

New Member
This is my first time posting in this forum, but something is really weighing heavy on my heart. So I was having a conversation with a co-worker and I am currrently going through some major struggles in my life. I have been on the verge of tears since the conversation in which I was told that love would never come into my life without loving the Lord first. I have been through the ringer a lot in my life, and although I believe in God and was raised in the the church I am struggling with my faith. I all of of sudden felt inadequate if that makes sense. I totally shut down and the the conversation ended. I know I am not where I need to be in my walk, I know that. but i felt uncomfortable and now not sure if I can be myself around this person. How can I tell this person nicely to not preach to me?
As Christians, some of us tend to talk way more than we listen not realizing that we're often doing more harm than good. What she said was more than likely said out of love for you. It's unfortunate that it didn't come off that way. At this point, you most definitely know where she stands so there doesn't seem to be a need for her to continue to preach to you. Because then she would just be beating you over the head with it. You most certainly don't need to be beat over the head with anything. You already know that you're struggling and that your walk isn't where it needs to be. In time. All in due time. Sometimes we need to be literally brought to our knees before we realize that nothing works outside of His will. Been there done that, girl.

Just know that He's waiting on you. He sees you. He knows you're weary. He knows you're struggling and suffering. He wants more than anything to hold you in His arms and take the pain away. All you have to do is call on His name.

Post here as often as you'd like because we love you no matter what. There will always be someone here to encourage you. :yep:

Just know that He's waiting on you. He sees you. He knows you're weary. He knows you're struggling and suffering. He wants more than anything to hold you in His arms and take the pain away. All you have to do is call on His name.

Post here as often as you'd like because we love you no matter what. There will always be someone here to encourage you. :yep:

I stand in agreement.
I have noticed harsh words rarely win hearts.
Here is a little something I enjoy...
Sonya, everything that Mocha5 and Daaiyah have ministered to you is perfect.

Now here's one more thing to add. Do not believe a word that your co-worker said to you. NOT A WORD or A SYLLABLE. Not a word! :nono:

But love them! Indeed love them. Pray prayers of love over your co-worker and over yourself. Then let God do the rest. You have nothing to fear regarding this person and nothing to shed any tears about.

Just be beautiful and loveable, YES LOVABLE YOU....and move on into even more love for God is going to show you that this person's words were not applicable to you.

For you: :bighug: :love4:
This is my first time posting in this forum, but something is really weighing heavy on my heart. So I was having a conversation with a co-worker and I am currrently going through some major struggles in my life. I have been on the verge of tears since the conversation in which I was told that love would never come into my life without loving the Lord first. I have been through the ringer a lot in my life, and although I believe in God and was raised in the the church I am struggling with my faith. I all of of sudden felt inadequate if that makes sense. I totally shut down and the the conversation ended. I know I am not where I need to be in my walk, I know that. but i felt uncomfortable and now not sure if I can be myself around this person. How can I tell this person nicely to not preach to me?


We love you!!!!
Dear Sonya,

I'm sorry for your hurt. I know that some people can say things without really discerning how someone may feel afterwards.

Always know that were ALWAYS loved by God, even when you were in your mother's womb. He loved you then and His love still remains.

It may feel as though everything is going against you; but are you able to lift your head and confess the love of God in Jesus Christ for you? But, you say, what is proof of God's love for me? Where do I find the confidence that His love is even stronger than the love of my mother?

God responds: "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:16

When we love someone, we have an image of the loved one that we keep close to us. God has your image with Him continually. Your image is graven upon the palms of His hands. God has placed an image of you as close to Himself as possible-on the palms of His hands. On the palms of His hands it is always close to Him and always before His face. He can not loose sight of you. You are always before His eyes.

What is the image that God constantly has before His eyes? It is an exact portrait of you and me in Jesus Christ. Thankfully, it is not a picture of what we are by nature- a murderer, adulterer, thief, liar. It is a picture of you covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.

The image is a perfect image inscribed on the palms of His hands reflecting who you are by grace! It is an image of your perfection in Jesus Christ. The inscription on the palms of God is a picture of your holiness and righteousness in Jesus, your Redeemer. You are the perfection of beauty as you are engraven on God's hands. This image is the image of Zion that is eternally determined in Christ. God sees us eternally in Jesus Christ. That is the image graven upon the palms of His hands.

That we are engraven is significant. We are so permanently etched that the image can never be erased or blotted out. Nothing can separate us from Jehovah God. Our pictures and images will last a while, but eventually they are outdated or no longer available. God decrees and ordains His people in such a way that their image in Christ is permanently graven upon His palms. He loves them and they are the objects of His affection. He loves them with an unchanging and eternal love. So deeply are we graven, that we are eternally chosen in God's love to be the perfect image of Jesus Christ. We are eternally secure! The New Testament sets forth the same teaching in John 10: 28-29: "Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."

Be blessed, my sister...and don't you ever forget...."Who Loves You, Baby?"
Dear heart, I am sorry for these words that may have been well intentioned, but were ill spent. Know that when you were in your mother's womb, you were and are loved, right now, as you are. We are more that conquerers through Him that loved us, because God loved us first.

And because God loves us so much, he is gracious. He looks beyond our faults, struggles and challenges and sees our needs. I can tell that in your heart you are seeking Him, and although you are struggling, know that you struggle not alone. God is with us. Remember Jaciob was renamed Isreal , which means "Him that struggles with man and God and wins." We are all struggling, but you can take comfort in knowing that God is with you, and he is there working it out for you all the time.
Sometimes people say things maybe the wrong way or wrong time. It sounds like they may not have had discernment from God. As you grow closer to God he will be give you the love of your life. We all should feel inadequate when it comes to God and reason we do not is because he loves us so and makes us feel comfortable in his arms. People make mistakes but always look in the end look at what they are saying. This happen to me at Church this lady said something to me and cried all the way home and when I got in the mirror at home to clean my face God said to me, "Now what did she say". I realize it was good information just delivered wrong. God bless and praying for your relationship in GOd will grow and blossom into a beautiful flower.