Sunsilk Hydra TLC - IMPORTANT question


New Member
Hi Ladies,

For the past couple of months, I've been experiencing some serious dryness issues. About three weeks ago, I found what has proven thus far to be a great remedy: Sunsilk Hydra TLC! Because I workout six days per week, I wash (not cowash) almost daily because I find that it works best for me. So far, using this Sunsilk line (especially the 24/7 creme), my hair hasn't had any dryness. Whatever I do with it, it's moist, healthy, and hairlicious. My only concern is that this line has protein in it (keratin protein to be exact). I know that too much protein can cause damage. Should I revise my current regimen, or should I follow the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy? I'm hoping the latter, because it took me a long time to find a simple regimen that works well with my hair. Please help me, Ladies!

I used to spray my hair with ApHogee Keratin and Green Tea Spray and use AB's Hair Mayo Leave-in everyday after every wash. My hair was very thick and didn't break. Dont' worry, use the Hydra TLC.
hey sister Libra! :yawn:

my goodness... i work out that often and still don't wash with shampoo every day. i just rinse right after working out, sometimes co-wash. i do like that HydraTLC though, even with the protein and cones. i co-wash with it still in my hair and have great results. (of course i wash once a week and do an ACV rinse once a month so i doubt it ever really builds up.) i'd say you're probably okay... just wondering why you feel the need to wash with shampoo after working out. different strokes for different folks, i guess. :yep:
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I just tried the Sunsilk creme yesterday and I was wondering the same thing. My hair felt really soft and strong. If I were you I'd just watch it and see. If it starts getting a little brittle or dry then slow up on using it, otherwise I would keep using it. I also agree with LadyLibra, I would not wash my hair everyday, maybe just rinse with water every other day and wash every other day.
This is my staple moisturizer & I've never had a problem with it. IMO the Keratin is too far down on the list to give your hair protein overload anyway, unless your hair is really protein sensitive. If it works for you, stick to it! :yep:
hey sister Libra! :yawn:

my goodness... i work out that often and still don't wash with shampoo every day. i just rinse right after working out, sometimes co-wash. i do like that HydraTLC though, even with the protein and cones. i co-wash with it still in my hair and have great results. (of course i wash once a week and do an ACV rinse once a month so i doubt it ever really builds up.) i'd say you're probably okay... just wondering why you feel the need to wash with shampoo after working out. different strokes for different folks, i guess. :yep:

Hi Lady Libra!

For some reason, poo washing has just worked out better for me than co-washing. Thanks for the advice and info!

Thanks for the advice, Ladies. I really appreciate it. If it becomes a problem, I'll let you know. At least that way someone could learn from my mistake. Thanks again.
Just started using this and I'm loving it. I bought the creme and I also bought the straighten leave in creme. I'm loving both. Does it give good shine because my hair is really shining?