Request Subscription renewal

I was locked out for a few days also and could only view and thank during that time. My issues have been resolved now. I hope you ladies will be fully functional again soon as well. Hang in there. It took a little less than a week for me.
I was double charged, too! Once to each of the accts (one debit and one credit) that I have linked to Paypal. Both charges are currently pending. Please figure this out admins...I need my $6.50 back asap!
I was double charged as well. How do I get a refund?

I was double charged also, where's my refund?

I was double charged, too! Once to each of the accts (one debit and one credit) that I have linked to Paypal. Both charges are currently pending. Please figure this out admins...I need my $6.50 back asap!

Ladies, send an email directly to Beverly. She sent me a email when I had this issue and said to email her directly for any problems in the future.
It only took me a couple of days after I submitted my request to have access. Thanks to everyone in this thread for helping me figure out who to contact :)
Ladies, send an email directly to Beverly. She sent me a email when I had this issue and said to email her directly for any problems in the future.

It took a few days, but my problems were eventually resolved. For future reference, how do we email Beverly? What's her email address?

I made an announcement here:

I will try to catch up today and tomorrow with the tickets. If you were locked and had to pay again, please open a ticket in the support area (if you haven't done so already) and I will gladly refund the extra payment.

Thank you again for your understanding and patience :)

Uhhhhh . . . . hello? :perplexed Did anyone actually read the above post, or for that matter the original thread linked in the post? Understood that accounts were double charged, but Nikos DID indeed respond and I did not see one person even acknowledge his response within the thread. Gosh, take somebody's $6.50 or $13 and people about to riot.:lachen:Must be that darn economy.