Help for my daughter's broken hair

My daughter's hair has major breakage. I think it's b/c her hair can't stand a relaxer. I had to grow my relaxer out for this same reason. Anyway, I had her hair cornrowed with extensions yesterday and I am planning to keep her hair braided all summer to try to grow out of the relaxer. I trimmed 1 inch yesterday and plan on trimming at least an inch each month I also mixed 1 pre-filled applicator of monistat with an 8oz jar of doo gro to use on her scalp. What else can I do to minimize breakage and nurture her hair back to health while she is wearing braids. She is 12 and this is the 1st time she has ever worn braids. How long should I leave them in, how do I wash them, how do I keep her hair moisturized.
Just don't for get to let her hair breathe sometimes too, I did this same thing, my daugter is growing out her relaxer and it is growing fast. But We are also gonna do braids this summer and I keep cutting and inch off every month but her newgrowth is so thick, and as soon as it is long enough to catch and braid then I will give her a big chop and let it grow out through braids for the summer, it is growing so beautifully.

Good Luck!