Suggestions Please!


Active Member
I am a newbie and have been on a healthy hair regimen for around 2 and a half months. I have definitely notice some serious growth but I noticed my hair only grows in certain places which makes my hair uneven. My rightside was shoulder length while the left side is neck length. I thought it would eventually even out but it didn't. When I got my relaxer this time I noticed that my left side hasn't even grown at all. The back of my hair and right side were about even then the left side is extremely short. My stylist had to cut it even because it was noticeable how extremely uneven it was. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get my hair to even out besides cutting it even every couple of months?

BTW I don't wrap or use heat.
My first thought was that you were wrapping but I see that you're not. It's unusual for the hair to grow at different rates on sides of the hair.. there's usually a difference in growth going front to back but not side to side.

I would take a good look at your hair and see if you're getting breakage on the side that doesn't seem to be growing. Since you just got it cut, this should be easy to track. I would think that your problem is breakage, not uneven growth.

Have you done anything different since you noticed the unevenness on either side? Continue to baby your hair and monitor any breakage. Hopefully you can address the problem that way. Maybe since you're on a healthy regimen now, your hair was uneven before and all the growth is making it apparent? Also, maybe your stylist is overprocessing one side of your hair, causing breakage?
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S.O.S. said:
I am a newbie and have been on a healthy hair regimen for around 2 and a half months. I have definitely notice some serious growth but I noticed my hair only grows in certain places which makes my hair uneven. My rightside was shoulder length while the left side is neck length. I thought it would eventually even out but it didn't. When I got my relaxer this time I noticed that my left side hasn't even grown at all. The back of my hair and right side were about even then the left side is extremely short. My stylist had to cut it even because it was noticeable how extremely uneven it was. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get my hair to even out besides cutting it even every couple of months?

BTW I don't wrap or use heat.

That actually happened to me when I first started my good hair care regimen. It was my right side that was the problem. Could it be that there is damage from a relaxer on that side? That's what happened to me, but after a LOT of TLC it started growing...slower than my left side, but it still grows.
How can I tell if its damage from the relaxer? When my stylist relaxes my hair she usually starts back to front. I'm going to keep a eye on breakage to see if one side breaks more easily then the other.
Wishin4BSL said:
That actually happened to me when I first started my good hair care regimen. It was my right side that was the problem. Could it be that there is damage from a relaxer on that side? That's what happened to me, but after a LOT of TLC it started growing...slower than my left side, but it still grows.
I know i have relaxer damage to my back left side of my head. I can pull on my stands all over, and get one or two sheds, tug on that back and get broken hairs every time, on one side not the other so over time that would show up as uneven growth.... I'm going into a 100 % protective style for about 6 months to get rid of that problem.