Stupid Girl!


New Member
I found the reason that my hair broke off at the sides and the back... and why my scalp is red and irritated at those spots.

I sleep in rollers almost every night.

I think that laying in them pushes the clip into my scalp and like.. scratches it up. I noticed it when I was setting my hair today, the irritation is only where I put the clips. It's only in the spots that I lay on! That's why the spots haven't been healing up!

I'm an idiot!...

Well, if your sides are breaking and you don't know why, maybe this could be a reason.

Now I need to find a new way to sleep... any suggestions?

I have to dampen my hair every night as part of my moisturizing routine, I put rollers in it so that it won't be reverted.
Hey purty...

I also had trouble with pins. Mine were searing my scalp because my dryer was too hot. After a few months of terrible relaxers I realized the pins were the culprit - so I feel your pain. They are a gift and a curse...

How about pin curls?
Hi Girls

I wear rollers every night (I do not like to wrap my hair as this was causing breakage and it also makes my hair look thinner). I was getting some breakage which I think was due to using pins. I now use these metal sliding clips (it is diffult to explain but you know the ones hairdressers use to seperate sections of the hair when they blowdry?). Since using these I have noticed that my hair (especially at the back) is now thicker.
