Suave Coconut Conditioner for Co washes Is It A Go or No?

How do you feel about this conditioner for your co washes ladies what would you rate it from 1-10? Also does the way the product works for you have anything to do with your hair type?
I cowashed this afternoon with this conditioner and it gets a 9 (awesome with the tangle teezer)--don't want to give it a 10 yet, there may be something else on the market that is worthy of a 10 :)
This is my first post so I'm really excited that I got responses lol don't mind me I hear lots of rave about the TT but idk I'm thinking I'll try finger combing out for a while losing hair is so disgusting to me even shed hairs I'm grossed out when I see any hair come out
I don't cowash anymore because it leaves me with an itchy, irritated scalp, but when I used to, I did enjoy the Suave Coconut and Juicy Green Apple conditioners.
I don't cowash anymore because it leaves me with an itchy, irritated scalp, but when I used to, I did enjoy the Suave Coconut and Juicy Green Apple conditioners.

I also suffer from itchy scalp may I ask how do you combat this issue?

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↑ Would love to know as well. I stopped cowashing (which also affected my styling options) because of this. The hair did love it though. :yep:
I also suffer from itchy scalp may I ask how do you combat this issue?

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↑ Would love to know as well. I stopped cowashing (which also affected my styling options) because of this. The hair did love it though. :yep:

The cowashing is what caused the itchy scalp. Conditioner on my scalp is just not a good idea. :nono: When my hair needs a midweek boost, I'll spray it lightly water or wet it in the shower and add a little conditioner (twisted hair). Then I'll throw on a showercap and let it sit for a few minutes. If I'm using the conditioner as a leave-in then I just take the cap off, but I do rinse it off every now and then. This gives my hair the extra moisture it used to get from cowashing without the flaky, itchy scalp.
I'd say an 8, I like it a lot I used it to condition today :) I like Suave Almond + Shea Butter conditoner too but it leaves flakes in my hair and I think it might make my scalp itchy.
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In regards to the itching: For me, it's the sulfates in the conditioner. When I use products without SLS my scalp is alot happier and it doesn't itch. It's kind of a toss up because my hair prefers cones but my scalp doesn't. The "sans bad stuff" usually leaves my scalp happy but my hair ends up dry and angry... whereas the cones and such make it :love: <----like that lol.

OP I use SCC in my henna glosses with oils. :lick: It's great. I really need to get more.
The cowashing is what caused the itchy scalp. Conditioner on my scalp is just not a good idea. :nono: When my hair needs a midweek boost, I'll spray it lightly water or wet it in the shower and add a little conditioner (twisted hair). Then I'll throw on a showercap and let it sit for a few minutes. If I'm using the conditioner as a leave-in then I just take the cap off, but I do rinse it off every now and then. This gives my hair the extra moisture it used to get from cowashing without the flaky, itchy scalp.

Interesting thks

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I never put conditioner on my scalp--I thought it's to go on the hair only. I put shampoo on my scalp only.

I do too (in regards to the conditioner) but no matter how careful I am some always ends up on my scalp. :sad: lol My grass is tightly packed :lol:

The wrong kind of shampoo makes me itch as well. It sucks being sensitive.
It was like a 2 for me. Suave's coconut conditioner made my hair dry, and hard. I do think your hair type determines if your hair will like a product or not. I have fine 4B hair and my hair cannot stand butters, or thick conditioners. Only water based moisturizers and conditioners seem to penetrate and condition/soften my hair.
Im not a daily co washer anymore but I used to love the coconut one on my twa but as my hair grew it didn't work so well. Now I use the strawberry mountains one. I like it better I thought I was the only one.