Sui Topi's Moe's Growth Oil Cocktail Results!!

can somebody send me pictures of names of the brand of the aloe vera gel that they are using in their moegro? i've only ever used juice, i dont even know where to get the gel. I just got my oil yesterday and im ready to go but im missing that ingredient.

ETA: i think i found what im looking for at the vitamin shoppe
Wow, I've been using moegro but I realize I keep forgetting to add aloe vera. I almost bought an aloe leaf the other day but I didn't. That might have been the key to the growth I used to get.
Hmm.... Not to rain on the parade... But this is the over hyping that I was talkking about....
People Say " I got ten inches" from this or that....
I want to see PHOTOS....
I can only speak for myself but it has gotten me inches... the first pic is from july and the other one is from november... pics arent showing up but they are in my fotki...


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I can only speak for myself but it has gotten me inches... the first pic is from july and the other one is from november... pics arent showing up but they are in my fotki...
Congratulations.... Most likely - you would have that growth anyway...

4 months would produce 2 inches or so.....
From the ingredients listed it seems like it would be more of a good hair oil/hair lubricator. I don't know about growth.
^^^Nettle, rosemary, horsetail etc have been proven to aid in follicle stimulation and growth. If you look at major growth aids and hair vits they are in 90% of them.

Congratulations.... Most likely - you would have that growth anyway...

4 months would produce 2 inches or so.....
well that depends on her personal growth rate. Some people are only able to achieve 1/4 growth (some even less) a month. 1/2 an inch is just average.

And on that note! I agree with some of the ladies.. this long *** thread needs MOAR pics :yep:
^^^Nettle, rosemary, horsetail etc have been proven to aid in follicle stimulation and growth. If you look at major growth aids and hair vits they are in 90% of them.

Oh yeah I definitely agree but I think it would be better if the herbs were in extract form oil only takes some of the properties. That's why I said the oil is like a lubricant versus a water based product would seep deeper into the pores. I hope that made sense.:drunk:
Oh yeah I definitely agree but I think it would be better if the herbs were in extract form oil only takes some of the properties. That's why I said the oil is like a lubricant versus a water based product would seep deeper into the pores. I hope that made sense.:drunk:
Yes that makes sense. I prefer extracts for the scalp as it is more potent.

Although the scalp is able to absorb oil pretty effectively.
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Oh yeah I definitely agree but I think it would be better if the herbs were in extract form oil only takes some of the properties. That's why I said the oil is like a lubricant versus a water based product would seep deeper into the pores. I hope that made sense.:drunk:

How do you make the extract?
^^^Nettle, rosemary, horsetail etc have been proven to aid in follicle stimulation and growth. If you look at major growth aids and hair vits they are in 90% of them.

well that depends on her personal growth rate. Some people are only able to achieve 1/4 growth (some even less) a month. 1/2 an inch is just average.

And on that note! I agree with some of the ladies.. this long *** thread needs MOAR pics :yep:

thanks for that clarification :grin:
I need to make a new batch of this. I don't know if I got much growth from it but I did like the oil.
Bumping this thread...Is anyone still using this with great growth results. I have been using this off and on since the summer and just recently started back using it even spiked my MTG wit it. Any updates will be appreciated.
Hey ladies,

So I've been reading this thread and I decided i was gonna make the oil and see if it will help get my hair healthy and growing instead of breaking. I've been using Hollywood beauty olive oil creme hairdressing as a leave in for almost a year and i love the way it makes my hair feel. it's so cheap- $3.59 i usually put enough to saturate my hair and hold the curls like a gel. today I bought the organic root stimulator hair fertilizer $7.49 and re-upped on my HWBOI. On a whim i decided to mix them because they have a similar texture. Then i compared the ingredients, turns out the combined mixture contains just about every ingredient in the three recipes i've seen of this oil and more. and i know my hair likes it because my dry curls from this morning, regained their shape. SO for about 12 bucks you can try a different version of this. and neither one of them have petrolatum or mineral oil.

The main difference i can see is no jojoba oil, which doesn't work as well in my hair as the coconut oil does and they both have that and macadamia oil.

Since I'm documenting my hair to track it's progress back to health, I'll post a before pic to show my damn near bald spots and i'll post a new pic in two weeks. Fingers crossed my hair gets better soon! you guys have made me feel so much better about all the shedding and breakage! This was almost as bad as when i cut and took out my BWL locs :-(.
If I am thinking correctly isnt the Mo Grow and KimmyTube's leave in similar...I wanted to try the KTLI and added the horsetail (I bought the tea bags and left them in the oil). I cant talk about results cause I dont think it has been long enough but adding the conditioner in my case the Knot Today, made a wonderful leave in that my hair loves!!!!