Students- Christmas break challenge?

1. Choose a bad habit you want to break- i can't think of any-- i've been very kind to my hair lately!

2. No heat- no problem! i've been airdrying braidouts for the past week, and it's been a breeze.

3. Regular washes/Cowashes- i'll up my cowashing to every day, and shampoo 1x a week.

4. Keep hair wrapped and/or baggied when bummin around the house- i won't be wrapping, but i'll keep my hair in my snoopy (my name for my hair turban) during the day.

5. Wear styles that keep your hair off your winter gear whenever you go out- my airdried braidout doesn't touch my shoulders, so i'm good!

6. DC every wash- check!

7. Do something extra!- um... i guess i'll get back on that exercise bandwagon... wake up 1 hr earlier and take a 1 hr walk every morning around my neighborhood.

i'm excited for this!
i don't go home until the 18th (stupid work study), but i'm starting now. and i'll relax on the 23rd, so i don't look like bozo the clown in family x-mas pictures :lol:
Are we taking any pics????????

yea definitely take pics & share them & we can boost each other's ego lol!
I'm gonna do a "photo shoot" 2nite... my 5yo sis has a christmas program so i'ma sport a big fluffy wng (don't worry it won't touch anything! shrinkage!)
So i'll post them then

I'm from a really little town about 30 miles east of Jackson. Morton.... IDK if you've ever heard of it....

Yea i've heard of it... never been there but i went to school in Brookhaven for a while same general jackson area
Cute thread! I'm gonna join, since I won't be doing much over the break anyway :).

1. Choose a bad habit you want to break- Laying around the house without my scarf on. Whenever my hair is touching fabric, the scarf will be on.

2. No heat- I'm on this already. The only exceptions will be maybe when I relax & the first day of spring semester.

3. Regular washes/Cowashes- Wash & d/c 2x/week since I have the time now.

4. Keep hair wrapped and/or baggied when bummin around the house- LOL! see #1. No baggying though, it doesn't agree with my hair.

5. Wear styles that keep your hair off your winter gear whenever you go out- I will be bunning all the time. If I wear a hat, I'll try to put my scarf on under it. Also, I want one of those cute snoods that's in now in a nice color.

6. DC every wash- Already got this.

7. Do something extra!- Take a multi every single day & drink protein shakes. If I feel ambitious, I may learn to rollerset too :look:. (Just thinking about it is making my arms hurt.)
Ok i was EXTRA bored today!... Some pics i took:

Diggin my hair w/ the flower!
Showing off my particularly ethnic features lol!

My sister came to join me...

Awww... sisterly love!

This would be her talented photography... peace...

I really liked this one for sum reason... so i decided to practice my poor photo shop skills

And some Drawing skills too!

OK so i had sum time on my hands plus i've had my Miseducation of Lauren Hill CD on repeat... which definitely inspires sum artistic qualities!

How has everyone been about keeping their hair hidden? I had to force myself to re-baggy today because i was havin a good hair day & i wanted to leave it out!
^^ Very cute. I'm thinking once I do the BC my hair will look exactly like that. I've already chopped some off in the back and it looks just like yours. You make me want to just grab the scissors now! But I'm waiting until it's warmer.

Right now I'm DC'ing (yes, at 2 a.m.), watching Fresh Prince reruns and listening to Miseducation too. I dunno what I'm gonna do without school :perplexed
Well you are quite the multitasker lol!

i didn't know u were transitioning... congrats! going natural was the best decision i ever made... but about taking the scissors to ur head... um yea that was me... i got out the shower had just washed my hair & just freaked out & went after those relaxed ends... some of my friends walked into my room & thot i was having a nercous breakdown lol!
OK so i had sum time on my hands plus i've had my Miseducation of Lauren Hill CD on repeat... which definitely inspires sum artistic qualities!

How has everyone been about keeping their hair hidden? I had to force myself to re-baggy today because i was havin a good hair day & i wanted to leave it out!

GIRLIE!! Your pic are beautiful and I got that same cd on REPEAT!! I've been going thru stuff, but Laurynmakes it all worthwhile loool I LOVE HER!! Hey I've heard of Morton too! I had to drive there all the time when I was in Driver's Ed! lol ...damn woods....I saw a deer and almost died....and died again
1. Choose a bad habit you want to break- not moisturizing daily

2. No heat- once a week

3. Regular washes/Cowashes- atleast every other day

4. Keep hair wrapped and/or baggied when bummin around the house- yum keep it braided up

5. Wear styles that keep your hair off your winter gear whenever you go out- protective styling it.

6. DC every wash- Do this already

7. Do something extra!- Take a multi every single day & drink protein shakes. not sure yet...maybe exercise daily.
im in... i have a weave in right now, but this thursday is my last day and i will be taking it out... so i plan on taking good care of my hair until i go back the last week in January...

im so excited...! this is the first time im gonna be taking care of my hair since i joined...:grin:

1. Choose a bad habit you want to break- i always have my hands in my hair... and i never knew about moisturizing...

2. No heat- once a week

3. Regular washes/Cowashes- i dont think my hair will do so well with co-washes, so i'll wash it once a week...

4. Keep hair wrapped and/or baggied when bummin around the house- yi'll wrap it... even though i think i may be wrapping it too tight becuz one side of my hair is noticeably shorter and thinner... the side that goes up...

5. Wear styles that keep your hair off your winter gear whenever you go out- i dont really know any protective styles cuz my hair is kinda in between lengths now... ponytails look odd and my hair is too thin for buns... i guess i'll figure something out..

6. DC every wash- will do.

7. Do something extra!- i take a multivitamin. i wanna exercise.

this should be fun! :yep:
Ok i was EXTRA bored today!... Some pics i took:

Diggin my hair w/ the flower!
Showing off my particularly ethnic features lol!

My sister came to join me...

Awww... sisterly love!

This would be her talented photography... peace...

I really liked this one for sum reason... so i decided to practice my poor photo shop skills

And some Drawing skills too!

OK so i had sum time on my hands plus i've had my Miseducation of Lauren Hill CD on repeat... which definitely inspires sum artistic qualities!

How has everyone been about keeping their hair hidden? I had to force myself to re-baggy today because i was havin a good hair day & i wanted to leave it out!

Cute pics! I love the flower. Your curls are pretty :).

I tried a braidout today but the pics didn't come out that good.

I'm supposed to be studying for the final I have tomorrow, but I can't muster up the motivation :ohwell:.
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I'm in! I'm off from school until January so this will give me optimum time to refine my regimine and start taking great care of my hair. I would like to break the bad habit of always running my fingers through and playing with my hair. And I'll try my very best to keep my hair wrapped up or in a bun or something while I'm at home.
Okay so i havnt applied MN in a few days but i sprayed my hair with a homemade spritz and have been in a plastic cap for a few hours. On another note my braids look awful bc so much growth :grin: my digi camera has no batteries:wallbash: Ill try to post some pics ASAP. i hope you all are enjoying the holidays please keep the thread informed on your progress.

choconillaprincess OMG your hair is BOMB DIGGITY :lachen:i love that top you have on its so um.... classic:yep:. Your lil sis is TOOO cute and can take a great picture.(thats my fav)
Okay so i havnt applied MN in a few days but i sprayed my hair with a homemade spritz and have been in a plastic cap for a few hours. On another note my braids look awful bc so much growth :grin: my digi camera has no batteries:wallbash: Ill try to post some pics ASAP. i hope you all are enjoying the holidays please keep the thread informed on your progress.

I need another batter too!! My camera just like died...and I forgot to pack my charger :wallbash::wallbash:. I've been doing good so far w00t w00t!! I've been practicin on my rollersets, but my hair is getting to thick I'm 8 or 9 weeks post so I just braided the back and have it curled in the front. Facing me, it looks like I still have a rollerset! lol Yall I want some buns, but I dunno what I need to buy...and where to buy it from...I'm broke from holiday shoppin and hair illiterate...:sad:
How's everyone doing?! I just wanted to drop in & say Merry Christmas & I hope santa treats you well... I hope you stayed off the naughty list & didn't veg out on the couch w/ loose hair! Don't make me come over there! :brucelee:

Oh! & don't forget to show us how you wore your hair for christmas!!!

P.s. mini update: I just began using MN every other night(on wash days) & I think I'm gettin the growth itchies! & also I did another measurement & I've got 1"(ish) till BSL! yay me!!!!
How's everyone doing?! I just wanted to drop in & say Merry Christmas & I hope santa treats you well... I hope you stayed off the naughty list & didn't veg out on the couch w/ loose hair! Don't make me come over there! :brucelee:

Oh! & don't forget to show us how you wore your hair for christmas!!!

P.s. mini update: I just began using MN every other night(on wash days) & I think I'm gettin the growth itchies! & also I did another measurement & I've got 1"(ish) till BSL! yay me!!!!

I am doing well. I deep conditioned and wrapped last night. I offically made shoulder length this month so my 07 goal was actually met. I am going to do a clear rinse this week.
I didn't get to rollerset. Days are busier than I thought they would be. I finally got the chance to deep condition. It was so relaxing, sitting in my new fluffy robe with a magazine and the heating cap....



After a while I got bored...

My hair didn't turn out how I'd like it sooo no pics of that.
Indirect heat just makes my hair so much better.
i think I'm doing pretty good, I cut back on washing because of the cold and to not manipulate too much. Through two weeks, I straightened my hair twice and had it pinned up every night with coconut oil. Now I'm airdrying for a while. I haven't had a chance to rollerset either because I just don't feel like putting all that time into it. I may do it before I go back to school next week, but still dont know.
How's everyone doing?! I just wanted to drop in & say Merry Christmas & I hope santa treats you well... I hope you stayed off the naughty list & didn't veg out on the couch w/ loose hair! Don't make me come over there! :brucelee:

Oh! & don't forget to show us how you wore your hair for christmas!!!

P.s. mini update: I just began using MN every other night(on wash days) & I think I'm gettin the growth itchies! & also I did another measurement & I've got 1"(ish) till BSL! yay me!!!!

My update : Been moisturizing everyday and stretched a couple of weeks longer than normal. TU and length check last week....I finally made APL! Got satin pillowcases as backup for my scarf falling off. Figured out how to airdry without my hair being crunchy.

My SHS commented on how healthy my hair looked and volunteered that I didn't need a trim! That's a change. I also decided I'm firing my stylist though after spending 2 hours waiting for her to start on me.:nono:

Hope everyone is having a great break!

Alex- you look so comfy and cute in your robe!
^^^ I agree you look super cute... I wish I had a dryer...

So this weekend I went to visit sum fam in Cajuntown (harrisonburg, LA... close to Jena) & they are all pentecostal... it was like long hair heaven! I know everyone's seen white women with long hair rite? well not like this! One lady was standing next to me in the kitchen & started complaining about her [huge and beautiful] bun hurting her head... so she took it down & shook it out... let me tell you it was down to her KNEES... & the ends were not thin stringy whatsoever! they were just as thick & healthy as her roots!... so then she proceeds to wrap it around her waist:shocked: and gently seperate the tangles with her fingers... it was gorgeous really... ok now imagine this woman & 10+ more just like her walking around lookin like Rapunzel! including her identical twin sister... let me tell you i just could NOT stop staring & drooling!
Update: I've been doing pretty well with my challenge. I've succeeded in curing the excessive dryness in my ends. I've been bunning up my hair and moisturizing it regularly. My hair feels much softer and looks shinier. Since my hair is getting to the point where I'm developing NG (in less than a month after my relaxer :drunk:) I'm also challenging myself to only combing my hair two days a week to prevent breakage. And lastly, my Brahmi powder finally came in the mail so I can begin developing a good Ayurvedic routine.
I started doing cowashes twice a week lol (Even though my mom still thinks I wet my hair too much lool smh) And my hair feels a LOT softer and healthier. It has a little more shine to it. I dunno if it is getting longer yet but it sure is getting prettier to look at lol! And I'm finally mastering the art of rollersetting. I just dunno hwo to make it look really really kute when I take the rollers out :look::look: But hey I'm learning! I can't wait to see yalls progress
Update: Today I washed and deep conditioned my hair. I'm noticing that my new growth is becoming more and more prevalent, and it's only been about a month post relaxer, so I'm excited :grin:. I've been following an ayurvedic routine of washing and conditioning. Twice a week a wash my hair with a mixture of Aritha and Brahmi powder, using a teaspoon of each added to hot water. I let it brew until it's cool, then I rinse my hair with it, allow it to stay in my hair for about 2 minutes, then I co-wash it out. Afterward I follow up with DC'ing. Today I added henna to my DC mixture, and my hair feels really soft and moveable. And I haven't been manipulating my hair much, either. I only comb it twice a week and keep it bunned up most of the time. I can't wait to see the results of my hard work in March!
Since i will be back in class next week here are my results for my christmas break challange. I kept these braids in for about 20 days. I sprayed my braids 2x a day with a homemade spritz. And applied MN mix if not everyday every other day and baggie every night for @ least two hours. I’m in another set of braids but I cant wait to see everyone’s results.:yep:

check fotki 4 pics
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I did really good this break as far as my hair is concerned. I co washed and dc'd twice a week alternating between protein and moisturizing. I only washed my hair with regular shampoo twice, I had to use my garlic poo, I have been having some shedding issues. Since school starts back next week I got my hair braided today, I want to try to keep it braided for 2months but I look like a big kid:nono: so i may only be able to do 4wks, but I will attempt to go for longer. I hope you ladies enjoyed your break, back to the classroom we go.... :spinning: