Sulphur Mix 2014 Challenge

I was on vacation so I didn't use my sulfur mix last week. This week I only did the sulfur mix 1 day :sad: I want to have straight hair for one day so I probably won't be doing my oiling regimen again until the beginning of next week.
Hey Ladies,

I'll be doing a personal challenge with sulfur mix using natural oasis hair grease, once i wash my flat-ironed hair next week. I had a setback so I cut layers and the longest is now apl instead of bsl. I hope to use this sulfur mix concoction from now till this time in 2015 to get me at least to waist length.... my long term goal is for my longest layers tailbone length when flat-ironed.

I had a few questions for ya:

1. I used 1 heaping tsp in 8oz of hair grease ( so I don't get drippies, i have never had luck with oils no matter how lightly i apply) and it smells strongly of sulfur even though the grease had a natural fruity scent. I know the smell of the entire container is far stronger than the little I will apply 2-3 times a week but its very strong.I will make sure to be super light handed. Do your mixtures smell the same or what did ya do to cover it up?

2. In regards to question 2 with the strong smell do you think my products I use to do the loc method will cover the smell? I hope so. I currently use komaza, claudies revitalizer and my own oil blend to do the method pretty much on a daily basis.

2. Do you ladies get build up? I plan on using about 3 times a week and baggying for at least 30 minutes. I usually wash once per week but when it gets hotter i may make it 2-3 times and throw in a few cowashes instead of always using sulfate free shampoo.

3. When you ladies use heat to style does your hair smell sulfur/burnt? i have had this happen int he past,lol. I would likely get my hair flatironed again towards the end of May.

In case you were wondering here's the ingredients for the natural oasis hair grease I will order another 8oz jar in the next 2 months cause i hope to get 4-6 wks or more use out of the jar:!product/prd1/1557382055/8oz-herbal-hair-&-scalp


Ingredients: Olea europaea (Extra Virgin Olive oil), Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba oil), Vitellaria paradoxa (Argan oil), Vitellaria paradoxa), Calendula officinalis (Calendula), Ricinus communis (Castor oil), vitamin E, floral and herbal extracts of: Calendula officinalis (calendula), Bambuseae (bamboo), Anthemis nobilis (chamomile), Rosa (rose), Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (hibiscus), Lilium lancifolium (tiger lilly), Nettle Urtica dioica (nettle), Equisetaceae (horsetail), Humulus (hops), Fruit, essences of: Mauls domestic (apple), Citrus sinensis (orange), Mangifera indica (mango), Euterpe oleracea (acai), Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry), Vaccinium macrocarpon (red currant), & Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B), un-refined beeswax, naturally scented with fruit, herb & flower extracts.

The reason I decided to go this route is Njoy is still developing a pomade version of her growth oil.... I inquired last August. Until its a go I plan on doing my own thing:yep: with natural hair grease.
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I haven't posted here in a while tho I joined the challenge:/ but I have been consistent with my sulphur mix every other night...I find If I apply it every night my scalp gets uber itchy....
I am all up in this challenge! I never joined a challenge before but I know I will stick to this one.

I just bought the Njoy sulphur mix oil and I was hesitant at first b/c my hair gets oily and greasy very fast and I hate the feel of oily hair. Well, not with this oil. My hair is flat ironed, and I've used the oil on Sunday night and last night and this morning my hair is not a grease ball considering it's straight. I've never experienced this with oil before no matter how light handed I am. Does the sulphur counteract the greasiness of the oil?

I am transitioning and I need all the extra growth I can get for a while since I'll have shrinkage with natural hair. During the summer I will prob wash 2x/wk so that will be even better when I'm applying the oil.
I am all up in this challenge! I never joined a challenge before but I know I will stick to this one.

I just bought the Njoy sulphur mix oil and I was hesitant at first b/c my hair gets oily and greasy very fast and I hate the feel of oily hair. Well, not with this oil. My hair is flat ironed, and I've used the oil on Sunday night and last night and this morning my hair is not a grease ball considering it's straight. I've never experienced this with oil before no matter how light handed I am. Does the sulphur counteract the greasiness of the oil?

I am transitioning and I need all the extra growth I can get for a while since I'll have shrinkage with natural hair. During the summer I will prob wash 2x/wk so that will be even better when I'm applying the oil.

I still find it to be greasy by the 2nd or 3rd nite but I'm kinda heavy handed and I have fine relaxed hair. Also I ended up cutting the tip of my bottle bc the ingredients kept clogging up the hole not allowing the oil to come through and now more oil comes thru on each application so I'm getting oiler faster than I was.
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I still find it to be greasy by the 2nd or 3rd nite but I'm kinda heavy handed and I have fine relaxed hair. Also I ended up cutting the tip of my bottle bc the ingredients kept clogging up the hole not allowing the oil to come through and now more oil comes thru on each application so I'm getting oiler faster than I was.

I don't think my hair is particularly thick and it's flat ironed right now, I'm wearing it in a ponytail and while I can tell I have oil on my hair, it's not really greasy especially for the amount of times I've used it so far. From I can remember, my hair gets really greasy from oil quickly. But if I used this 3x/week I'd be fine. Do you wear your hair down? I could see the extra oil weighing down your strands. Have you tried pouring the oil into something (like a lid) and then dabbing your finger in the oil and applying it to your scalp?
I forgot to check in... Been oiling my scalp all week. Just washed today so I might oil my scalp later or tmrw.

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I'm re quoting cause nobody answered any of my questions.
An additional question I have is does anyone use clarifying shampoo once a month? I guess that's tied to the potential buildup that I asked about.

Hey Ladies,

I'll be doing a personal challenge with sulfur mix using natural oasis hair grease, once i wash my flat-ironed hair next week. I had a setback so I cut layers and the longest is now apl instead of bsl. I hope to use this sulfur mix concoction from now till this time in 2015 to get me at least to waist length.... my long term goal is for my longest layers tailbone length when flat-ironed.

I had a few questions for ya:

1. I used 1 heaping tsp in 8oz of hair grease ( so I don't get drippies, i have never had luck with oils no matter how lightly i apply) and it smells strongly of sulfur even though the grease had a natural fruity scent. I know the smell of the entire container is far stronger than the little I will apply 2-3 times a week but its very strong.I will make sure to be super light handed. Do your mixtures smell the same or what did ya do to cover it up?

2. In regards to question 2 with the strong smell do you think my products I use to do the loc method will cover the smell? I hope so. I currently use komaza, claudies revitalizer and my own oil blend to do the method pretty much on a daily basis.

2. Do you ladies get build up? I plan on using about 3 times a week and baggying for at least 30 minutes. I usually wash once per week but when it gets hotter i may make it 2-3 times and throw in a few cowashes instead of always using sulfate free shampoo.

3. When you ladies use heat to style does your hair smell sulfur/burnt? i have had this happen int he past,lol. I would likely get my hair flatironed again towards the end of May.

In case you were wondering here's the ingredients for the natural oasis hair grease I will order another 8oz jar in the next 2 months cause i hope to get 4-6 wks or more use out of the jar:!product/prd1/1557382055/8oz-herbal-hair-&-scalp


Ingredients: Olea europaea (Extra Virgin Olive oil), Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba oil), Vitellaria paradoxa (Argan oil), Vitellaria paradoxa), Calendula officinalis (Calendula), Ricinus communis (Castor oil), vitamin E, floral and herbal extracts of: Calendula officinalis (calendula), Bambuseae (bamboo), Anthemis nobilis (chamomile), Rosa (rose), Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (hibiscus), Lilium lancifolium (tiger lilly), Nettle Urtica dioica (nettle), Equisetaceae (horsetail), Humulus (hops), Fruit, essences of: Mauls domestic (apple), Citrus sinensis (orange), Mangifera indica (mango), Euterpe oleracea (acai), Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry), Vaccinium macrocarpon (red currant), & Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B), un-refined beeswax, naturally scented with fruit, herb & flower extracts.

The reason I decided to go this route is Njoy is still developing a pomade version of her growth oil.... I inquired last August. Until its a go I plan on doing my own thing:yep: with natural hair grease.
I'm re quoting cause nobody answered any of my questions.
An additional question I have is does anyone use clarifying shampoo once a month? I guess that's tied to the potential buildup that I asked about.

Thas a lotta questions. :look: :lol: I'll bite.

1. I used 1 heaping tsp in 8oz of hair grease ( so I don't get drippies, i have never had luck with oils no matter how lightly i apply) and it smells strongly of sulfur even though the grease had a natural fruity scent. I know the smell of the entire container is far stronger than the little I will apply 2-3 times a week but its very strong.I will make sure to be super light handed. Do your mixtures smell the same or what did ya do to cover it up?

I haven't mixed my own yet, so I wouldn't know. I would imagine you'd need to follow your recipe to the letter. If you did, I'd go ahead and add some nice essential or fragrance oils.

2. In regards to question 2 with the strong smell do you think my products I use to do the loc method will cover the smell? I hope so. I currently use komaza, claudies revitalizer and my own oil blend to do the method pretty much on a daily basis.

Depending on how strong your mix smells. The Komaza spray smells pretty good, but not sure how long it lingers and masks any sulfur smell. I have only used NJoy's mix (new undisclosed formula) and the Pomade Shop's pomades. Njoy's doesn't smell the best, but it doesn't smell badly. The Pomade Shop smells really good. So yeah, I haven't had any experience with bad smells. I usually moisturize my hair during this process, so most of my products mask the scent of the NJoy oil anyway.

2. Do you ladies get build up? I plan on using about 3 times a week and baggying for at least 30 minutes. I usually wash once per week but when it gets hotter i may make it 2-3 times and throw in a few cowashes instead of always using sulfate free shampoo.

No, I don't get build up. My scalp isn't sensitive though. I don't see any build up on my scalp and I alternate cowashing and shampooing only once per week. I have not used a clarifying shampoo. The strongest shampoo I have is As I Am Cleansing Pudding, and that gets my hair and scalp sufficiently clean.

3. When you ladies use heat to style does your hair smell sulfur/burnt? i have had this happen int he past,lol. I would likely get my hair flatironed again towards the end of May.

I don't use heat to style. I'd think if you make sure your hair is clean and do not apply the sulfur before flat ironing, you'd be fine.

thanks girlie

i have not used sulfur prior to getting my hair done in the past and once it was washed & blowdried my hair smelled strongly of sulfur like it was embedded in my strands,lol. i will try clarifying once a month and we shall see what happens. i will get a flatiron & trim in may so that will determine how i shall proceed.
Everyone, I am taking a short break from the sulphur. I have a ton of growth and I just want to enjoy playing in straight hair for one more week. I haven't been using it for two weeks, just been too tired to do anything to my hair-- not even comb it!
I'm re quoting cause nobody answered any of my questions.
An additional question I have is does anyone use clarifying shampoo once a month? I guess that's tied to the potential buildup that I asked about.
. I use njoy's co wash as a gentle clarifying co wash or a gentle clarifying shampoo once a month. I think u need to keep your scalp as clean as possible for optimal growth
I am going to get back on the bandwagon a week from now (just got a relaxer and don't want any adverse reactions on my scalp).

The sulfur oil I am using is definitely working. Usually I can go 5-6 months without relaxing but this time I couldn't even go a full four months. I trimmed my hair today and it is still pretty long.