Summer Grow out Challenge Roll Call

i want to do this but i don't know how. that's why i came to the site! lol. i have decided that i'm not pressing my hair till sept, for the first day of school. in the mean time i'm wearing braids. ne tips?
oh btw i might wear singles durring the summer. a little smaller than a pencil.
Hi, all. Count me in!!!

I was at backstrap length, with layers. I went in to get my hair TRIMMED last week. I explained that I wanted to keep my length even though I did want to grow out the layers.

Well...I got a cut. That "U" shape in the back is no more. My hair when pulled taut (I'm transitioning) is at my arm pits or a little past. It's at least four or so inches away from my bra strap now. My hair in the front is even shorter (doesn't even hit my shoulders). So, I lost my length!

But, I must say that the cut DID clean up those layers. I only have a little more growing to do to completely be done with them! I should be layer free by years end (if not sooner)! So that's a good thing.

I definitely want to grow some hair this summer! I bought a Paragon water filter and installed it a few days ago.
Other than that, I'll be following my usual regime with the addition of more water (drinking), more moisture in my hair (hair tonics sprayed on roots when wearing hair back), and I plan to take more MSM (currently take 1,000-2,000mg/day).
YAY!!! My Viviscal finally came today! Even though it officially started five days ago, I am ready to start my summer challenge! I got enough for the whole summer! On my way to three more inches!!!
Count me in...
I'll do my touch-up this weekend but I think I need a major trim. I thought the Motions Oil did ok on my hair but now I see where it was underprocessed. Not to mention my ends seem dry from the No-Lye I used in the past. I'll be adding Botin to my list this week and more protective styles. I've been getting some breakage but this could be because Friday will be 8 wks. I wanted to go 9 or 10 but I don't know if I can take it. I'm hoping to get 3 inches by the end of Summer.
Hi guys,

You can count me in too. I just went thru a bad stage with my hair where it was overprocessed and it made so crazy that I cut the half off. My goal is to grow atleast 3 inches of healthy and thick looking hair by aug 1st. Do u guys think I am asking for too much!!!
Wish me luck!!!! And good luck to you all. This is my first time entering a challenge so i'm not sure how it works, but i'll keep everyone updated.

Happy hair growing,

Count me in,what kind of goal should I set for myself?

When I joined my hair was falling out,lost 5 inches(doing much better w/resentment for person who sabotaged my hair)
.Had about 12 inches.
I have a few issues with MS and meds.Maybe I will challenge my hair to remain on my head.Ya Think?

Um.. by the way is the Avacado conditioner suppose to be Green?Tropical Bano De Crema,para El Cabello Aguate.(Cosmetics Tropical, Dominican Republic).

Thoughts all over the place as usual,

Hey wait for meeee... i want in! its not too late is it.
By the way would anyone advise wearing braids all summer. never worn braids in summer
i know its gona be really really hot. what'chya'll think - huh?
Hey wait for meeee... i want in! its not too late is it.
By the way would anyone advise wearing braids all summer. never worn braids in summer
i know its gona be really really hot. what'chya'll think - huh?

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nychild i'm goin to be wearin braids in summer too coz i wanna retain all the length i get so i can reach my goal soon and think it wudnt be too diferent to wearin them any other time of the yr (dependin on the length u get) but more on the fact that u moisturise them all the time to avoid breakage
Me too.. Is it too late to join???

2b sides and back /3c crown
Current: 3 inches above bra strap Goal: 3 inches past bra stap
MSM/Lecithin/Pantothenic Acid/DMAE/EFA's/Multi/Biotin/Zinc
I usually just lurk here but can I join too. I just went for a trim last week, I asked for 1/2" she gave me a 1 1/2" trim
I'd like to get atleast 3" by the end of summer. I've already started wearing protective styles everyday and talking my vit. everyday(no more "forgetting" to take them). I wash my hair twice a week, maybe I should wet it everyday.
Luvhair, thanks for setting this goal, I suffer from laziness and I need to get myself. My hair is shoulder length now, once blowdried and pressed. I would be pleased to be counted in.
This is so much fun!!

I think everyone who's doing the challenge should post before (now) and after pics to show how much growth we got!! That would be sooo

What do u think???
I agree Lindy - I'm doing this challenge too and my pic is already in the gallery. I';; start from there since I'll pretty muchbe doing for the summer what I've been doing sicne I colored my hair.

I'm going to wash with diluted shampoo every other day and wear my hair curly by applying moisturizers, leave ins and styling aids that add mositure. I'm not going to get a realxer until the beginning to the middle of June - which will make 10-12 weeks for me. At that time I'm also going to apply a fresh rinse.

I also need to take my vits consistently all summer - I want to Puritan's Pride Aminos to my vit list too. so for me it's frequent washing, infrequent chemical applications lots of moisture and little heat. And minimal manipulation as well. I plan to wear my hair up more often too.

Products will include:

Shampoo: Lanza PP, HE Color Protecting Shampoo and Fantasia Pure Tea (all diluted with water at a 4-1 ratio.

Conditioners: HE Intensive Blends, Mane N Tail, Pantene DMR regular and deep conditioner, and NACIDIT Olive Oil.

Leave Ins: V05 Fortifying Leave In, Motions Nourish Leave In and any of the above conditioners mixed with water.

This is exciting! It's neat because we're all doing it together!
Please sign me up. I need the encouragement and motivation.I hope I am not too late, I had been looking for this thread...

Thats a good idea Lindy! I took a pic already but I cant figure out how to put them on a photo gallery yet

Why dont wee all put our pic up at the end of the challenge-- And maybe- to make it competitive-- the person who achieved the highest amount of growth can be feature of the month in September? Pebbles, what do you think?

Anyways Its not too late for anyone to join and feel free to start whenever you are ready!
Emmi's summer grow out goal

5-6+ inches by sept 03

next relaxer due end of june early july

hoping to gain 3 healthy inches by then ill keep yall posted
Emmi's summer grow out goal

5-6+ inches by sept 03

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WOW Emmi, 5-6 inches by Sept.???
You've got some high aspirations, girl!!! Doesn't it usually take a year to get 6 inches????!!! I'll be thrilled if I even get 3!!
the person who achieved the highest amount of growth can be feature of the month in September

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I think that's a GREAT idea!!
Emmi's summer grow out goal

5-6+ inches by sept 03

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WOW Emmi, 5-6 inches by Sept.???
You've got some high aspirations, girl!!! Doesn't it usually take a year to get 6 inches????!!! I'll be thrilled if I even get 3!!

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my hair grows fast without vitamins about 1 and 1/2 inches a month about 12 +inches a yr. and ive just recently started taking biotin 1500mg, about a month or so ago. so im almost sure i can make my goal of 6 inches by sept.

my ultimate hair goal was to go from shoulder to waist length within a yr.. i startin in dec 02 with shoulder length hair and now its a lil past brastrap!! im giddy lol
waist length here i come!