Product Rave: Herbal Essence Hello Hydration!!!!!!!

Ms_Twana said:
And it smells soo good. I kept saying to my husband, "Smell my hair. Don't it smell good?" :lachen:
I haven't let mine smell my hair because I've been keeping it pulled in a ponytail until bedtime and then it's just rearranged so there's no tension in my 'tail.
I keep wanting to just let it hang out and stare at the curl definition, but then I'm too tempted to play with the curls and feel the waves and curls in my fingers, so I have to keep it outta my sight!:look:
The smell is just right, It is not overpowering and the fragrance last in your hair, I love when my hair smells good, I can't keep my fingers out of my hair I need to cornrow it back up and leave it alone.

I need to get some more, I had bought the Big Bottle and 2 smaller sizes but I am going through them fast, But since the weather is changing and summer is leaving I don't CW daily anymore, Plus I have been keeping my hair cornrowed and shampooing & conditioning once a week.
I absolutely love this conditioner it gave me better results than Elucence on my 12 weeks post relaxer hair.
My hair was more moisturized and better slips and did really need to use any other products on my hair after airdrying.
I have not tried the shampoo but the conditioner is great.
I love this product as well. It leaves my hair very moisturized and smelling good. I got this product at the last meeting with the ladies in Atlanta. Not sure who left it but I gathered all the products that no one else wanted and it was one of them. Thanks to whomever left it!
I love this stuff. I normally do not CW daily, but I washed my hair everyday for a week after my first time trying this stuff. It made my hair feel and smell great. :love:
Here is my hair washed and conditioned with HH, still wet, right out of the shower-

Here it is 8 hours later, with nothing in it but gel. It had been pulled back all day, so the front has a bump from being gelled back, which caused the sides in the front to turn into wings-


The hair in the crown area still wants to do it's own thing- shrinky dink- but over all, I'd say my hair had enough moisture in it to support my curls without them turning to frizz like they normally would (usually I have to put a rinse out conditioner as a leave in mixed with oil).
Awwww! Mermaid your hair is beautiful, I am jealous!! I can't wait to get a full head of hair LOL!!! But that HH is the schiznick!!
NappyParadise said:
Awwww! Mermaid your hair is beautiful, I am jealous!! I can't wait to get a full head of hair LOL!!! But that HH is the schiznick!!
Don't you worry! Yours will get there and it looks pretty healthy so it will grow nice and purty!!
i just tried this shampoo and conditioner tonite and i really liked how it made my hair's definitely a keeper, plus it smells nice
mermaid said:
Don't you worry! Yours will get there and it looks pretty healthy so it will grow nice and purty!!

OT mermaid,

but congrats on your little grand babies! BEAUTIFUL blessed sweetie!
Great! Now I gotta run out and buy THIS!! You know, ya'll need to keep these product raves to ya'll selves, I got bills (past due thanks to YA'LL!:D j/k).
Oh my! I just went out and bought 2 bottles of the conditioner and 1 bottle of shampoo (3/$10). I am in love. I did a quick. Cowashing is the shizzle and this makes it even more so. SLIP, SLIP, SLIP, SLIP, SLIP and the smell is heavenly. This is an unofficial thumbs up since I would like to use it a few more times to be sure. But for now Me LIKEY.
WHY R U ALL DOING THIS TO ME??????????? Every time I go to Walmart I'm so tempted to try this! Every time I enter this thread I keep seeing how everybody is talking about how much SLIP SLIP SLIP they get...must resist the urge! I just ordered a new shipment of stuff I haven't even tried yet!
LABETT said:
I absolutely love this conditioner it gave me better results than Elucence on my 12 weeks post relaxer hair.
My hair was more moisturized and better slips and did really need to use any other products on my hair after airdrying.
I have not tried the shampoo but the conditioner is great.
:eek: What?! Better results than Elucence? Oh, Im gonna try this for sure!!
shunta said:
:eek: What?! Better results than Elucence? Oh, Im gonna try this for sure!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: Wha??!! That's serious talk right there! I like Elucence I only stopped because the conditioner gave me huge flakes, otherwise it was excellent! I'm really itching now...must resist temptation
Thank you for this thread. I love Elucence, but it is not available in my area. If this board didn't exist, I'd be in serious trouble!:lol:
Alli77 said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: Wha??!! That's serious talk right there! I like Elucence I only stopped because the conditioner gave me huge flakes, otherwise it was excellent! I'm really itching now...must resist temptation
You know, now that you mention it, Elucence gives me flakes, too. I didnt know what was causing it, but now I do. Because I only get the flakes when I use Elucence and nothing else. All the more reason to give this product a try, and it will be cheaper than Elucence and I wont have to order online and pay shipping, etc. I tell you, its sooo hard not to become a PJ...:lachen:
Okay ... okay. Even though I LOVE my Paul Mitchell SSS, I decided to try this out. I just bought it today. I washed my crown area before church (around 1:30) with my PMSS Shampoo and then deep conditioned with the Hello Hydration. I let my towel sit on my hair for about a minute and then put it in a ponytail. I didn't put ANY (not even my FAVORITE ... PMSS Serum) products on my hair and it feels REALLY GOOD.

I will have to do a comparison tomorrow ... one side HH and one side PMSS to see how it compares with that. The detangling wasn't as easy as when I use the PMSS System but there are other factors that could have caused that so I'm not going to finalize that just yet. I still had serious frizzies (I'm over 2 years post relaxer with 4b mostly hair) but even the frizzies feel silky-like. :D

I bought the Frizz one and the Curl one as well. I used the Curl one on my son before Church and didn't use any products on him as well and, so far, his hair still feels good but it's still damp. I really won't know how well that one works until tomorrow when he is in school all day.

I am going to try the Frizz one next week and see if that helps with my frizzies. Any one combine the two (Frizz and HH) yet? If so, did it combat the frizzies?

Later on I am going to take my hair out and THAT will be the true test of how well this conditioner works. If my hair is all stuck together ... I probably won't use it again. If it separates easily, then I will probably use it as my primary (YES primary atrinibeauty :)) conditioner since I can't get discounts on my beloved PMSSS any longer. I will still use the shampoo though because it's the only shampoo that allows me to be able to comb through my hair without putting any conditioner on first.
shunta said:
You know, now that you mention it, Elucence gives me flakes, too. I didnt know what was causing it, but now I do. Because I only get the flakes when I use Elucence and nothing else. All the more reason to give this product a try, and it will be cheaper than Elucence and I wont have to order online and pay shipping, etc. I tell you, its sooo hard not to become a PJ...:lachen:

Too hard! This product is seriously calling out my name. I went to Walmart and I did the sniff test...Approved! I did the feel test, squirt a little between my fingers and rubbed...still moist after dry. And then I see a coupon in the newspaper for a dollar off:look:, oh boy. It looks like I will be picking up this product by the end of the week...I know, I'm so weak:lol:
I tried this conditioner today and so far so good. Right now I'm letting it sit on my head under a plastic cap for about an hour. So far it gave the "wet" slip everyone was talking about, which made my hair feel nice and moisturized. And it had a nice tropical smell that isn't too overpowering. The final test will be how my hair feels once the conditioner is rinsed out and my hair is dry.
krissyprissy said:

Krissy, You must, You must, You must buy!!! :lachen: I just tried the None of Your Frizzness shampoo and the HH conditioner. All I can say is "Oh my, this feels niiiiccceee!".:) It smells really really good and my hair is soooo soft. You got to give this one a try.
Alli77 said:
Too hard! This product is seriously calling out my name. I went to Walmart and I did the sniff test...Approved! I did the feel test, squirt a little between my fingers and rubbed...still moist after dry. And then I see a coupon in the newspaper for a dollar off:look:, oh boy. It looks like I will be picking up this product by the end of the week...I know, I'm so weak:lol:
Yep, you're gonna end up buying it!:grin: Just make sure you let us know how it turned out!:p
My name is SweetAKA, and I am a PJ......:lol:

I walked past this stuff 3 times, read the bottle each time, smelled it, and put it back on the shelf. On the fourth go around, I was like forget it I'm getting this stuff. I'm going to try it tonight...I've never been so excited about trying a new shampoo. I know the people watching the security cameras thought I was some nut.

So I admit I have a problem, but that is the first step.....Now trying to address the problem to get it fixed is another issue.:lachen:
I co-washed and airdried with this conditioner today and man oh man. This is making me cheat on my Suave Milk and Honey. :lol: When I finished I used a little as a leave in with some oil and put my hair in a ponytail. It dried nice and straight and so soft too. The best thing is I only lost 5 hairs combing out my hair!!! This is a keeper for me right now!!:grin:

sorry milk and honey :(