Summer Humidity is KILLING me!


New Member
The summer is humidity is killing all chances of me trying to staighten my curls. A few days ago I blow dried my hair to see the length since I took my braids out and also to wear it straight. (it grew about 1 3/4 - 2 inches :grin: ) happy about that but I'd say 15 minutes after I stepped outside I noticed myself in the reflection of a store and my hair was poofy. :mad: :( !

After almost 1 1/2 of styling for 15 minutes? That's so unfair. So I have to wait until the winter to enjoy straight styles? I'm so pissed. The thought of relaxing actually crossed my mind, but I love my hair so much, plus I transitioned for a looonnnggg time. During the transition, blow drying was so much easier, it came out so much sleeker, now! I look like POOF be gone. :down: I think sometimes I may just end up switching back and forth between relaxed and natural. Anyway alternative for now: Does anyone know of a super anti-frizz control blow dry creme/lotion/potion/spray? TIA

Have you tried Maxigliding it with the steam? I'm texturized, and I do Domenican blowouts, but I flatiron with it 2x a week during the hot muggy months, otherwise I'd be a mess after 20 minutes.

I also really like Rusk St8 instead of setting lotion in the summer.
That's what I have been doing after it's blow dried, I Maxiglide (w/ steam), and I know the maxiglide also has the flat iron piece that you can add to it, but I don't use it. I could try the Str8 and see what happens.

I have been thinking about relaxing, but not wanting to go that far. Lately, texurizing is looking good. I am a person that can make my look work for me so right now I am liking my nautral hair although I want straight hair and this is a hassle for me. Do you texturize yourself? and also,how often do you need to touch up your texturizer?

i thought I was the only one struggling! I got a blowout on Friday afternoon to go out that night....I took a walk around my area running errands and when i combed it down a few hours later, it was a lil puffy. By that late morning, it was completely ruined! :mad: Now it's so puffy and disgusting I want to cry!!!!! And I was going to flatiron but I have been using so much lately......Now my hair is just tied down tight! :(

I texturize once every 2-3 months. It's permanant, so don't do it unless you are REALLY sure.

Have you tried a wash and go?
*ElleB said:
i thought I was the only one struggling! I got a blowout on Friday afternoon to go out that night....I took a walk around my area running errands and when i combed it down a few hours later, it was a lil puffy. By that late morning, it was completely ruined! :mad: Now it's so puffy and disgusting I want to cry!!!!! And I was going to flatiron but I have been using so much lately......Now my hair is just tied down tight! :(

Girl I went Friday at 12pm and stayed in my house. I was outside for 15 minutes, and came and wrapped it up. When I unwrapped it my hair looked the same as it looke before I went to the salon. I just relaxed my hair today and went to the store about 10 minutes ago. The store is literally on the corner and the humidity had my hair all curly at the ends and looking poofy (not even outside for more than 7 minutes). I'm going back to my bun or something cuz my ends and this humidity are not friends at all. I love my Vo5 smoothing souffle, it worked great last summer in the humidity. I might try that again cuz it never lets me down.
Humidity whips my butt every time! LOL. I don't even try to straighten my hair in the summer because there's really no point. As soon as I step outside it's gone anyway......just breaks my heart. I just wear my hair curly for the summer and I don't mind it because I like to wear it curly sometimes, it gives my hair a rest from heat.

Sorry, I don't know of any magic potions but if you find one let a sista know!
I hear you I went to a Bridal Shower Saturday I had my hair done at a Dominican Salon, it looked so nice. By the middle of the shower my hair was a big poof ball. I attached the pic in my signature. It got worse by the end of the night ugh!
