sulfur challenge, 2011 edition

Please add me. I bought some Max Grow and want to see if it works.

Starting Length: SL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: Full APL
Regimen: Cowash on twice weekly when applying sulfur mix and moisturize and seal everyday.
Method of Sulfur Application: Max grow (this stuff stinks so I will apply at night and co wash in the mornings) I will do this twice a week and take MSM pills
Other Growth Aids:Biotin rosewater and glycerin spray
Starting Length:APL

Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: MBL

Regimen:evoo or evco pre-poo 1x per week, co-wash 1x per week, jbco edges & nape nightly, oil scalp with evco&jbco every other day, dc 1x per week, Henna every 2 months, Aphogee 2 step every 2 months (alternating with henna).

Method of Sulfur Application:I will add the sulfer to my evco/jbco mix and continue using it every other night.

Other Growth Aids:Vitamins, exercise and drinking 1 gallon of water per day.
I am in

Starting Length:CBL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: Full SL
Regimen: Co-wash weakly, apply mtg mix at least 2x a week, steam and clarify monthly
Method of Sulfur Application:mtg, JBCO and Aloe mix & Sulphur 8
Other Growth Aids:Vitamins, OCT when not in braids
I would like to join this challenge! Spot saving for my starting pics at the end of the year.

Starting Length: APL+ stretched

Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: At least touching MBL

Regimen: Cowash 2-3 times weekly and poo once a week w/ DC (protein added to the reg when needed)

Method of Sulfur Application: Bee Mine Serum

Other Growth Aids: vitamins, exercise, sleep, and a good diet

Starting pic below


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I noticed a lot of gray hair this morning. I colored two weeks ago. Is gray hair an unintended consequence of sulfur use?
I applied my sulfur mix last night to test it out.
my head feels fine, so I think I'm good to go.
Has anyone else started using their mix?

I noticed a lot of gray hair this morning. I colored two weeks ago. Is gray hair an unintended consequence of sulfur use?

From what I've heard, sulfur is supposed to actually help in the reversal and prevention of greys. :ohwell:
I would like to join:grin:!

Starting Length: grazing shoulder length
Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: close to BSL
Regimen: Shampoo, DC, moisturize and protective styles
Method of Sulfur Application: Sulfur and EVOO and other oils or BT mixed in with MN
Other Growth Aids: MN
I applied my sulfur mix last night to test it out.
my head feels fine, so I think I'm good to go.
Has anyone else started using their mix?

From what I've heard, sulfur is supposed to actually help in the reversal and prevention of greys. :ohwell:
I haven't started yet. My true start will be in January.
I'm in.

Starting Length: MBL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: WL
Regimen: Shampoo/DC once a week. Moisture nightly. Air dry only. Protective styles and stretch relaxers atleast 4 months.
Method of Sulfur Application: Boundless Tresses
Other Growth Aids: one a day multivitamin
Im in....

Starting Length: APL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: Grazing WSL
Regimen: weekly cowashes.moisturize seal with castor oil biweekly deep condition treatment...protien treatment as needed...protective styling
Method of Sulfur Application: Sulfur 8 in my hair mixture
Other Growth Aids: water/exercise
This is my first post here and first challenge. Will post starting pick at end of the year when I iron my hair out. Currently stretching, 18 weeks post.

Starting Length:apl as of October.
Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: bsl
Regimen: , daily hair massage, wash and dc once per week,
Method of Sulfur Application:1 1/2 tsp sublime sulfur in 8 oz of evco, jbco, jojoba and evoo 2x a week
Other Growth Aids: hair skin and nails, multi, garlic vitamins, currently using MT but will stop at end of the year to begin the sulfur challenge
I just made my sulfur mix tonight:

4oz. Coconut Oil
Rosemary & Lavender Essential Oils
1 tsp Sulfur

I was thinking of applying this on the scalp and sitting under the dryer for 15 minutes at night before sleeping (for better penetration).

Then washing it out in the morning.

Has anyone ever done this?
Im still waiting for my sulfur and hopefully (fingers crossed) it should be here end of next week :) For those who have started do you have any reactions etc??
Please add me to the challenge!! Trying to get back on track!!! Lost some inches due to bad hair practices...

Starting Length: I think...between apl in the front and longer in the back.. Cut needed
Projected/Goal Length for December 2011: healthy bsl and increased thickness
Regimen: Wash treatment and condition.. Weekly or biweekly depending... Moisturize NTM as needed, oil with coconut oil lightly day.. Bunning phony protected ponytail..
Method of Sulfur Application: 2tsp mixing sulfur with 15oz coconut oil, 3 oz heepseed oil, lavender, rosemary and peppermint EO..
Other Growth Aids: none as of now

Will add pic later, when I get someone to take it!!! Lol
Im still waiting for my sulfur and hopefully (fingers crossed) it should be here end of next week :) For those who have started do you have any reactions etc??

Today is the fifth night that I have applied my mix.
I'm using 1 tsp of sulfur in 8oz of grapeseed oil.
I bought an applicator bottle from sally's and am making horizontal parts in my braids to apply it.
I have had no adverse reactions, in fact my hair and scalp feel super moisturized!
Why are some of you ladies applying the sulfur mix at night only to wash it out in the morning? Is overnight enough time for the mix to do it's magic?
I henna & relax - but I don't use sulfur about two weeks before and two weeks after a touch up.

I get great growth with sulfur.

----Yes using growth aids also pushes up my wash days. I think overnight is a sufficient length of time.

eta: InshaAllah! How could I forget? Thanks @JFK :lachen:
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