Sulfate Free Shampoo


New Member
Good Evening Ladies,
I have been stocking the board for about a year and now finally joined:grin:. I have heard so much about sulfate free shampoos. I used google to obtain a little bit more knowledge of the chemical and was surprised what I came across.

Could anyone provide me with a good sulfate-free shampoo that is working for them.

Below is the site about sulfate-free shampoos; there are so many on the list I am not sure where to start

Please help, Thanks!:look:
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You may want to do a search on the boards, this comes up fairly often. WELCOME TO LHCF!!!! Happy Hair Growin!
Thanks I did a search and so many ladies had different products listed, and not one new of a product stood out to me.
Hi and welcome! Two brands that come to mind quickly right now that are sulfate free are Giovanni and Aubrey Organics. The shampoos and conditioners can be purchased at your local Whole Foods store, or on-line.
Thanks I did a search and so many ladies had different products listed, and not one new of a product stood out to me.

Welcome :)

If that's what you saw, the same thing will happen in this thread. I know that it can be confusing! When I read those kinds of threads, I take note of the products that keep coming up time and time again, and decide if I want to take a chance and try one out.
I prefer Organix Shampoo. I purchase it from CVS and they have SO many yummy scents! I like their oils too. Giovanni is good too...Rite Aid and CVS sells both.