated Buildings, Cars, Home etc...leaves hair totally "Parched" and Dehydrated.

I'd spritz with Water (or a Water based Spritz) and put a little Grapeseed or Almond oil on and Baggy in the evenings while watching TV or on LHCF and see if you can get the moisture back in your Hair.

SN: I personally hated Giovanni Direct L-I. It made my hair dry.

You should be okay once we get through this cold-snap.

What do you wash with and what do you use daily? What is your moisturizer and sealant during the week? What is your daily regimen? What products do you use during the week? I see you use butters which are sealants and also oils which are sealants. You are using giovanni direct leave in as a leave in.

Where is your moisture?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y


I wash with giovanni smooth as silk shampoo

I moisturize with BASK silk and honey latte hair milk and curls creme brule and then apply grape seed oil. I apply the bask and curls every two days.

I thought that giovanni direct was a good moisturizing leave in. Sometimes I also use curl junkie smoothing lotion as a moisturizing leave in because its water based.

My do a roller set and wear my hair loose for a day and then pin it up into a french twist or a bun during the week.

Once a month I may blow-dry on cool and then curl with a wand or use flexi-rods.

I also deep condition with shea moisture deep treatment mask.

maybe I don't understand what qualifies as a moisturizer. I thought a water based leave in and then sealing with grape seed oil or butters was a good thing? I also thought that the ceramides in the grape seed and that it was more of a carrier oil than a sealant would help the moisturizer penetrate my hair better.

I started using butters recently because of the colder weather and I thought that would help. I didn't have this problem over the summer, although I was washing my hair more frequently so that may be it?
Maybe you're over conditioning your hair. It didn't matter the conditioner (high quality, cheap, natural, chemical, deep treatment, leave in, etc.), it always made my hair dry and I could never keep it moisturized. I've completely gave up conditioners, only shampoo and lightly oil my hair, and my hair's completely fine. Maybe try using only very light conditioners or condition once or twice a month? Also, it seems like you're using a lot of oil during the week. Maybe oil your hair once or twice a week? My hair is fine 4b, soft, moisturized, and easy to detangle and care for.
What are you using to wash with? You may also have slight build up from all the Oils & Butters.

Depending on your shampoo, I would even suggest Cowashing or CoCleansing.

So, I would clarify first to remove any possible buildup. Then I would incorporate Baggying (in the evenings) in my Routine.

Winter Air is extremely Harsh & Dry.

And coming in & out of Heated Buildings, Cars, Home etc...leaves hair totally "Parched" and Dehydrated.

I'd spritz with Water (or a Water based Spritz) and put a little Grapeseed or Almond oil on and Baggy in the evenings while watching TV or on LHCF and see if you can get the moisture back in your Hair.

SN: I personally hated Giovanni Direct L-I. It made my hair dry.

You should be okay once we get through this cold-snap.


Thanks! I'll try bagging. I just did that while I was relaxed and it made my hair mushy. I'm still trying to get used to my hair now as a natural and I think next winter I'm just going to wear a weave as a protective style, bc it's putting a beating on my hair.

I'm used to wet bunting but with the cold weather I'm not really trying to do that and get sick lol.

What's your hair type? My hair always feels really good after I put the giovanni direct leave-in on.

I think Baggying as a Natural would serve you very well.

It's altogether 'different' baggying when you are Relaxed.

You might even want to try your Giovanni Direct and a couple drops of oil.

Or another water-based spritz and some Oil or even a water-based crème and some oil.

I'd start out with that and see if it corrects the problem.

I'm relaxed and I do baggy late into my stretch to help keep that NG moisturized and not so dry.
I also hate giovanni direct. It made my hair dry.

Do you cover your hair when going outside?

I agree about clarifying.

Try using the bask milk on damp or nearly dry hair then sealing with oil after you wash and condition. How about washing with shampoo less often and cowashing instead.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y