
New Member
i wanted everyone to list some notions, theories, myths, suggestions that you got from your stylists in the past or present that you found is absolutely contrary to what you know that works!
when i was in my late teens, early 20's i liked to wash my hair every other day and when i told my stylist this, he declared that i stop! he asked why and then dismissed my reason as, "you just like fresh looking hair". he told me not to wash my hair and only wash it once every 2 weeks. he also said i should get a trim with EVERY touch up i got. wow, a trim every month. :perplexed
the other thing is, when i used to get a relaxer i would relax every 4 weeks! i cringe when i think this. my stylist(s), several different ones, did it too:nono:. when i told them i wanted it, they would say its too soon but then say, "well you have enough new growth so ok". can you believe that?!?!!? all of them would say the same thing, none refused or even explained why i should wait.
share your stories about how your hair flourished when you disregarded or went against what "THEY" said you should or shouldnt do with YOUR hair/regimen:grin:
The only problem I have with my current stylist is she says everyone should relax every 4-6 weeks but she doesn't "force" me to get one that often. I just tell her no, I can't do it and she respects that even though she disagrees. This just isn't for me but I do believe some people can do it. Not me though. i am just figuring this out with my hair. I have lost lots of thickness because I used to relax every 6 weeks.

Other than that I love my stylist. She is the best I have come across in a long time. I'm sticking with her for now. She is very knowlegable. She always talk about protien/moisture balance.
I had a stylist who convinced me that I needed a 1" trim every time I went for a relaxer. I would go every 8 weeks so that's absolutely NO progress!
I had a stylist who convinced me that I needed a 1" trim every time I went for a relaxer. I would go every 8 weeks so that's absolutely NO progress!

exactly! how can one see progress if its constantly being cut off. i started to see progress after stretching and when i stopped getting a relaxer.:yep:
My hairstylist wants me to trim every 6 weeks. Unfortuantely, she trims an inch so I end up going backwards instead of forwards. She tells me that I have split ends when I don't see any and I'm looking at them with a magnifying glass. Once she cut my hair uneven on the right side and I was very unhappy.

She also puts a TON of setting lotion in my hair when she does my curls. They look great but I'm not sure it's good when your hair comes out crunchy. So now I tell her NO setting lotion. Just a leave in conditioner and a creamy moisturizer. That gives me loose curls with those green rollers or red rollers. If I want volume I'll use the purple ones. I also don't let her cut my hair anymore. I go to a different lady for cuts (the same one that does my brazilian wax and eyebrows). It's ashame I can't find all quality traits in one person. :perplexed

What else...she puts oil on my scalp which I don't like and neither does my hair. My hair is way to oily when I leave her. So I'm sticking with a creamy moisturizer and telling her I'll tend to my own scalp when I get home. I also NEVER let her comb my curls into a style. I let her take the rollers out and I tell her I'll style it when I get home.

I know it seems like why do you see her in the first place if you have so many complaints but she's great at conditioning and moisturizing my hair.
Oh lord you need a touch-up and trim every 4-6 weeks...even if i only had less than a inch of newgrowth. She always complain that she didn't like my products and they wasn't good...but then she sold them to me.:perplexed

Then its the time that she said " oh sweetie there no such thing as heat damage that just means you need a trim":nono:

Then last but not least once i got a fresh touch-up she then wanted to blow my hair out with this little comb .:hammer:

she would blow my hair out atleast 3 times a week i know i know...blame myself true But Now i have LHCF to tell me right from wrong:grin:

Oh yea she said Mizani for white hair :wallbash:
Wow these horror stories are a trip. I am going to cosmetology school in January and all the information I learned from here, as well as the things I am learning on my own I am taking with me. I am sure the teachers will probably not like me.

WHY do people need a relaxer every 4 - 6 weeks, you are going to have major overlapping!

I think that alot of stylist just want you to come in every month so they can pay their bills :grin: - this is the only thing I can come up with, because anything else just doesn't make sense.:nono:

**Don't shoot** I do believe in trims/dusting but no more than 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch and not every 4 to 6 weeks either!
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Oh lord you need a touch-up and trim every 4-6 weeks...even if i only had less than a inch of newgrowth. She always complain that she didn't like my products and they wasn't good...but then she sold them to me.:perplexed

Then its the time that she said " oh sweetie there no such thing as heat damage that just means you need a trim":nono:

Then last but not least once i got a fresh touch-up she then wanted to blow my hair out with this little comb .:hammer:

she would blow my hair out atleast 3 times a week i know i know...blame myself true But Now i have LHCF to tell me right from wrong:grin:

Oh yea she said Mizani for white hair :wallbash:

oh wow, that sounds like a complete horror story:spinning:
Oh lord you need a touch-up and trim every 4-6 weeks...even if i only had less than a inch of newgrowth. She always complain that she didn't like my products and they wasn't good...but then she sold them to me.:perplexed

Then its the time that she said " oh sweetie there no such thing as heat damage that just means you need a trim":nono:

Then last but not least once i got a fresh touch-up she then wanted to blow my hair out with this little comb .:hammer:

she would blow my hair out atleast 3 times a week i know i know...blame myself true But Now i have LHCF to tell me right from wrong:grin:

Oh yea she said Mizani for white hair :wallbash:

She needs a serious :spank:
She needs a serious :spank:

i saw her again Not to do my hair but to pick up my sister and you should have seen the look on her face with my apl (still got alot of newgrowth to be touch-up in Aug!!!) I knew she was looking to say something negative like its kinda greasy hair was never this long then shoulder length until i started to take control of what I like and what I didnt like.

Yes, she would cut my ends just to make a few dollars:nono: thank god i never went back there.

Yes, i have caused some really bad damage to my hair but it forgave me:drunk: and never fell out :lachen:. I have so much hair drama i could write a book:yep:
A stylist, on my first and last visit, told me I needed a trim. I said I don't let stylists cut my hair because they don't know the difference between 1 inch and 3 inches. She giggled and said "yeah, we have to do that with people." (or something like that) :huh: Basically she acting as if she was practicing tough love. I didn't like it. :nono:
A stylist, on my first and last visit, told me I needed a trim. I said I don't let stylists cut my hair because they don't know the difference between 1 inch and 3 inches. She giggled and said "yeah, we have to do that with people." (or something like that) :huh: Basically she acting as if she was practicing tough love. I didn't like it. :nono:

good for you!! i'm glad you didnt let her cut your hair!!!
My stylist told me that no lye relaxers had lye in them, and that heat protector sprays don't really do anything. :wallbash:
My stylist told me that he really didn't need to use a heat protectant because the ceramic flat irons and the ion blow dryer he used really didn't use as much heat. :look:

Okayyyyy, but it is still heat whether it is a little or alot.:spinning:
i saw her again Not to do my hair but to pick up my sister and you should have seen the look on her face with my apl (still got alot of newgrowth to be touch-up in Aug!!!) I knew she was looking to say something negative like its kinda greasy hair was never this long then shoulder length until i started to take control of what I like and what I didnt like.

Yes, she would cut my ends just to make a few dollars:nono: thank god i never went back there.

Yes, i have caused some really bad damage to my hair but it forgave me:drunk: and never fell out :lachen:. I have so much hair drama i could write a book:yep:

I saw my old stylist too and the look on her face was priceless. I was always shoulder length with her too and then I got it cut to earlength by her about 2 years ago. She kind of shrugged and asked who does my hair. I told her I take care of it and I go to my new stylist for a perm. She just looked and said oh it's growing and walked off. Oh well, at least she acknowledged it was growing.
I saw my old stylist too and the look on her face was priceless. I was always shoulder length with her too and then I got it cut to earlength by her about 2 years ago. She kind of shrugged and asked who does my hair. I told her I take care of it and I go to my new stylist for a perm. She just looked and said oh it's growing and walked off. Oh well, at least she acknowledged it was growing.

i just wonder do they know what they doing is wrong and don't care? i bet they are very caution and gentle when it comes to their hair:ohwell:
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I saw my old stylist too and the look on her face was priceless. I was always shoulder length with her too and then I got it cut to earlength by her about 2 years ago. She kind of shrugged and asked who does my hair. I told her I take care of it and I go to my new stylist for a perm. She just looked and said oh it's growing and walked off. Oh well, at least she acknowledged it was growing.

She should've been asking what you do to it so she can stop jeporadizing other clients' hair. If I were a stylist, I would've been wondering, "Why couldn't I get her hair to grow like that?":perplexed
My stylist told me that he really didn't need to use a heat protectant because the ceramic flat irons and the ion blow dryer he used really didn't use as much heat. :look:

Okayyyyy, but it is still heat whether it is a little or alot.:spinning:

and with the logic he had, what would the harm be to use it anyway??? koo:spinning:koo is right!!!
here are some random ones...not necessarily told to me:

1. Cutting your hair makes it stronger or grow faster.
[SIZE=-1]Bull winkle. Its hair, not a lawn. Exactly where this myth started is unknown, but is probably related to the observation of men's facial hair. There are different kinds of hair on your face and head. Hair on your head and facial hair have different properties. Cutting your hair will only make it shorter and hairs grows almost exactly half an inch per month, no matter what you do or take.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]2. Split ends can be repaired.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Sorry Charlie, not true. Split ends cannot be repaired and should be cut off immediately or they will split yet higher and do yet more damage.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]3. Brushing your hair is good for it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]To the contrary, brushing your hair is very bad for your hair and the leading contributor to split ends and hair breakage. By all means groom your hair, but once it is in place, STOP.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]4. Tight hats cause baldness.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]This one probably started in the military where young men entering the service were required to wear hats and soon showed signs of going bald, or at least of hair thinning. This is due to coincidental timing. The age that young men enter the military is also the same age that male pattern hair loss begins. This is due to dihydrotestosterone, not hats. Hats do cause hair breakage and to a lessor degree to split ends.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]5. Hair can turn gray or white over night.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]What utter nonsense. This one was born in literature. What part of "fiction" did they not understand? Hair receives its color genetically and can only turn gray or white over very long periods of time. Actually the hair doesn't turn white in as much as the hair loses color, but not over night, or even a wild weekend.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]6. Pluck one gray hair and two grow back.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Folks, if this were true I would be pulling my hair out by the fist full. I need more hair and can always color the gray hair.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]7. Baldness is inherited from the mothers side of the family.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]More Hair Voodoo. Male and female pattern hair loss can be inherited from either side of the family and may or may not skip many generations. Male pattern hair loss usually begins at age 18 to 20 and female patter hair loss between ages 45 and 55.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]8. Dandruff is caused by dry scalp.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Dandruff and dry scalp are two entirely different things. A good shampoo and conditioner will take care of the dry scalp, which is 'flaking'. Dandruff shampoos are entirely unnecessary and inadvisable for dry scalp.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Dandruff is a serious health issue and requires medical attention and prescribed medication. The 'flakes' are actually oily, not dry. Very few people have actual dandruff and you would know it if you did.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]9. Dandruff is contagious.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]No. You already have the micro organism that causes dandruff, yours just aren't as active. On the other hand, there are plenty of nasty things you can get from someone else's comb or brush, so be careful.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]10. Cutting your hair during a full moon makes it grow in healthier, fuller, faster or longer.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Give me a break. I am not even going to dignify this one with an explanation. Hey, if they buy into this type of earth muffin drivel, by all means, let them mark the dates on their calendar.[/SIZE]
A stylist recently told me that there is no need for a heat protectant prior to flat ironing because the "natural oils in my hair would come out" and would therefore suffice. She also said that the steam coming from the flat iron as it passed thru my hair was an indication of the oil in my hair :(.

I spoke to another stylist and he said that what the other stylist told me was completely false and that you have to use a heat protectant such as setting lotion to get silky smooth results. Otherwise, your hair will look dry, just like it did when I left her shop!
My current stylist (I haven't been there in almost 8mons) never used a heat protectant (she used alcohol spritz instead :perplexed) on my hair and would use her blow dryer at the highest heat setting making sure to hold it in one place longer than was absolutely needed.

She used to try and trim my hair with every touch up but when she continued to ask and I kept refusing she finally gave up and she doesn't ask anymore.:grin:

Another stylist told me that dandruff was good for your hair because it meant it was growing. This same stylist used to blow dry my hair with brown gel because she said it held the style better.

If I do decide to go back to my current stylist we will have to have a serious talk about how she takes care of my hair. Fortunately she is nice and willing to accomodate my hair needs if I ask nicely (at least I think she is):look:.
i saw her again Not to do my hair but to pick up my sister and you should have seen the look on her face with my apl (still got alot of newgrowth to be touch-up in Aug!!!) I knew she was looking to say something negative like its kinda greasy hair was never this long then shoulder length until i started to take control of what I like and what I didnt like.

Yes, she would cut my ends just to make a few dollars:nono: thank god i never went back there.

Yes, i have caused some really bad damage to my hair but it forgave me:drunk: and never fell out :lachen:. I have so much hair drama i could write a book:yep:

I am happy for you - I wish more stylists would listen to their clients instead of feeling like they know it all!
An ex-stylist of mine told me:

-That water is BAD for the hair. She was like, "think about it. It dries your hair out. When you step out of the shower, your body is ashy and you have to put lotion on it. Why? Because the water dried your skin out. If it dries out your skin, imagine what it's doing to your hair."

-I should be combing my natural 4a/b hair EVERY DAY.
A stylist recently told me that there is no need for a heat protectant prior to flat ironing because the "natural oils in my hair would come out" and would therefore suffice. She also said that the steam coming from the flat iron as it passed thru my hair was an indication of the oil in my hair :(.

I spoke to another stylist and he said that what the other stylist told me was completely false and that you have to use a heat protectant such as setting lotion to get silky smooth results. Otherwise, your hair will look dry, just like it did when I left her shop!

Navesgeda actually had a thread on this. When your hair is hot or the iron is steaming, you are actually cooking your cuticle inside or it is boiling.
She should've been asking what you do to it so she can stop jeporadizing other clients' hair. If I were a stylist, I would've been wondering, "Why couldn't I get her hair to grow like that?":perplexed

Most stylist around my parts are worried about the style rather than the health. :ohwell: If the style is fly she'll have a bunch of clients and she does know how to style. One of the best i have seen but pump it up and black gel are her two best friends. I always hated both even before the board. I never liked "hard styles" exept for crimps. That was my signature style then.:wallbash:
You dont say!!! My OLD stylist told me the front of my hair doesn't take relaxers very well because it keeps curling up, so she took my relaxer ALL THE WAY DOWN!!!! :sad:

Post LHCF, i've learned that my hair is just a different texture in the front!!!!!!!!

quote=honeybadgirl;2487633]some of this stuff is unbelievable!! some of the stylists should have their license revoked!!:grin:[/quote]
An ex-stylist of mine told me:

-That water is BAD for the hair. She was like, "think about it. It dries your hair out. When you step out of the shower, your body is ashy and you have to put lotion on it. Why? Because the water dried your skin out. If it dries out your skin, imagine what it's doing to your hair."

-I should be combing my natural 4a/b hair EVERY DAY.

My retort to that stylist: "Not water, brainiac, AIR!!!" :wallbash:

My hairstylist wants me to trim every 6 weeks. Unfortuantely, she trims an inch so I end up going backwards instead of forwards. She tells me that I have split ends when I don't see any and I'm looking at them with a magnifying glass. Once she cut my hair uneven on the right side and I was very unhappy.

She also puts a TON of setting lotion in my hair when she does my curls. They look great but I'm not sure it's good when your hair comes out crunchy. So now I tell her NO setting lotion. Just a leave in conditioner and a creamy moisturizer. That gives me loose curls with those green rollers or red rollers. If I want volume I'll use the purple ones. I also don't let her cut my hair anymore. I go to a different lady for cuts (the same one that does my brazilian wax and eyebrows). It's ashame I can't find all quality traits in one person. :perplexed

What else...she puts oil on my scalp which I don't like and neither does my hair. My hair is way to oily when I leave her. So I'm sticking with a creamy moisturizer and telling her I'll tend to my own scalp when I get home. I also NEVER let her comb my curls into a style. I let her take the rollers out and I tell her I'll style it when I get home.

I know it seems like why do you see her in the first place if you have so many complaints but she's great at conditioning and moisturizing my hair.

love their must be a better way ...I'm stressed just listening to you:nono: