Stylist refused to relax my hair because it was clean!


Well-Known Member
This morning I conditioner washed my hair, forgetting that I was supposed to get a relaxer. When I conditioner wash, I don't touch my scalp, I just let the water and conditioner run through.

So anyway, I didn't think it was a big deal because I wanted her to see my current texture anyway since I was supposed to get a corrective relaxer.

So this chick tells me my hair is too clean to get a relaxer and that it won't process:eek:

I've never heard of this. Is this true?
I've never heard this, but I'd always hear folks recommend NOT washing before a relaxer to prevent scalp manipulation. As long as your scalp was healthy, I don't see a problem. Hmmmmmmmm.:scratchch
zora said:
This morning I conditioner washed my hair, forgetting that I was supposed to get a relaxer. When I conditioner wash, I don't touch my scalp, I just let the water and conditioner run through.

So anyway, I didn't think it was a big deal because I wanted her to see my current texture anyway since I was supposed to get a corrective relaxer.

So this chick tells me my hair is too clean to get a relaxer and that it won't process:eek:

I've never heard of this. Is this true?

No, that isn't true, but you should wait at least 48 hours before applying relaxer to clean hair. The relaxer can penetrate too fast which would lead to overprocessing/underprocessing and you don't want that:nono: :nono: :nono:
I have heard the myth that you need to relax dirty, but I don't think that clean hair will hinder the relaxing process. What will hinder the process is a scalp that has been malipulated from washing, scrubbing, scratching which causes the pores to be come irrirated and open. This can cause the scalp to burn and the relaxer won't get processed thoroughly and you are already trying to get your previous touch-up corrected. You need to wait a week or two to get another touch-up so your pores can close up.
This is complete BULLOCKS!

Like someone else said, the prohibition is usu. because you may have over handled your scalp during the washing process so any relaxer that gets on your scalp, may burn you easier. However if you are based well (I always pre-base myself with Elucence's Barrier Balm) this shouldn't happen. I recently got relaxed and I washed my hair 2 days before and everything went well. I would think clean hair would make your relaxer "take" better than dirty hair, dirty hair is like basing your hair before a relaxer.

Protective Barrier Balm

This unique skin-conditioning complex keeps moisture in and chemicals out. Shield delicate skin with this nutrient-rich barrier balm. Essential fatty acids, conditioning coco butter and soothing chamomile in an emollient base provide an occlusive barrier against chemical penetration and moisture loss. This moisturizing balm ensures complete client comfort. Available in 12 oz. and 64 oz. refill.

Key Ingredients: Vitamin E and chamomile
So many times posts are created with the intention to bad mouth stylists so in turn when they actually do us a favor we can't even recognize it.

She was actually doing YOU a favor. You should never relax on freshly washed scalp because you are open to burning and sores. I found this out the hard way.:cool:

Just think about it, what is she would have relaxed you? Granted her reasoning was kinda off, in the end she knew a relaxer the day that you wash was gonna have ill effects. I woudln't be bad mouthing her, I would be grateful that she was actually in tuned to what was healthy for my hair and scalp and was not trying to take my money and not care.
Your stylist was afraid of getting sued. If she relaxes your hair and you get burned badly, she will look unprofessional. Don't blame her for being cautious. It is a precaution she is taking, which most stylists don't give a crap. Wait a couple of days and you should be fine.
LocksOfLuV said:
So many times posts are created with the intention to bad mouth stylists so in turn when they actually do us a favor we can't even recognize it.

She was actually doing YOU a favor. You should never relax on freshly washed scalp because you are open to burning and sores. I found this out the hard way.:cool:

Just think about it, what is she would have relaxed you? Granted her reasoning was kinda off, in the end she knew a relaxer the day that you wash was gonna have ill effects. I woudln't be bad mouthing her, I would be grateful that she was actually in tuned to what was healthy for my hair and scalp and was not trying to take my money and not care.

I've always heard this too...
LocksOfLuV said:
So many times posts are created with the intention to bad mouth stylists so in turn when they actually do us a favor we can't even recognize it.

She was actually doing YOU a favor. You should never relax on freshly washed scalp because you are open to burning and sores. I found this out the hard way.:cool:

Just think about it, what is she would have relaxed you? Granted her reasoning was kinda off, in the end she knew a relaxer the day that you wash was gonna have ill effects. I woudln't be bad mouthing her, I would be grateful that she was actually in tuned to what was healthy for my hair and scalp and was not trying to take my money and not care.

I agree... I really think she did you justice by not relaxing your hair. She could have relaxed you and taken your money while leaving you with damaged hair and hella bad burns. I've always been told and actually follow a no wash rule 3 days before a relaxer and if I scratch I use petroleum jelly or baby oil to base my scalp 24 hours before.
Actually I think this is a rare instance where I'd side with the stylist. :eek: You shouldn't put water in your hair within 3 days of having a relaxer ... even extensive sweating can pores and leave you subceptable to extreme burning.

It's not because your hair was clean, but that you'd had water in contact with your scalp. This may be what she was trying to imply.

LocksOfLuV said:
So many times posts are created with the intention to bad mouth stylists so in turn when they actually do us a favor we can't even recognize it.

She was actually doing YOU a favor. You should never relax on freshly washed scalp because you are open to burning and sores. I found this out the hard way.:cool:

Just think about it, what is she would have relaxed you? Granted her reasoning was kinda off, in the end she knew a relaxer the day that you wash was gonna have ill effects. I woudln't be bad mouthing her, I would be grateful that she was actually in tuned to what was healthy for my hair and scalp and was not trying to take my money and not care.

:yep: :yep: :yep: I agree 100%. You woulda burned burned burned.

LocksOfLuV said:
So many times posts are created with the intention to bad mouth stylists so in turn when they actually do us a favor we can't even recognize it.

She was actually doing YOU a favor. You should never relax on freshly washed scalp because you are open to burning and sores. I found this out the hard way.:cool:

Just think about it, what is she would have relaxed you? Granted her reasoning was kinda off, in the end she knew a relaxer the day that you wash was gonna have ill effects. I woudln't be bad mouthing her, I would be grateful that she was actually in tuned to what was healthy for my hair and scalp and was not trying to take my money and not care.
Woah! Please show me where I badmouthed her. This post was intended to find out if in fact she was correct. It was because of her reasoning I created this post, cause we all know stylists a'int right all the time.
Zora, I didnt think you bad mouthed her at all. Im glad you started this thread because I wondered about that, too.
I guess I understand the whole potential scalp irritation/burn angle, except I don't massage or touch my scalp when I conditioner wash. Unless the shower pressure counts as scalp manipulation.

Also because it's a correction, she wasn't supposed to be messing with my scalp in the first place. I know she was looking out for me but now I'm in a pickle. I can't wear my hair straight, because I exercise and the underprocessing of my hair puffs out in a fro in a millisecond. So my only other option is to wear my sleek bun, which requires that I continue to conditioner wash my hair. If I have to wait two to three days (I think someone mentioned a couple of weeks), I'll never get my hair done and I wanted to wear it straight for the holidays. sigh:(
shunta said:
Zora, I didnt think you bad mouthed her at all. Im glad you started this thread because I wondered about that, too.
:) Thanks. I learned something today too. I had no idea water/sweat on your scalp within a couple of days of a relaxer was a no/no.
zora said:
:) Thanks. I learned something today too. I had no idea water/sweat on your scalp within a couple of days of a relaxer was a no/no.
hi Zora! See this is why I love this forum, I have learned so many things I wouldnt have known too. I am glad she didnt relax you like everyone said your scalp woulda been on fire, and 48 hours is what i have always been told to wait.
zora said:
:) Thanks. I learned something today too. I had no idea water/sweat on your scalp within a couple of days of a relaxer was a no/no.

I learned this the HARD way! I self relaxed and then WORKED OUT RIGHT AFTERWARD!!!!:eek: Yowza! I got a good work out that day!:lachen:

She wouldn't? I always thought it had to do with scalp irritation, and not that the relaxer "wouldn't take". That's a new one to me...
DDtexlaxd said:
Your stylist was afraid of getting sued. If she relaxes your hair and you get burned badly, she will look unprofessional. Don't blame her for being cautious. It is a precaution she is taking, which most stylists don't give a crap. Wait a couple of days and you should be fine.

pistachio said:
She wouldn't? I always thought it had to do with scalp irritation, and not that the relaxer "wouldn't take". That's a new one to me...
Yeah, I think this is where the confusion lies. She probably meant my head would be on fire within three seconds, so my hair would not be fully processed since she would have to rinse it out.....I think:perplexed
LocksOfLuV said:
So many times posts are created with the intention to bad mouth stylists so in turn when they actually do us a favor we can't even recognize it.

She was actually doing YOU a favor. You should never relax on freshly washed scalp because you are open to burning and sores. I found this out the hard way.:cool:

Just think about it, what is she would have relaxed you? Granted her reasoning was kinda off, in the end she knew a relaxer the day that you wash was gonna have ill effects. I woudln't be bad mouthing her, I would be grateful that she was actually in tuned to what was healthy for my hair and scalp and was not trying to take my money and not care.

Good answer! (Family Feud claps!)
I normally wash and relax the same day. If I wait a couple of days after a wash I would have sores everywhere. This has worked for me for years and has never been a problem. But I'm texlaxed and don't relax to get my hair bone straight just to relax the curl a bit.
I have rinsed as close as 24 hours prior to having a relaxer with no adverse reactions. There have been members on here (around the time you joined Zora ... and you probably know who I'm speaking of) that have done the same thing with no problem. The reason why I do this is because my new growth gets tangled very easily and it would be a killer to part (just the parting alone would produce intense burning) if I didn't wash close to putting in a relaxer.

Your stylist saying that 'you're hair is too clean and that the relaxer wouldn't process' was totally false. I could see if she said that she refused to do it because of the possibility that you could've irritated your scalp when you CW'd but she didn't. I wouldn't be brave enough to rinse and relax in the same day, however, but I wouldn't think twice to do it at least 24 hours before (now that I use different products that soften my 4a-z texture than I was at the beginning of my hair care journey, I can give it 48 hours and still be able to part my hair with no problems)

In addition, the more build-up you have on your hair, the longer it takes to process. Which is one of the reasons why relaxers don't "take". If the relaxer has too much to get through, then you will end up with truly underprocessed hair (meaning ... dry, frizzy, and very fragile) -- in this situation, the relaxer was just starting to "touch" the cuticle before the relaxer was washed off.

Also Zora, are you truly underprocessed (see above)? If not, then imho, I wouldn't even bother with getting a corrective. Correctives make a dramatic difference if you are underprocessed, not underrelaxed (if that makes sense). HTH :)
LiLi said:
I have rinsed as close as 24 hours prior to having a relaxer with no adverse reactions. There have been members on here (around the time you joined Zora ... and you probably know who I'm speaking of) that have done the same thing with no problem. The reason why I do this is because my new growth gets tangled very easily and it would be a killer to part (just the parting alone would produce intense burning) if I didn't wash close to putting in a relaxer.

Your stylist saying that 'you're hair is too clean and that the relaxer wouldn't process' was totally false. I could see if she said that she refused to do it because of the possibility that you could've irritated your scalp when you CW'd but she didn't. I wouldn't be brave enough to rinse and relax in the same day, however, but I wouldn't think twice to do it at least 24 hours before (now that I use different products that soften my 4a-z texture than I was at the beginning of my hair care journey, I can give it 48 hours and still be able to part my hair with no problems)

In addition, the more build-up you have on your hair, the longer it takes to process. Which is one of the reasons why relaxers don't "take". If the relaxer has too much to get through, then you will end up with truly underprocessed hair (meaning ... dry, frizzy, and very fragile) -- in this situation, the relaxer was just starting to "touch" the cuticle before the relaxer was washed off.

Also Zora, are you truly underprocessed (see above)? If not, then imho, I wouldn't even bother with getting a corrective. Correctives make a dramatic difference if you are underprocessed, not underrelaxed (if that makes sense). HTH :)

I think the Stylist probably meant that her scalp was to clean to indicate that it seems as if the hair had been resently washed...I think it was in the stylist best interest to not relax the OP's hair. If she had and there was an adverse effect, then she would have been liable...
LocksOfLuV said:
So many times posts are created with the intention to bad mouth stylists so in turn when they actually do us a favor we can't even recognize it.

She was actually doing YOU a favor. You should never relax on freshly washed scalp because you are open to burning and sores. I found this out the hard way.:cool:

Just think about it, what is she would have relaxed you? Granted her reasoning was kinda off, in the end she knew a relaxer the day that you wash was gonna have ill effects. I woudln't be bad mouthing her, I would be grateful that she was actually in tuned to what was healthy for my hair and scalp and was not trying to take my money and not care.

ITA. She really was doing you a favor- if she were just out for her pocket, you could have been chemical burned really badly. I've made the mistake of even working out the day before(didn't touch my scalp) and I burned with scabs to boot and the relaxer didn't even take.
She did you a BIG favor. You would have been on this board telling us that she burned you!!! Trust me, you should be happy and thank her.
My Mom just relaxed my sisters hair and she washed it earlier in the day. I told her not to wet it and told my mom not to relax it and guess what? My sister was hootin and hollerin downstairs cuz she was burning. I closed me door and read a book. You stylist saved you girl!