Request Subscription renewal


New Member
I was locked out of the forums even though I received a notice that my subscription automatically renewed. The "contact us" link did not work. Neither did responding to the email notice of the renewal. So, I went in and paid for 2 years because I thought my credit card must have rejected the payment. I logged into my account to discover that the payment went through on 3 Jun and was subsequently locked out anyway. I would like a refund of $13 I made for the subscription.

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Same here! My Paypal was automatically debited 6.50 a few weeks ago, and I just paid another 6.50 to be able to participate in forums. Thank you.
Same thing happened to me. They automatically renewed and charged my account 6.50, but I had no access to the forums. I sent in two tickets (one last week, and another yesterday) and no response! I just paid the 6.50 again...hopefully I can get refunded soon.
Same here. For my situation I had was told I had to wait for paypal to clear my account of the charge. It took almost a week.
Same thing happened to me. My Paypal account was debited for the renewal fee on May 31st but I lost access on June 1. I refused to renew again and pay double so I submitted tickets and waited it out. 2 tickets and 10 days later I finally got my access back. So much for the 48 hr response time. :rolleyes: I've been a member since '08 and this was the first time there was a hiccup but there seems to have been a lot of hiccups this time. I hope whatever the problem, it's corrected by my next renewal date.
I just paid my subscription (AGAIN) after sending two tickets for submission,getting two automated responses saying somebody would get back to me, and nothing,it's been a week and nobody has contacted me.
Why are we not getting ANY response from the mods?
I've been a member since 2005 and my subscription is set to renew automatically as it said on the email LHCF sent me.
An answer (and a refund) would be appreciated.
I just paid my subscription (AGAIN) after sending two tickets for submission,getting two automated responses saying somebody would get back to me, and nothing,it's been a week and nobody has contacted me.
Why are we not getting ANY response from the mods?
I've been a member since 2005 and my subscription is set to renew automatically as it said on the email LHCF sent me.
An answer (and a refund) would be appreciated. mods, actually no one is looking at the forum. I can't even submit a trouble ticket (it gives me an error message). I even tried tagging dimpoulous! Give me my $13 back!
I am having the same issue. I just had to double pay to access the forum even though paypal says my payment went through last week and I submitted a trouble ticket last week with no response. I would like a refund as well for one year since I double paid.
I'm having the same issue. I just paid again so I could post.
Same here. I'm right about to go open a Paypal claim right now since I see no one is getting responses :nono:...

You should all open up Paypal claims for $6.50 since we had to pay double. It's not much but I'm not really trying to hand over free money and not even get a reply back.
I can also request a chargeback on my AMEX in addition.
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it's funny how you have many eyes that will lock a thread over a ridiculous reason, but now when people are being robbed, nobody in charge is running into the these threads and giving a solutions/refund!
This mess is crazy! I don't understand why there have been NO RESPONSES to any of these threads. Where is the ADMIN around here? How are you going to make sure we get requested forums, etc... But not refunds:(
i sent an email directly to beverly and she corrected my account... i did mention other members were having the same problem... so hopefully all issues will be addressed...
here's what i put in the email
"and please respond to all of the inquiries from other members having this same problem."
I've been going through it since Sunday with this subscription renewal problem. I didn't have access to post. I was locked out of the forum as if I was a non-member even though the subscription was autimatically renewed. I was reimbursed today through Paypal for my subscription renewals but they reimbursed me one too many renewals and I got locked out again but I since a email directly to the email address of the person that does to renewals. Her email address is listed in the email from Paypal. Hopefully they have everything straight now. Bev is probably so sick of seeing opening tickets from me. :lol: I hope I didn't confused them all and they lock me out again.

Did anyone else get locked out too?
I've been going through it since Sunday with this subscription renewal problem. I didn't have access to post. I was locked out of the forum as if I was a non-member even though the subscription was automatically renewed. I was reimbursed today through Paypal for my subscription renewals but they reimbursed me one too many renewals and I got locked out again but I since a email directly to the email address of the person that does to renewals. Her email address is listed in the email from Paypal. Hopefully they have everything straight now. Bevy is probably so sick of seeing opening tickets from me. :lol: I hope I didn't confused them all and they lock me out again.

Did anyone else get locked out too?

I did. I was able to submit a ticket but unable to post. I had to pay again to be able to post. It's not a big deal to me, I'm fine with them keeping the extra payment and making it a two year subscription. I'm still waiting to hear from someone. I did get the automated response the day after I submitted a ticket. After this I will probably just renew on my own.
Hmmm, I had a problem as well. Need to verify to make sure I was not double charged when I log onto my pc later.

If the admin is checking for all, please verify me if possible for Feb. 2011. Thanks
my subscription paypal was charged...but my subscription status has not been updated to reflect july 1, 2013. Can someone please update. Thanks
seems like we all are having the same problem I was charged twice, how do I get a refund? 7-5-11 already cleared and today I see another pending charge