Stylist Burned Off the Front of My Hair With Relaxer. Major Rant!!!


Well-Known Member
I have just started to get relaxers. This past Saturday was only my second relaxer. And it was just a touch up, or was supposed to be. I have an amazing stylist who is about healthy hair and not just styling. She is a Spanish woman (from Nicaragua I think) and she is phenomenal. I fell in love with her when a woman came in with super short, broken off, damaged hair and she asked for a relaxer and my stylist refused. She said "No mami, let's wait 3 months and see. :yep: Yup, I was impressed. She has another girl in there - a black stylist that does braiding and weaves but I'll get to her! So I get to the salon and my lady was just sitting down to lunch when I came in. To be fair I just walked in so I couldn't be too upset when she suggested that I let this other chick touch me up. What was I thinking when I said ok to that? But I expressed all of my concerns to this woman.

As soon as I get in the chair she starts asking my stylist all of these questions and I gave her the side eye. She says "I know what I'm doing, just wanted to be sure I mixed it right" Yeah, sure. So I tell her that I had stretched to 12 weeks so I did not risk overlapping and I wanted her to be careful. She just nods like I didn't say a thing. She bases my scalp and I notice that after she does each section she relaxes the edges in that section too instead of waiting until the end. I speak up and say "Excuse me, you are supposed to do that last" All she could say was oh sorry:nono: Then she starts smoothing the relaxer and spreading it almost to the tip. Yeah! Overlapping! I speak up again. "enough with the smoothing, you are going to overprocess me." So she stops. After she was done she puts EXTRA relaxer on my front edges because she "based my scalp a little too much". WHAT?! I stop her immediately and since she is already done I tell her I will wait for my stylist to rinse me and finish me up and that I would wait for her from now on. She was visibily offended but I do not care.

After some time I ask my stylist to rinse me and this black stylist gives her two cents saying "It isn't ready" I said I am not after bone straight. I am good to wash out now." She opens her mouth again saying if it is burning then she will spray some hair sheen on it and if it isn't burning then I should just wait. Huh?! So again I say I do not need bone straight, thanks. She says "when your new growth grows in you will wish you had bone straight":perplexed How does that even make sense? I ignore her and my stylist does as I ask - the way a stylist should!

After I was rinsed everything was fine. But now I am noticing that my hair seems to be "burned off" in the front. Sort of like when a guy gets a really low hair cut and you can feel the little peach fuzz growing back. :sad: That is what the front of my hair feels like! That means burned or singed off hair doesn't it? I can't see a difference even though I am looking closely. But I still feel it. What do I do? The peach fuzz feeling is making me crazy and I am so mad! Help!

I am so upset that this stylist basically ignored my concerns. And then afterward tried to give me advice! Ugh! While I am sitting with the reconstructor in my hair she is asking me if I sweat and trying to give me advice on my hair. While she is sitting there with over processed, colored hair sticking out of a raggedy weave. Can you believe this? Why are black stylists like this? My fault completely for not waiting for my girl. But when you actually speak up and they still ignore you how do you not punch them in the face?!
Give yourself a good protein treatment and I pray it snaps back some how :(

Next time do follow your gut instinct please. That gut usually knows what it is talking about.

Sorry you went through it.
Protein & TLC... Good for you for speaking up! Don't let no one else touch your hair, but your stylist from now on. :nono:
Going to stylists period is so risky. Do you have pictures? If you can feel it, you should be able to see it upon close inspection. We should also start requiring our stylists to have healthy real hair of their own.
Sorry this happened to you. Start nursing your precious strand back ASAP, starting with a protein treatment. I can't stand a know it all stylist. Yikes @ the oil sheen proposition! Some people should not be allowed behind the chair!
I cannot STAND when the stylist is off to the side, usually eating, and the passing off the job of chemical application to basically the shampoo girl. This basically happened to me YEARS ago and my scalp was burned badly because the nitwit combed my scalp while putting the perm in. I will not allow it anymore. If I came to the stylist to get my hair done, I insist that the stylist also do the chemical application.
We should also start requiring our stylists to have healthy real hair of their own.

This is true, but not always a guarantee they will treat your hair the same. Now that I'm on my hhj, I realize a lot of sneaky things my stylist would do. Only her and her clients who were good buddies with her had long, beautiful hair, and I noticed when they got their relaxers, she would do the mid-conditioner step on them and nobody else. She wouldn't trim their hair every relaxer, and she would always rollerset them. Her excuse to my mother would always be "I'm in a hurry today", so she would fry my hair with a blowdryer, spritz, and flatiron it. I'm so glad I am not dependent on anyone now.
I've always intentional schedule my appts. early in the week. I absolutely hated going to salons on weekends. Their usually overbooked if they even have scheduled appts. Never take the time to care and give client proper attention. I'm so sorry. Like the ladies stated, protein treatment.
I know that stubble fuzz feeling well that's the way the hair around the perimeter of my head would feel after my mom relaxed my hair. I have really fine downy hair in my Temple area and around my edges she would sometimes relax my edges first and the hair would basically melt off except a little hard dry stubble. Hopefully it was only your baby hair that was effected because that hair doesn't get very long and shouldn't take long to grow back with some tlc. The stubble is basically scab hair I would recommend moisturizing the area really well and sealing with castor oil if you have any.
I had the same problem. I'm not a bone straight relaxer either and as soon as my stylist put the texturizer on the front of my hair it started buring. I asked her to stop and rinse and she continued to come it in. As a result I have a bald spot on the front of my scalp that had scabs. I have since recovered but for now on I will be doing my own relaxers. To help my hair I have been doing light protein and lots of moisture. I plan on doing a heavy protein either next month or in October.
Here are pics of my scalp burn. To help with the scabs, at 1st I used vaseline but it wasn't really helping healing the scabs. So I switched to JBCO. That stuff was amazing!


  • scalp burn.JPG
    scalp burn.JPG
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Here are pics of my scalp burn. To help with the scabs, at 1st I used vaseline but it wasn't really helping healing the scabs. So I switched to JBCO. That stuff was amazing!

Aloe Vera gel is supposed to work well.
The rest of your hair looks nice.
Here are pics of my scalp burn. To help with the scabs, at 1st I used vaseline but it wasn't really helping healing the scabs. So I switched to JBCO. That stuff was amazing!
I've had those scalp burns too. It was pure luck why I didn't suffer permanent hair loss. :nono:
Awwww KammyGirl I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. :hug2: :nono:

Some of these stylists out here can be a mess! :nono:

When I was getting relaxers, I used to HATE it when I would tell them how to do my hair a certain way (don't leave it in TOO long, don't overlap, do my edges LAST since it has the least amount of hair), and yet they would either argue with me or try to INSIST on doing it THEIR way. Ummm....who's the client here?? :confused: They may know HAIR better than I do, but I surely know MY OWN hair better than they do! That used to drive me NUTS! :pullhair:

For some reason the HAIR industry seems to be the only industry where a client can tell the person working on them that they want something done a certain way, but the person doing the job INSISTS on doing things THEIR way! :wallbash: I dare a waitress to tell a customer that NO they don't need to hold the onions or the peanuts that they are allergic to in their meal. Like...what?? :confused:

You're being paid by ME to do what I now DO IT! :wallbash:
Kammygirl, so sorry about your hair. I hope that you have called your stylist and let her know what's up. I wish I had advice that could help, the other ladies are experts. Good luck.
This is true, but not always a guarantee they will treat your hair the same. Now that I'm on my hhj, I realize a lot of sneaky things my stylist would do. Only her and her clients who were good buddies with her had long, beautiful hair, and I noticed when they got their relaxers, she would do the mid-conditioner step on them and nobody else. She wouldn't trim their hair every relaxer, and she would always rollerset them. Her excuse to my mother would always be "I'm in a hurry today", so she would fry my hair with a blowdryer, spritz, and flatiron it. I'm so glad I am not dependent on anyone now.

Angelinhell What is this?
Thank you everyone for your advice! I co-wash daily (my hair loves it) and have done a deep condition with morrocan argan oil deep condition (my hair loves that too). Of course it has only been a few days so I can't feel a real difference. I was reluctant to try a protein treatment too soon. I do not use protein too often - maybe once a week after my weekly shampoo and before my deep condition. I would normally wait a week but I am going to do my Aphogee 2 minute tonight followed by a hair smoothie and hopefully that makes me feel better. I completely forgot about massaging with oils to help me. I will try that also and see if it works.

I told my stylist that I will always wait for her, I do not care how busy she is. I didn't mention anything else since of course I couldn't feel the peach fuzz yet. I know you ladies in here know how hard it is going to be for me to go back in there without wanting to tell that other woman off! Her and another girl were sitting there talking about how girls get their hair permed over and over when they don't need to. They were literally laughing about this. And then...the girl she was talking to opens her mouth to say "They wonder why their hair falls out. I get my hair permed every month. 5 weeks and not a moment sooner." Hilarious. She then proceeded to get her set taken down and have the other fool sew tracks into her apl stringy, greasy thin hair. Yuck.
This is true, but not always a guarantee they will treat your hair the same. Now that I'm on my hhj, I realize a lot of sneaky things my stylist would do. Only her and her clients who were good buddies with her had long, beautiful hair, and I noticed when they got their relaxers, she would do the mid-conditioner step on them and nobody else. She wouldn't trim their hair every relaxer, and she would always rollerset them. Her excuse to my mother would always be "I'm in a hurry today", so she would fry my hair with a blowdryer, spritz, and flatiron it. I'm so glad I am not dependent on anyone now.

I agree 100% :yep:
I'm sorry this happened to you...good for you speaking up. When I was salon relaxed I didn't know enough about relaxers to say anything. They always went bone straight and my edges especially on one side always felt burned. Oddly enough, it wasn't until I started relaxing my own hair that I realized I have a cowlick in the front of my head. The hair on that side grows towards my face and I only noticed when it was straight. It always felt "peach-fuzzy" right after a touchup because I was pulling it opposite of the way it grows. It really wasn't burned. Maybe yours isn't either.
I'm sorry this happened to you...good for you speaking up. When I was salon relaxed I didn't know enough about relaxers to say anything. They always went bone straight and my edges especially on one side always felt burned. Oddly enough, it wasn't until I started relaxing my own hair that I realized I have a cowlick in the front of my head. The hair on that side grows towards my face and I only noticed when it was straight. It always felt "peach-fuzzy" right after a touchup because I was pulling it opposite of the way it grows. It really wasn't burned. Maybe yours isn't either.

Cattypus1 The bolded is soo true, my front hairline is like this to.

OP, I hope Your hair turns out ok, these wanna be stylists are a joke.
Hi everyone. So I did the light protein treatment last night. Actually I mixed my Aphogee 2 minute (1 part) with my M&T deep conditioner (2 parts) and I feel much better. It could all be in my head. But my edges feel much smoother, less rough and I am happy for now. I examined my hairline closely and it looks ok. Hopefully there is no damage done here.