Styling my pre-teen daughter's hair


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Styling my pre-teen daughter\'s hair

Please offer suggestions on how do I repair, save yet still style my 11-year old daughter's hair. She has long 3B - 3C hair that is relaxed. Her ends are splitting a lot. Every time I turn around she has split ends again. She loves to wear her hair down and in ponytails. I want to protect her hair but she will not want to wear buns to school and she will not want to wear phonytails, I don't think anyway.... I would really like to apply the Vaseline bag regiment on her at least a couple times a week. It will have to be styles that she can create herself because she is still asleep when I leave for work everyday. So what should I do to save her long hair from continuing to be cut off every month? Thanks you ladies for your input.
Re: Styling my pre-teen daughter\'s hair

If her is splitting that much, you'll need to cut them or else they'll continue to split. I don't know what your routine is, but start doing deep conditionin treatments. And if you're using heat, I suggest you limit it to 2 times per month. Do you think she'll like the buns if you jazz them up with accessories like chop sticks, combs, etc? If not, what about cornrows (using her own hair)? But, if she just insists on wearing her hair down, try putting some type of oil or cream on the ends everyday. Of course, try wet setting it to help decrease the need for heat. That's all I can think of for now. There's ladies that are way more knowledgable (sp?) than me, so hopefully they'll put in their two cents
Re: Styling my pre-teen daughter\'s hair

I'm going through something similar with my 14 yr. old daughter. Her hair is not quite shoulder length in the back and shorter in the front. She wants to grow her hair long, but she doesn't seem to be making much progress, despite roller sets, deep conditions and protein treatments... She doesn't like buns either. Also, she's always in the mirror combing her hair!! I told her that if she keeps combing her hair that much, she'll have no hair left on her head!! She has a lot of breakage too; I can see it all over the bathroom floor.
She has stopped using the curling iron, but maybe her ends are still damaged from when she used to use it.

I think I'm doing everything I can do to help her. The rest is up to her. She might need to start liking buns if she ever wants to see any growth!!
I'm doing a 365 day challenge on her, so we'll see where her hair is at the end of the year.
Re: Styling my pre-teen daughter\'s hair

Thanks a lot Ladies for sharing,

I put in a fresh relaxer: Supreme regular no-lye, then gave her a hot oil / deep conditioner, then sat her under the hooded dryer. I used my PJ supplies like, olive oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil mix, Silk, Wave Nuvo moisturizing lotion, Protective moisturizer, applying it all over her hair, then braided about 7 large cornrolls and rolled the ends or each braid. I had her sit under the hooded dryer so that I can be sure she will wake up with dry hair. This morning I unbraided her hair and the waves endless! Her hair shined and looked incredibly health! I was so happy that her hair looked so pretty, even better then my hairstylist does her hair and mine!

This is my second time using Supreme on her hair and I am VERY pleased with the immediate and long term results. I am even strongly considering trying it in my hair when I am do for another touch up. I am using Mizani and my stylist has not been getting my roots all that straight these last 3 applications. If I don't changed to Supreme, thin I will definitely try another hairstyles that was referred to me first. I will have to pray on that a little more. I know that my daughter has a curlier grade then I do so I am not sure it will be as safe on my texture and as silky straight. If anyone has any input on this I would love to know what you think about it.