Stuck on Start with my hair


Active Member
Ok ladies,

So I am fairly new to the site well officially that is. I have been stalking since July and have tried to get from neck length to shoulder length but it feels "impossible". I am guilty of PJism and I hardly ever stay consistent with hair products. I do however wash once a week and deep condition my hair. One thing that I probably was missing were vitamins. I have just started my daily intake of a multivitamin and hair nails and skin from GNC hoping this will jump start my growth. I seem to be having a difficult time as well balancing the protein and the moisture. About two months into my hair journey my hair was thriving beyond anything I could imagine. I was getting major thickness and thought that I was doing well. Then it happened... I got ANXIOUS because the hair wasn't growing fast enough so I put a weave in. I only left it in for 3 weeks because I started missing my hair too much. My hair seemed to be in a holding pattern. I had retained a teeny bit of length but not much. I understand that patience is a virtue but I just need some encouragement and motivation from my you all. I have learned a lot from the boards and I know where to come to get sound advice to get me over the hump from neck length to shoulder length. Health before length anyday but can I have BOTH:wallbash:
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When you first start out, its hard to avoid the PJism because you want to find what works and what doesn't, and nail down a regimen.

Have you thought about keeping a hair journal? I started keeping one so I could keep track of what products worked or didn't work, and once I started seeing a pattern it helped me figure out a good regimen. Before then I was just jumping from one thing to the next.

Sometimes this site can be information overload. Try to stick to something for a little bit, and then evaluate its effectiveness.

Having patience will come too. For the longest time I never thought I would make it, but now I am a believer.
Yes. In the very beginning I did keep a hair journal and it was then that I noticed the most productivity. I will go back to the journaling to maybe narrow down what works and what doesn't. Thanks for the advice and encouragement. Your progress pics are amazing! I know I'll get there ONE day.:yep: