Sunsilk Black Shine Poo and Cream Silk Black Shine Condish

Sunsilk Black Shine Poo and Cream Silk Black and Brilliant Condish

Ok ladies I know I am being a lil pest today but I have mad time to research and come up with questions today. I may be way behind on these products.

While doing some web perusing I saw these two products (Sunsilk black shine shampoo and Creamsilk Black and brilliant conditioner). Now the CreamSilk seems pretty straight forward. The only version I see says it has henna extract. The Sunsilk black shine poo, however, seems to be a whole other story. Depending on which country you are looking at it claims different ingredients. I noticed the Filipino version says it contains henna and cocoa, Indian version says Amla and a version for Thailand said black seaweed. :nono: this just left me confused and even more unsure about whether or not to trust the product.

I saw one review from LHCF once I googled this product from a young lady who tried the Filipino version but none for any of the others. My questions are has anyone else tried these products? If so what versions? Did they work to your satisfaction or deliver what they promised? Perhaps the young lady who originally reviewed them could help me out here.

Also I would like to know if anyone believes they are truly making all these different versions or just marketing the same product to everyone? You think they may just be claiming the ingredients they know will draw in people in each market when in actuality none of them are in there? Then again maybe all the ingredients are in there but they just highlight what they feel is of significance to each culture? However, from reading the young lady's review it seemed that the Filipino version made no mention of Amla in the ingredients. She stated that she was going to try the Indian version since it had Amla.

Perhaps I am thinking too deep on this one. Just wondering what evryone else thinks about or knows about these products.
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Ok ladies I know I am being a lil pest today but I have mad time to research and come up with questions today. I may be way behind on these products.

While doing some web perusing I saw these two products (Sunsilk black shine shampoo and Creamsilk Black Shine conditioner). Now the CreamSilk seems pretty straight forward. The only version I see says it has henna extract. The Sunsilk black shine poo, however, seems to be a whole other story. Depending on which country you are looking at it claims different ingredients. I noticed the Filipino version says it contains henna and cocoa, Indian version says Amla and a version for Thailand said black seaweed. :nono: this just left me confused and even more unsure about whether or not to trust the product.

I saw one review from LHCF once I googled this product from a young lady who tried the Filipino version but none for any of the others. My questions are has anyone else tried these products? If so what versions? Did they work to your satisfaction or deliver what they promised? Perhaps the young lady who originally reviewed them could help me out here.

Also I would like to know if anyone believes they are truly making all these different versions or just marketing the same product to everyone? You think they may just be claiming the ingredients they know will draw in people in each market when in actuality none of them are in there? Then again maybe all the ingredients are in there but they just highlight what they feel is of significance to each culture? However, from reading the young lady's review it seemed that the Filipino version made no mention of Amla in the ingredients. She stated that she was going to try the Indian version since it had Amla.

Perhaps I am thinking too deep on this one. Just wondering what evryone else thinks about or knows about these products.

Sunsilk and Sedal are the same thing. I believe Cream Silk is too. They just market these different versions to different parts of the world. Like in Europe they have a color treated line of products. And in Africa they have a line that includes relaxers. All the products are essentially the same but the ingredients are tweaked to whatever the demographic they are serving. That's why we can't get some of those other versions here in the US. Sunsilk must not have felt like they had a big enough market here for some of those formulations.
Thanks for the reply bmore I have noticed that with Sedal and Sunsilk. Guess I am thinking about this a lil too hard.
The review I saw was very positive for the version the young lady tried. I was just wondering if one version would do anything more for my hair than the other. Being that I am wide awake this morning that got the lil wheels in my head to turning and my mind was off to 21 questions :grin: