I may be out idk. So today I think I was just heavy handed with my oil mixture but it also seemed to be more sulfur less coconut. I has made a new batch. But I'm feelin like I may not have the time to worry about an oil mixture n having to start over. Maybe I'm tripping too. I probably will put a small amount just to have some type of sulfur in there. I'll see what I do n how thinks look tomorrow. Above all I want to keep it simple so it can be consistent.
NappyNelle...I know I know! I think in my mixture, I had more of a 50/50 glover's/coconut oil mix, which I said I wanted to try, but whatever oil the glover's is in does not do what the coconut oil does. So I want to go back to whatever my mix was when I first started, but I just randomly threw in a lil of the sulfur in there. So today I just put a lil coconut oil by itself in my hair and I'll work on the mix this weekend I think. What I'll probably do is just shake the glover's bottle and dip a cotton swab in there and just mix it with the coconut oil (it's a very small 1/2 - 1 once maybe).

And then too, I was getting a lil too heavy handed w/ making sure I got it all over my scalp. So I think I'll still be here lol just pulling back a bit. :)
Ladies, what are you using for your sulfur mixes? I'm using NJoy's Sulfur mix with a twist and have become my families mixologist because of how moisturized my hair STAYS. Just curious....
Starting Length:
EL (Front), SL (Back)

Projected/Goal Length for December 2012:
SL (Front), APL (Back)

Daily: M&S, Baggy Ends overnight
Every Other Day: SublimeSulfur/CO mix
Midweek: CON Wash
Weekly: Pre-Poo, Wash, Condition

Method of Sulfur Application:
Pour required Castor Oil, add Cayenne Pepper, mash SS with fingertips until dissolved and apply to scalp every other day.

Other Growth Aids:
10mg Biotin Daily, 30mg Protein Daily

Starting Pic (optional):


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  • feb-2012-back.jpg
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I might be trippin, but I feel like my hair is tryna feel longer in the back...almost within the week. I want so bad to attribute it to the sulfur lol. I haven't used it since Monday, but said I'll add it back to my coconut oil this weekend. It still don't be that much though and I'm still not applying as much oil. One of the purposes of the daily rollerset was the air-dried hair look/feel that I get.

Oh and that oil mix in Jam for my edges?? A no-go. I'm just going to leave my edges alone. Also too, I always had to be concerned with whether the oil would get on my makeup brush, so I'm over it.
Do you ladies still smell a hint of sulfur although you are using essential oils? I've added at least three different scents with only a teaspoon of sulfur but yet I still smell sulfur. I'm not sure if it is the essential oils that I am using. I'm currently have at least 15 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender oil in my mix.
I have today scheduling as a Oiling but man I love how my hair is and I don't feel like it. I guess I should because tomorrow IS wash day anyway but i sure don't feel like it.
Ladies, what are you using for your sulfur mixes? I'm using NJoy's Sulfur mix with a twist and have become my families mixologist because of how moisturized my hair STAYS. Just curious....
My mix right now is:
tsp Powder
4-5 drops of Rosemary Oil
4-5 drops of Peppermint Oil
4-5 drops of Tea Tree Oil
2 oz of JBCO
2 oz of Grapeseed Oil
4 oz of EVOO
Till taking NAC on the regular.
Sleeping with Sulu Max grow on my scalp tonight
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ReignLocks said:
Do you ladies still smell a hint of sulfur although you are using essential oils? I've added at least three different scents with only a teaspoon of sulfur but yet I still smell sulfur. I'm not sure if it is the essential oils that I am using. I'm currently have at least 15 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender oil in my mix.

I have 10 drops each of tea tree oil, eucalyptus, and lavender and do not smell the sulfur at all. I use a teaspoon of sulfur as well.
I caved and oiled even though I didn't feel like it but today is Wash day. A No Sulfur weekend until Sunday Night :) Can't be smelling "Sulfury" in Church. Nope.
I haven't posted in a while here but still was using my sulfur mix which I just recently stopped. I can't take the smell anymore. I put oils n all to no avail. The smell is still there even when I wash Uggg! Unbelievably I can deal with the smell of MTG better. Lol It reminds me of glovers mane from when I was little. I just started n use a small amount at night on wet hair tie it up n by morning smell is completely gone. And most importantly my linens don't have that lingering smell!
MissPee, I ordered some fragranted oils because I still smell sulfur as well. Maybe you could try it or hopefully some of the ladies on here have already mixed their stash with fragrant oils and can let us know if they smell any sulfur. Don't give up on the sulfur because I really do believe that it helped my hair grow along with taking various vitamins and a regimen.
ReignLocks said:
MissPee, I ordered some fragranted oils because I still smell sulfur as well. Maybe you could try it or hopefully some of the ladies on here have already mixed their stash with fragrant oils and can let us know if they smell any sulfur. Don't give up on the sulfur because I really do believe that it helped my hair grow along with taking various vitamins and a regimen.

Thanks, girl I tried that too. I used peppermint. I tried cinnamon and I still smelled that hard sulfur smell. I'm doing really good with the MTG smell. To me it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Like I said I put it on lightly to scalp only after I co-wash then my moisturizer then EVOO n tie it up n by morning the smell is very faint. N when I get to work I put a little of what I call "loud lotion" in my palm rub together n run my had over my hair. I'm good for the day until I go to workout after work n sweat but then I'm on my way home to wash anyway. Try it you may be surprised at how faint the smell is. That sulfur smell was getting all in the collars of my clothes n coats. No I can't. This once I wash my hair the smell is gone done.
Which ever you decide I wish you well n happy growing!
Projected Goal Length 2012: BSL\Full BSL

Regimen: Prepoo, Shampoo, DC, Air Dry (60-95%), BLow Dry (tension method), Style.

Methods Of Sulfur Application: 3x weekly with my emu oil, jbco, regular castor oil, sulfur and lavender essential oil mixture and MSM orally

Other Growth Aids: JBCO, Biotin

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I'm thinkin of trying some of the delish fragrance oils mentioned by you ladies in this and the other thread.

Ive used lavender, sandalwood, Texas cedarwood, rosemary, tea tree, sage, thyme, and peppermint EO's to hide the sulfur smell and get the scalp/growth-stimulating effects of these (though these all have a slightly "medicinal" smell to them naturally)...but I would love something sexy, airy, and delish to add to my herbal oil concoctions and bland conditioners.

I personally like the medicinal smell my oil mixes have, but for DF's nose's sake, I want to get some fragrance oils. Lol But the good thing about the EO's I use is they give some great sleep when combined with the "brain-cooling and sound-sleep-giving" East Indian/Ayurvedic oils.

I ALWAYS have the best sleep and rest after massaging my scalp with them. They work...the brain cooling description on many of them is no fluke.

Anywho, i'll be oiling n massaging tonight with my herbal sulfur mix. As many of you know, if you apply strong-smelling oils to your scalp while your hair and scalp are damp, then air dry or blow dry, the smell is MUCH more faint, if at all present.
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I'm still in this challenge.

I was MIA from LHCF for a little while but I am back.

I actually started using sulfur in a concoction a few days ago.
Still taking MSM.