Suave Milk 'N' Honey! Has It Been Discontinued?


New Member
I have been everywhere looking for it and I cannot find it, I have been in all stores and there is None, But I found the Citrus Smoothie to be Just as good and smells so fresh and has some great ingredients. But Milk n Honey was my staple.

But I stocked up on the Citrus Smoothie, I just don't feel like paying shipping & handling to order online.
I went to Dollar General,Dollar Tree,99 cent store, Family Dollar, Wal mart, Wal greens, Target,HEB & Krogers. And none of them had not one bottle.:mad:

I was so hurt. But thank goodness for the citrus smoothie one.:dance7:
I've seen it in the Walmart where I live. I go tommorrow to see if they have it and if so, would you like me to send you some? I'll let you know on Monday, ok?
Awwww! That is so sweet of you:)! But I have so much Citrus Smoothie that I better use up first. Because I have a cabinet full of stuff I rarley use,I just end up giving it away to my sister and Now I think that she is full:lol:. But Thank You so much for the Offer. and if I never find it I know where to find you:eyebrows2 LOL!!!
NappyParadise said:
Awwww! That is so sweet of you:)! But I have so much Citrus Smoothie that I better use up first. Because I have a cabinet full of stuff I rarley use,I just end up giving it away to my sister and Now I think that she is full:lol:. But Thank You so much for the Offer. and if I never find it I know where to find you:eyebrows2 LOL!!!

You are welcome. I plan on using the Milk & Honey for my CW in the summertime.
I recently noticed that is hard to find in my area also.
My local Walmart and Target no longer sells it, but I stocked up last year when it was 79 cents at a grocery store.
The only place I have seen it is my drug stores.

:look: Hmmm...... Did you try Walgreens?
I just recently found some in my area

I think I better stock up now if they are discontinuing it though
LABETT said:
I recently noticed that is hard to find in my area also.
My local Walmart and Target no longer sells it, but I stocked up last year when it was 79 cents at a grocery store.
The only place I have seen it is my drug stores.

Say it aint so! :eek: I noticed that I didn't see it much, but I haven't needed any, so I never worried about it! I'm sick at home, but you best be believin I'm going to Wal-Mart to check for myself. I NEED some! :(
I was at a Wegman's this week and they are having a sale on it because it is being discontinued :mad: (this doesn't mean Suave stops making it, just that Wegman's will no longer be carrying it in their stores.)
I picked up a few bottles since I like it for conditioner washes.
its very hard to find. All I see is that tropical coconut which I hate. I love the smell of the milk and honey and use it as a final rinse.
The last time I found it at a supermarket and bought 3 bottles.
Awww Man! I too hate the Suave Coconut it was great when it first came out but once I tried the Milk n Honey it was all over with, the fragrance was just perfect. But I to like the Citrus Smoothie and hopefully that don't come hard to find, But I guess if you like it you better stock up!!
I found the Milk 'N' Honey in a Kroger. The shelf was packed down with it and it was on sale for $1.09.
i went to walmart yesterday....and it WASN'T THERE!:cry2:I just dont know what to do. Ive never tried the citrus smoothie. There were a thousand bottles of that, but no milk n honey. :cry2: I hate the coconut one smell and i hated the vo5 strawberries n cream smell. I cant live w/o my milk n honey I cant believe there was no warning:(
YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!:cheers: I found it at HEB and they were fully stocked and you best believe I stocked up I am in Love again:love:! I must say that the citrus smoothie is the next best for me but milk n honey is the BOMB BABY!:thumbsup:! Next time someone will get a spanking:spank: if I can't find it next time! I am so Happy Now!!

I just love the ingredients in the milk n honey & citrus smoothies. I agree that VO5 stinks to me all of their flavors do to me.

But Ladies it hasn't been discontinued the store manager told me that it is hard to keep in stock.
lwill38 said:
i went to walmart yesterday....and it WASN'T THERE!:cry2:I just dont know what to do. Ive never tried the citrus smoothie. There were a thousand bottles of that, but no milk n honey. :cry2: I hate the coconut one smell and i hated the vo5 strawberries n cream smell. I cant live w/o my milk n honey I cant believe there was no warning:(

I notice that Wal Mart hasn't had it in a few weeks now also . But smell the citurs smoothie it smells good it makes me think of a Cold Thick Rich Delicious Smoothie! it is not overpowering and the scent is great.
well i emailed suave and this was their response::

Thanks for writing!

This product is available through national distribution to any store
willing to stock it. We suggest that you speak with your store managers
and let them know you are interested in the product. Urge them to
contact their distributor so they may carry it on their shelves. We
will forward your comments to the Brand Manager and the distribution

We have the ability to locate items for consumers. Please understand
that our data is only updated on a monthly basis. As such, we recommend
calling the store before making a special trip to confirm it is still in
stock. Listed below are the stores in your area that should have this
available: they gave me a list of stores and walmart was NOT on it :(
oh well now i know where to find it. :)